RGMS Weekly News 4/24/24
Community ~ Equity ~ Growth
Important Dates Ahead
4/26 8th Gr Spring Pictures, 9:45am-4:00pm ***DATE CHANGE***
5/10 Last day to order a yearbook
5/11 Gather for Gray - Hard Maybes, 7pm, @ the Cider Mill
5/13 News with Newlyn - 9am join HERE
5/24 5th grade Welcome to RGMS
5/27-6/1 6th Grade @ Outdoor School
6/06 8th Grade Celebration Day @ Oaks Park, 9:30am - 2:30pm
6/13 8th Grade Promotion in the Ida B. Wells Auditorium with PTA Family Reception to follow, 6:30pm
Click here for the full RGMS calendar
From Principal Lisa Newlyn
Hey Hey Robert Gray -
The sunny skies and warmer temps gave us a taste of what's to come as we round out the year. There is a lot at play right now as we plan for end of year celebrations while also shaping the year ahead. I'll share some insight into all of that here. For more detailed information and updates, join me for the next News with Newlyn:
RGMS News with Newlyn
Monday, May 13 · 9:00 – 9:30am
Time zone: America/Los_Angeles
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/rjs-vmda-iqc
Or dial: (US) +1 262-546-6414 PIN: 133 615 297#
More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/rjs-vmda-iqc?pin=8718625634493
Portables Planning
With the news that portable installation is delayed, we are shifting our thinking about making a move out of our current classroom configurations. Talking with staff, I hear our team reflecting that while our situation is not ideal, we are able to make the best of it until the end of the year. If we find out that it's reasonable to make a move to the portables on a time line that makes it worth the time and energy to get it going, we'll do it. The timeline projections right now signal to us that we will be staying put. That's OK. We'll be fine.
Gray Campus Restoration
The project teams on the RGMS Campus are active. When I was there two weeks ago, insulation was going in and preparations were in place for the next phase of the project, which I believe is roof replacement. The upper hall remains the same, and given that the upper hall is accessible intermittently, we are planning to welcome our incoming 6th graders from Hayhurst, Rieke, and Bridlemile to campus on May 24th.
Oregon State Assessment of Skills (OSAS)
We had hoped to move forward with OSAS testing after our move to the Portables. Since that is not happening imminently and the testing window is active, we are in talks with the PPS Senior Leadership Team, including Dr. Franco and Dr. Adams, to either find an alternative testing plan or request a testing waiver from the state. NO testing will be conducted next week. Stay tuned as we navigate this issue.
Budget and Staffing for 24-25
The School Board heard from Interim Superintendent Sandy Husk last night as she presented her budget proposal for next year. The cuts are deep. Some key pieces I want you to know about as I build staffing assignments based on our enrollment projection and staffing allocations. Take a look at the images below. These are some pieces of data I'm using to shape our 24/25 program. Key take aways to note:
- Our overall enrollment is projected to decline by 7 students from this year
- Due to budget decision made centrally, we will not have enough staff to run AVID elective classes or the 6th grade Media Literacy elective.
- We have to provide all students with 3 quarters of PE next year. We have not been given additional FTE to make that happen, thus the adjustment to electives.
- We no longer have funding for our Restorative Justice Coordinator, Miss Jules, nor our Campus Safety Associate, Miss Amanda.
- We will run a 7 period day, which gives students more class time for electives.
- .8 FTE (almost one full time teacher) was cut from our teaching staff allocation
The good news, there were no cuts to our Special Education staffing. We get to keep our Climate Specialist position and our Instructional Coach. Though cuts were made to their allocations district wide, I was able to configure funding to hold onto our Media Specialist and Counseling team. Middle Schoolers need support, and staffing positions will help teachers focus on teaching while we address social emotional issues and academic supports.
The politics of education has forced us to scramble to respond to the budgets cuts we face this year. It will not get better. I strongly encourage you to attend the upcoming PTA meeting on May 15th. Look for meeting information, below. Our PTA sees the dilemma and is ready to share their collective voices.
Last, I'm grateful to our Foundation and to all of you in our community who have donated money to support staffing. The extra funds go a long way to support our program at RGMS, whether we hire staff from it or not. Join us on May 11 at the Cider Mill for our final Gather for Gray event @7pm.
In the meantime, I continue to be impressed with our teaching team. Teachers are providing thoughtful, meaningful instruction. Student behavior tells me that they are engaged and active as learners. Given the complexities of our situation, I am grateful that life at JGray feels stable. Soon students will get their own JGray TShirt - a once in a lifetime memento of something that was never planned for, but has been managed with students at the center.
There's more to read, so scroll down for all the latest in the land of RGMS.
In Community,
Lisa Newlyn - Principal
RGMS New & Timely
Middle School Choir Festival
8th Grade Photos
Friday, 4/26
8th grade spring pictures will be taken on April 26. THIS IS A DATE CHANGE!
Order forms were sent home last week.
You can order online at mylifetouch.com with Picture Day ID EVTDZSF9X
Wells Girls' Summer Soccer Camps
RGMS Reminders and Weekly Announcements
Click here to see the Daily Student Announcements
From the Office
Please remind your student to charge their Chromebook overnight so they are ready to use the next day at school.
Please continue to use the Robert Gray MS phone number, 503 916 5676 to get ahold of RGMS secretaries. Calls are being forwarded to RGMS secretaries at Jackson MS.
Markham Elementary, Jackson MS & Robert Gray MS all have school buses arriving at different times, beginning at 3pm, at Jackson. If you need to pick up your student early from school, please, if at all possible, plan on doing so before 3pm when buses begin arriving. It is a very busy place after 3pm. Please park in the upper lot and walk to the main door, ring the bell and come to the office to sign out your student.
