Byam Family Summer Newsletter #2
August 2024
Message from Principal and Assistant Principal
First Day of School
Student School Supplies: As a reminder, Dr. Lang and CPS has purchased student supplies for SY24-25 for all students. These supplies include the traditional items families would buy in the past (crayons, pencil boxes, glue sticks, binders, etc.). Students will still require a backpack but our hope is that providing these supplies will assist families as we begin the school year. If you are interested in donating supplies to the classroom please reach out to your teacher(s).
Back to School Curriculum Night Date and Times
We encourage you to mark your calendars for curriculum night scheduled for Thursday, September 19th. Individual teachers will review their forms of communication and information pertaining to the grade-level curriculum. The schedule for that evening is as follows:
- 5 – 5:25 pm: Principal/Assistant Principal Presentation for 3rd and 4th Grade Families in Byam Dining Room
- 5:30 – 6:15pm: Grades 3 and 4 Teacher Presentations
- 6:15 – 7:00 pm: Specialists/ Reading/ support providers available in classrooms/offices
- 7 – 7:25pm: Principal/ Assistant Principal Presentation for Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and 2nd Grade Families in Dining Room (same as the principal/ap first presentation )
- 7:30 – 8:15pm: Grades K, 1, and 2 Teacher Presentations
Byam is very fortunate to have an active Parent Teacher Organization, the Byam School Association (BSA). The BSA provides a great deal of support for our students and teachers through enrichment activities, supplies and materials for the school, community-building events, and volunteer support throughout the school year. The first BSA meeting for Byam School will be held on the evening of Wednesday, September 11th at 7 pm in the Byam library. If you are not currently active in our BSA, please consider becoming a part of this amazing team.
Daily Bus and Car Drop off Procedures Video
Pick Up Numbers
If you are a family who will not need to use a car pick up number the first week of school, do not feel obligated to pick up your pick up card. Remaining car pick up numbers will be sent home with students in backpacks the first week of school.
Bus Registration
Information pertaining to school bus transportation may be found on the Chelmsford Public Schools website at the following link: https://www.chelmsford.k12.ma.us/domain/90. Also, please see the attached flyer and registration directions for more details. It is very important that every student is registered to ride the bus regardless of if there is a fee. Registering now allows the transportation department to begin building routes for optimum efficiency, and if you are required to pay a fee, it saves you money by registering now.
A few reminders about student transportation:
- ALL STUDENTS who desire to ride the school bus to or from school MUST REGISTER EVERY YEAR, even if they are not required to pay a fee.
- ALL REGISTRATIONS AND PAYMENTS are processed ONLINE using MySchoolBucks.
- When registering, each student must be entered separately in MySchoolBucks. This means for families with more than one child riding the bus, a registrationmust be completed for each child.
- MySchoolBucks will provide assistance for using their on-line registration system if needed during the registration process. MySchoolBucks may be reached directly at (855) 832-5226.
- Registrations requesting financial assistance must also apply for and be approved for the free and reduced lunch program. Please email your award letter to the transportation department.
You will need to look up each student in MySchoolBucks and add each student to your account. Looking each student up will require name and LASID or birthdate. Each student must be registered separately. New students to the district please allow 24 hours prior to registering on MySchoolBucks after completing the required school registration process.
Bus AM Pick up and PM Drop off
Please arrive a few minutes earlier than your child's bus pick up and drop off time. We request families be patient with the first few weeks of bus transportation pick up and drop off times as the first weeks of school times can vary.
Bus Passes: Expect to receive bus passes in the mail the week of Monday, August 19th. Any questions on bus registration, please click on this link: https://chelmsfordschools.org/departments/transportation/
Bus Reminder: Students are not permitted to switch buses, and are only permitted to ride what is printed on their bus pass.
Elementary School Lunch and Breakfast
Massachusetts continues to offer free public school lunch and breakfast at no charge to students. Milk only options continue to be at a charge of 75 cents. New this year...Byam families no longer need to sign up for breakfast, all students will have option for a free breakfast each morning. Students are even able to take a breakfast bag in the morning and use it for snack that day. We will review with students the breakfast pick up locations. Families however have the option to 'opt out' of student breakfast, please inform your teacher if you prefer to opt out of student access to school breakfast.
