C.I.S. Newsletter
Parents - March 2025
February Character Education Students Recognized for Empathy
Make-Up Days
School will be in session on the following days as make-up days.
March 13, March 17, April 21 and May 22.
Read Across America and Puzzla Palooza
Read Across America is being celebrated this week at C.I.S. The Title Spring Event, Puzzle Palooza, is also this week. I am attaching the flyers below containing details.
Please Note Date Change for State and District Spring Assessment Dates
As you are scheduling appointments for your child for April/May, please try to schedule around MAP weeks if at all possible.
State and District Assessment Dates:
Week of April 14 - MAP testing in English Language Arts for grades 3-5 (No School April 18)
Week of April 21 - MAP testing in Math for grades 3-5
Week of April 28 - MAP testing in Science for grade 5
Week of May 5 - STAR and NWEA testing for grades 3-5
C.I.S. School Hours
Dates of tutoring for those that are involved are as follows:
Reading and Math
March 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, and 27 (Please note March 11 and 13 have been added since we are in school on the 13th)
April 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22 and 24
Cameron R-I School District Calendar (can also be found on the website)
March/April Important Dates
March 6 - C.I.S. Spring Pictures - individual and class
March 10 - Children's Literature Festival
March 11-13 - C.I.S. Book Fair
March 11 - Spring Title I Event for Parkview and C.I.S. at C.I.S from 4:00-6:00p.m.
March 11 - Book Fair family event from 4:00-6:00p.m.
March 12 - End of 3rd quarter
March 13 - School IS in session
March 14 - No school
March 17 - School IS in session
March 21 - Grade cards will be sent home
March 28 - PTSA Glow Dance at C.I.S. - information coming soon
April 4 - Community Partnerships visit C.I.S.
April 14 - This week is MAP ELA week
April 18 - No School - Good Friday
April 21 - School IS in session
April 21 - This week is MAP Math week
April 23 - 3rd grade reading event after school with Mrs. Pennington - information coming soon
April 28 - This week is MAP Science week (5th grade only)
Cameron Intermediate
Website: www.cameron.k12.mo.us
Location: 915 Park Avenue, Cameron, MO, USA
Phone: 816-882-1046
Facebook: facebook.com/cameronintermediateschool