BMHS Parent/Family Update
July 24th, 2024
August 23, 2024
Fall MAP Testing
We will begin Fall MAP testing on Tuesday and Thursday of this week. It is very important that students are at school, on time, and ready to go on both testing days. All students will take the reading assessment on Tuesday. All students will take the math assessment on Thursday. Students who attend Gateway will take the MAP assessments in the afternoon when they return from Gateway.
We use this data to track the academic progress of our students. We also use this data to place our students into intervention and extension groups for both math and reading. Please have a conversation with your student about giving their best effort. We want to make sure we have accurate data to measure the progress of our students and to make sure we are delivering the supports or extensions that they need.
Backpack and Lockers
Students ARE NOT permitted to carry backpacks to class during the instructional day. All backpacks should be locked up in their locker at the beginning of the day. Students are permitted to go to their locker any time during class transitions to get materials for class. If a student would like to carry a bag to class, our partners at St. Elizabeth Healthcare have donated clear plastic bags for students to use. If a student is interested in using one of the clear bags to carry materials, please have them stop by the main office to get a bag.
Return Back to School Forms
On Wednesday of this past week, students were sent home with a packet that included all of the annual back to school forms that need to be completed and turned back in at school. The forms will included:
- Photo/Video Release
- Student Emergency Information
- Student Medicaid
- Student Residency Verification
- Student Handbook/District Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
Please make sure that all forms are turned in back at school as soon as possible.
Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
School will be CLOSED on Monday, September 2nd, 2024 in observance of Labor Day.
Fall Picture Day
Mark your calendar.....Fall Picture Day is Tuesday, September 10th. Ordering information will be coming out soon.
Optional ACT Date for Seniors
We are offering an opportunity for any interested Senior to take to take the ACT on Tuesday, October 1st. This is FREE of charge. All interested Seniors should see Mr. Pelgen to sign up to take the test.
ACT Support for Juniors
We are proud to announce that we have partnered with TorchPrep to provide all of our Juniors with ACT tutoring for the 24-25 school year. All Juniors will take an ACT baseline test this fall. We will then meet with the entire Junior class to go over their data. TorchPrep with then provide our students with ACT prep material based on their scores beginning in January of 2025 in preparation for the statewide Junior ACT assessment in March of 2025. More information to come!
Athletic Event Attendance Policy
Please see the information below for our athletic event attendance policy for the 2024-2025 season.
Athletic Admission Prices
Due to the rising costs of staging athletic events, we are implementing a new pricing schedule for the upcoming football and basketball seasons. Please see the information below for the admission prices for the 2024-2025 season. All tickets MUST be purchased using the GoFan app.
Upcoming Athletic Events
Varsity Football
8/30 - vs. Trimble County (Home Opener) 7:30pm
9/6 - vs. Pendleton County 7:00pm
Varsity Volleyball
8/27 - @ Calvary Christian
8/28 - vs. Beechwood @ St. Henry Athletic Complex
9/10 - Ludlow 7:00pm
9/12 - Walton Verona 7:00pm
Varsity Girls Soccer
8/26 @ Covington Latin
9/5 - Highlands 6:00pm
Boys/Girls Cross Country
8/24 @ Panda Classic @ Williamstown High School
9/7 - Mason County Invitational @ Mason County High School
9/7 - All A State Championships in Richmond, KY
Dress Code Reminder
Our students have done an excellent job following the dress code so far. One minor reminder....all students should wear shirts that cover their stomach. Per the student dress code, bare midriffs are not permissible. Please make sure you and your student reviews the Bellevue Middle School/High School Student Handbook and District Code of Conduct. Don't hesitate to contact Mr. Spicher at with any questions.
School Cell Phone/Device Policy
Our students have also done an excellent job adapting to the new cell phone policy. Just as a reminder, Bellevue Middle School/High School will be following a new cell phone/device policy in order to protect the instructional time of the day. Students are not permitted to have cell phones or ear buds in class during the instructional time. When students enter the classroom, they will put their devices into a clear pocket that is hanging on the classroom door. They will be able to take their cell phone and ear buds with them when they leave the classroom. The policy will be for all classes in grades 6-12.
Students are permitted to have their phones and ear buds on them during arrival, transitions in between classes, lunch, and dismissal. In the event of an emergency, students will need the permission of building administration to use their cell phone during instructional time. We will send you and your student a full copy of our student handbook as we get closer to the school year starting.
Outside Food and Drinks
Due to federal breakfast/lunch guidelines, students are not permitted to bring outside food an drinks into the building. This includes large caffeinated drinks from places like Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks. This also applies to our students who are taking classes at Gateway or NKU. Students are permitted to carry water bottles with them during the day. They are also welcome to still pack a lunch and bring it to school.
Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line
In order to promote a safe and health school environment, we encourage all of our students to report suspicious activity, safety concerns, or mental health concerns to a trusted adult. If they do not feel comfortable talking to an adult in the building, they can always report concerns to the Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line at 1-866-393-6659. All reports to the Kentucky Safe Schools Tip Line are completely anonymous.
Bellevue, Kentucky 41073