This does not automatically make families eligible for any other benefits. We strongly encourage families that feel they are eligible for transportation or extended day reduced tuition to fill out the online free and reduced meal application. The links can be found below. https://cpsnutrition.com/index.php?sid=1478035692058&page=lunchapps
Please visit our school nutrition home page website at https://cpsnutrition.com/index.php?sid=1478035692058 for more information about our program and also a link to the free and reduced lunch application.
If you do qualify for benefits you most likely will be eligible for SNAP benefits. https://www.mass.gov/snap-benefits-formerly-food-stamps
Some examples of SNAP benefits are discounts on gas, electric utilities and internet services.
Remaining Building Tours
- 8/21 Grade 2 Building Tour 10:00 am
- 8/22 Kindergarten Building Tour 2:00 pm
*Students from any grade can attend these tours.
Bus Transportation
Please visit the transportation website at https://chelmsfordschools.org/departments/transportation/ for more information on how to register for the bus.
If you haven't registered for school bus transportation, and will be taking the bus at some point during the school year, pleasae register for school bus transportation at the link above in advance.
Byam Transportation Form
Medication Drop Off
Chelmsford Public Schools family/student handbook 2024-2025
Please click on the button below to view the districts family/student handbook for the 2024-25 school year. This handbook can also be found on the CPS Website.
We encourage families to review the CPS Empowered Digital Use Guidelines within the handbook as we have seen an uptick in technology violations as children continue to become more tech savvy. The CPS Empowered Digital Use Guidelines begins on page 47 within the handbook. Adhering to district and school expectations is essential when engaging with technology.
School Lunch Calendar
We're Hiring! Come be part of our amazing Byam staff!
Do you you or anyone you know of seeking full time employment? We continue to seek paraeducators to interview and hire for our Byam staff! Contact Betsy Dolan at dolane@chelmsford.k12.ma.us for school spring online application information.
We are also always welcoming new members to add to our Byam substitute pool. Substituting can range from covering roles such as teacher, paraeducator, recess aide, specialists, etc. Training is provided. Contact Bridget Freelove in human resources for more information, freeloveb@chelmsford.k12.ma.us.
If you are interested in volunteering in our school (should an opportunity present itself) please be sure to contact Mrs. Murphy in our school office to make an appointment to fill out a CORI form. All volunteers must have a CORI on file to volunteer.
BSA Back to School Information
8/28/24: Back to School Social 5:30-7:30PM
Mark Your Calendar- Open House Curriculum Night
We welcome more building substitutes!
New BSA News and Events!
Join us as we kickoff the 2024-2025 school year with the Byam Back to School Playground Social!
This is a FREE event on Wednesday 8/28 from 5:30-7:30pm! Pizza, water and ice cream truck will be available for purchase. Byam Spirit Wear will be available for purchase too! Perfect time to grab some gear! Parking will be available across the street at Lockheed Martin.
No-cost Registration for Byam Events:
*Financial concerns should never stand in the way of families participating in school events. If you are interested in any Byam activities please contact Lyndsey O’Neil, our school counselor, to register at no cost: oneill@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Want to get involved? BSA Help Needed
Here are some openings the BSA is currently seeking help on, reach out the bsa.chelmsford@gmail.com if you are interested in any of these positions!
Stay Connected to the Byam School Association, Click on the live links below for more...
Email • Website • Facebook • Donate • Volunteering
Chelmsford Community Education Fall Listings and Registration
Below you will find the Chelmsford Community Education fall course book where there are activities for young children and teens of many ages.
Follow Principal Fredette and AP Dolan On Byam Instagram! Account names are @byamprincipal and @byam_ap
Byam School
Office: Secretary Dossin dossina@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Clerk/Attendance: murphys@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Principal Fredette fredettej@chelmsford.k12.ma.usAssistant Principal Dolan dolane@chelmsford.k12.ma.us
Website: https://byam.chelmsfordschools.org/about/
Location: 25 Maple Road, Chelmsford, MA, USA
Phone: 978-501-5144