Robins K-8
October Newsletter
Hello Families of Robins K-8 students,
It’s October and time is passing by very quickly! We had our first student of the month “popcorn” celebration and looking forward to the next one. Our school celebrated and recognized the “National Hispanic Heritage Month” and after fall Break we will be honoring the “National Italian American Heritage” month and “National Filipino American Heritage” month, for the remainder of October. We always invite parents to come join in on our school wide celebrations. So, if you have a favorite story to about your heritage and/or culture, please arrange to read it to students in the library!
This quarter, we will focus on providing interventions in the areas of reading and math for our students. We have noticed an increase of students that are struggling in their grade level with grade level materials. We will be continuing with our facilitation of our NSGRA (Next Step Guided Reading Assessment ) for all students. This assessment helps us to pinpoint a student’s reading level and we share that with students as they change levels and increase their reading throughout the school year. Click on the link below to the "Reading Rockets" website that provides reading tips sheet for parents, Reading Rockets - Tips for Parents.
We want to help our students understand their role in their academics and educational future. IT begins with taking responsibility for yourself and being responsible for your daily work requirements. Please continue to encourage your students to be responsible as it will help them be successful this school year. We are hoping that the benefit will show in their grades, classwork, and state assessment scores, but more importantly in their gained confidence regarding their individual skill level. Please utilize all of the FREE resources that our district has provided to support your child in reading and math. Have your child log into their CLEVER account and complete 20-30 minutes daily on the online programs for intervention : iREADY and IXL.
We just completed our 1st District Benchmark Assessment in Reading and Math for grades 2nd-8th. Once we have results, teachers will share with students and parents the performance levels of each student. We will take the district benchmark assessment 2 additional times prior to the State Assessment in the Spring. These Benchmark tests are great indicators for us as we determine what additional support a student may need and/or how we can challenge the student to enrich their learning.
This month of October is full of exciting school events. We have our Fall Break during the week of October 7th. October is also National Bully Prevention Month and Unity Day. We will be providing activities and assemblies to promote these school wide. We will have a professional learning day for the staff on October 23rd, so, there is no school this day for the students. Please be on the lookout for flyers announcing our October 31st Annual Falloween Parade (details listed below, dress code still applies). Lastly, our TUSD Media crew will be out this month to capture our school and students to create a new website video to promote our school. We may contact you for permission to capture your child on video if you have not completed the media release form.
Falloween Parade – October 31st
We will have a Halloween parade and all K-8 students are able to dress up and participate in the parade. The parade will start at 8:00 a.m. Students report to class for attendance first and then proceed to the parade with their teacher. We ask that all parents and families stand along the path of the parade to clap for all our students. The parade will end by 8:30 a.m. at the latest.
The following are guidelines are for you to consider as you prepare your costume.
✓ No costume face mask of any kind (only face mask as required by our district)
✓ No face paint
✓ Nothing covering the face
✓ No Blood ✓ No Guts
✓ No Weapons
✓ No Violent material
✓ No props- just the costume
All costumes must adhere to the TUSD dress policies. Costumes that do not meet the requirements will be unable to participate in the parade if their costume cannot be corrected prior to the parade they can participate in our alternative parade activity to be held in the library. Alternative Falloween Parade activity: We recognize that not all students celebrate/recognize Halloween, so we must provide an alternative for these students. A staff member will be in the library to facilitate an alternative activity with the students.
Thank you, Mrs. Thomas, Principal
October is National Bullying Prevention Month!
Please talk with your children about the importance of being a positive leader on our campus and report any bullying they see or experience. It takes all students, staff, and parents to create a safe and bully free campus!
When we return from fall break, we will be participating in TWO very important days!
On 10/16/2024 staff and students come to school wearing BLUE for our anti-bullying assembly!
On 10/22/2024, we will be recognizing National UNITY Day!
Staff and students will come to school wearing ORANGE for unity day and we will be doing a schoolwide unity project! TUSD Media will be in attendance of this event.
Please have your student wear a plain orange shirt with no logos due to TUSD media being on campus.
Parent Teacher Organization Corner
Welcome to Fall!
October 25th is trunk or treat at Robins! Please email PTO if you would like to decorate a trunk and participate! We will have toys and trinkets to hand out or you can bring your own treats. Join us. It'll be a spooktacular time!
November 15th is hobby night at Robins! If you have a hobby or skill you would like to share with others please email PTO!
We are collecting school supplies and kid snack items to distribute to the classrooms! We will have a large box in the office to collect these items, as well as at literacy night. ANY contribution really helps our staff to help our children!
We would love to have volunteers or any donations for the woot wagon we use to distribute snacks directly to the teachers the first Wednesday of each month. Snacks or monetary donations of all kinds are helpful to keep our teachers in great spirits!