8th Grade Celebrations Ahead
We are looking forward to celebrating the Class of 2028 as they promote from RGMS in June! Some important dates to hold onto:
- 06/06 @ 9:30am - 2:30pm Celebration Day @ Oaks Park
- 06/13 @ 6:30pm Promotion in the Ida B. Wells Auditorium with PTA Family Reception to follow
High School Volunteer Opportunities
8th Grade Parents
Looking for a way to get involved at Ida B. Wells High School next year? The Ida B. Wells PTA works to keep parents informed, support teachers, advocate for the Ida B. Wells community, and fund teacher grants and academic programs. We provide funds for classroom projects, staff recognition, and academic scholarships, as well as arrange parent education workshops and sponsor the grad night party.
The IBW PTA is looking to fill leadership positions for 2024-2025. Most positions involve a time commitment of only 2-5 hours/month, with meetings about every other month. We still need to fill the following board roles: president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and membership. Open committee chair: fundraising. Experienced board and committee members are available to assist in the transition next year.
Learn more about the IBW PTA on the school website here. For an overview of all the IBW parent groups see here. Questions? Email Julie Worley at idabwellspta@gmail.com.
RGMS Dance Photos
Photographer, Amanda Shamma, from Ambient Sky Photography has posted dance photos for FREE high res download. Use the link below:
Link: https://www.ambientsky.com/gray24/
Password to access gallery: Gray2024
Please keep her in mind for your family photo needs!
RGMS Lifetouch Yearbook 2023-24
Order Your Yearbook Now!
The last day to order a yearbook is quickly approaching! Student yearbooks will be on sale until Friday, May 10th.
Robert Gray Middle School
Yearbook ID: 14931524
RGMS SUN School Schedule
SUN Snack Wishlist
Affinity Space Updates
RGMS Affinity Spaces are BACK!
Check out our Affinity Space and Lunch Club schedule.
ADPI pictures below.
RGMS Foundation News
The RGMS Foundation raises money to augment our elective options. The money raised is used at the principals discretion.
More Gather for Gray Music Nights
We are excited to be hosting more Music Nights at the Cider Mill. All events are from 7-9 PM, with minors allowed until 9 PM. Below are the dates for the upcoming events.
Saturday May 11-The Hard Maybes
BottleDrop Drive
1. Get Blue bags from the following locations: Rieke area-1656 SW Sunset Blvd.; Hayhurst area: 5252 SW Idaho St.; Bridlemile area-4031 SW Jerald Way
2 Fill Your Bags!
3. Return Full Bags to any BottleDrop location or Burlingame Fred Meyer.
4 Scan the Barcode on the bag to unlock the self-service bag drop.
Questions: Melissa Light, grayschoolfoundation@gmail.com
PTA Meeting May 15 at 6:30 – Over Zoom!!!!
Haven’t joined the PTA yet? Do so now using this link.
You will have to select “ROBERT GRAY MS PTA (PORTLAND)” as your “Local Unit”. The rest
is straightforward and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Membership is $20 for the year.
Do you wish to make a one-time or recurring donation to PTA? You can do so here. Click “Donate” then enter your amount and indicate your intent to donate monthly if desired!
Robert Gray PTA Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for ways to get involved this year? Use the following form to sign up for the events you are interested in and you will receive a follow up email with additional information. The time and support of our volunteers is greatly appreciated. Without it we couldn't make special Gray events happen! Some of these events include Run for Gray, Teacher Appreciation Week, Bottle Drop Fundraiser, Sustainability and extra supervision during lunch time, and more. Please consider volunteering or donating as you are able.
RGMS Volunteer Sign-up
Thank you for your time and support! Looking forward to a great year!
Get RGMS Text Alerts!
Get text alerts about school closures, delays, emergencies and school events:
Text YES to 68453
Fliers Approved for Distribution by PPS
US Congressional Art Competition (entries due 5:30pm, Mon. Apr. 29)
(Rules) (Student Release Form)
Camps, Classes, & After School Programs:
VIBE of Portland S.H.I.N.E. for Young Artists Summer Camps (Jun. 24-28, Jul. 1-3, Jul. 8-12, Aug. 12-16)
Portland Art Intensive at Buckman (Jun. 17 - Jul. 12)
Rec Tennis Maplewood Tennis Afterschool Zone (Apr. 9 - May 28)
Portland Metro Fire Camp for Women (Portland Jun. 21-23, Sherwood Jul. 12-14)
City of Portland / Rose City Self-Defense Workshop Series:
Foster / Powell neighborhood, April 10 & 17
VIBE of Portland East Winds Band Camp (July 22-26)
(Spanish) (Russian)VIBE of Portland Music & Digital Art Classes for Kids
Cognizart 360 Arts Summer Camp (Jul. 8-12, 15-19, & 22-26)
Preschool Programs:
Portland Parks Preschool 2024-25
“Portland Parks & Recreation is holding a registration lottery for our Educational Preschool program for the 2024-25 school year. Interested families can apply now through February 21 to be included in the lottery.”Multnomah Early Childhood Program Free Preschool Classes
(Spanish) (Vietnamese)
Community Events & Information:
Prevention Rocks Conference: A free, family-friendly event focused on reducing youth substance use. (Apr. 20)
Oregon State University Summer Dog-training Research Program for Children with Developmental Differences
City of Portland 311 Non-Emergency Hotline
(Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali)
Vaccinations, Health & Wellness:
About Us
Email: lnewlyn@pps.net
Website: https://www.pps.net/gray
Location: 5505 Southwest 23rd Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 916-5676
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robertgraymiddleschool
Attendance Reporting: grayattend@pps.net