Clifton Park Weekly
Week of February 24-28, 2020
Stop the Bleed Training
Remember that Monday/Tuesday is Stop the Bleed training with Paula. It will take place in the old CIS portable, and each session will last about 40 minutes. Teachers, you will train during your conference period unless we've talked about another time due to ARD/504. Everyone else - please see the schedule that was emailed last week if you don't remember your time.
Wear comfortable clothes!
SBDM Meeting Monday at 3:15
SBDM members - we will review the Home School compact, Parent Engagement Form, and campus handbook. All are on our website int he bottom right corner (links). We'll also talk about STAAR dates and trainings. See you there!
Seasonal weather this week...
Cool and sunny - and no rain! Since it's the last week of the month... remember we need to do some drills... be ready!
TELPAS CALIBRATION Tuesday 3:15, lab 12!
You can bring your computer OR use a lab computer to calibrate. Bring earbuds (K-2). If you need your PLD, we will have some blank copies for you to use!
You got this!!!
TUTORS start this week! Grades 1-5, during RtI - please make them feel welcome! We are so ready for them!
Retention Conferences need to be held...
Many of you have already started these, but conferences with parents whose children failed a core subject at first semester and are in danger of repeating need to be scheduled. The forms are in Carla's office. Remember you need to include the statement: "Students must have an overall yearly average of 70 in ELAR/Math to be promoted to the next grade or the report card will say 'retained'. Students will need to go to summer school to earn promotion." Please let us know if you have questions or concerns about getting these conferences scheduled.
Clifton Park Elementary School
Email: jennifer.carranza@killeenisd.org
Website: killeenisd.org
Location: 2200 Trimmier Road, Killeen, TX, USA
Phone: 254-336-1580
Facebook: facebook.com/cliftonparkfamily.com
TELPAS online reading tests grades 2-5
These will be given Monday-Thursday in the mornings in both computer labs, but not ALWAYS in both. See Carla or Anthony for details if you need one of the labs.
CPI Core team Meeting - Tuesday PM in library
The team will meet for the monthly meeting after school on TUESDAY in the library. This should not conflict with TELPAS calibration because members do not need to calibrate. Thank you, Kristina Adolph, for scheduling and conducting these meetings!