We thank you all so much for your support and we couldn't help our amazing school without you!
digital volunteer form:
Socials: Instagram / Facebook
BTW your about me is so adorable! And thank you so much for all you do!!
Dean of Students Corner
Robins K-8 students are making great choices on campus ! Over 1400 Roadrunners Rock coupons have been given by the K-5 teachers and over 550 PBIS points in the middle school classrooms. Middle school students have the opportunity to spend these points on various items including mechanical pencils, books and lunch rewards with Principal Thomas or myself.
Robins K-8 students are also following school and district expectations in regard to general behaviors, however, middle school students have been using cell phones too frequently during unauthorized times and using them inappropriately during lunch. Therefore, middle school has lost the privilege to use cell phones at lunchtime.
Continue to encourage your Robins K-8 student to Be Kind and follow the three tenets of
Robins K - 8:
- Be Safe
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
Thank You for All You Do !!
John Gonzales
Dean of Students
Robins K-8
Ex. 8-4333
Cell - 1-520-370-6716
Counselor Corner
Hello Roadrunner Families,
Announcements from the Counseling Department:
· Congratulations to the newly elected Student Council officers:
o President – Jayson T.
o Vice President – Allaura S.
o Secretary – Lily R.
o Treasurer – Dillon B.
· In counseling lessons, last week all classes completed a unit to recognize International Day of Peace. The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). A UN resolution declared it a day for “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples.”
· National Junior Honor Society will be inviting academically qualified 7th and 8th grade students to apply for membership after grades post in October. Notices will go out in November. Please make sure your student earns all A’s and B’s if they are interested in NJHS.
· If you need counseling services for your student under 13 years of age, your school counselor can refer you to the Talk It Out program through TUSD and University of Arizona. You can also refer your child directly by going onto the TUSD website and clicking on the Promoting Mental Health tab.
· Small groups are underway. There was an overwhelming response for small groups. Thank you for returning the permission slip. The next round of groups will be starting at the end of October. If your child is on the waitlist, you will be notified if they will be in the next round.
· If you have any questions or concerns,
please contact Rachael Walters, Counselor, at 520.908.4322 or by email
Student Success Specialist Corner
Happy October!
This is the LAST week of quarter 1. Middle Schoolers have until THURSDAY to get all missing assignments and work into their teachers. Have your student come meet with me if they need support.
As we enter into Fall Break and cooler weather (hopefully), students may need jackets or warmer clothing. Please reach out to me via email if you need support getting these items for your students. I am happy to help.
Reminder about attendance... Be Here, On Time, Everyday!
Robins PreK-8 staff look forward to seeing your student(s) every day and we need them here to ensure they are receiving all academic instruction.
Quick reminder, here are some of the ways I can support your student:
- Academic Check-in’s/Monitoring
- Access to community resources through the district and on our campus (Clothes, glasses, shoes, food, etc.)
- Social/Emotional support and Guidance
- Attendance encouragement and support
- Organization support and assistance for students
- And much more!
Lastly, check out this link to TUSD Family Resource Center's Newsletter for more information and resources available to you.
If you need anything, reach out and I will work with you to figure out how I can assist.
You can reach me via email, kristina.sheavacraig@tusd1.org
❤️Mrs. Sheava Craig
Curriculum Specialist Corner
Students have completed their i-Ready diagnostics in kindergarten to 8th grade and their quarterly benchmark tests in grades 2-8 . Teachers have provided you with their i-Ready reports at conferences. To see their benchmark results, please have your children log into Clever, and then go into SchoolCity. You can go to reports to see how they did on the assessments. This will help you see what areas your child may need additional support in. Once you know what problems they struggled with, students can explore lessons and additional questions on the topic in IXL. Children can log into IXL, then click on Learning, from there they can choose Language Arts or Math. Then they can choose the skill they would like to work on from an extensive list. See the image below to help navigate to the skills in IXL.
Thank you for all of your support!
Library Corner
Hello, Scholars!
The Book Fair and Literacy Night were a great success. Congratulations to the winners who turned in their Reading Tickets and were able to choose a free book from the Book Fair.
Thank you for returning your overdue books so that other students can borrow them. If you still have any missing books, please look for them and bring them in so other students can check them out.
If you haven’t had a chance to admire the Hispanic Heritage Museum pieces we have in the library, you still have a couple of weeks to do so. There are some amazing pieces and amazing art by Diego Rivera, among others.
Lots of you participated in the September Bingo reading challenge. Congratulations to the lucky winners! I’m super proud and happy so many students are reading. It’s extremely important. Since it’s October, in the spirit of Halloween, I will be putting some spooky books on display for you to check out.
See you at the library!