October Update
6-12 Grade
Important Dates
Tue., Oct. 1 - FTS Highland Field Trip 8:30am-12:00pm
Yearbook Field Trip
FFA Section LTS @ Highland
Wed., Oct 2. - FHN Healthcare Career Fair (Sop/Jrs/Srs)
Wed., Oct. 3 - Game Club 7:40am-8:05am (Richardson’s Room)
Manufacturing Day (Soph) 8:15am-2:30pm
Fri., Oct. 4 - WI Ed. Fair/UWP Tour (Jrs/Srs) 8:15am-2:30pm
Mon., Oct 14 - No School - Columbus Day
Fri., Oct. 18 - School Improvement Day - 11:15am Dismissal
Tue., Oct 22 - FTS Rockford University Trip (Frsh) - 8:15am-1:45pm
Wed., Oct. 23 - Fri., Oct 25 - National FFA Convention
Fri., Oct. 25 - Picture Retake Day
Mon., Oct. 28 - NHS Blood Drive - 7:45am-2:00pm
Tue., Oct. 29 - CTE Tour (Soph) - 8:15am-10:30am
Mon., Nov. 4 - No School
Tue., Nov. 5 - Election Day - No School
Wed., Nov. 6 & Thr., Nov. 7 - Parent/Teacher Conferences from 2pm-7pm; 2:00pm Dismissal
Fri., Nov. 8 - School Improvement Day; 11:15am Dismissal
Mon., Nov. 11 - Veteran's Day Program @ 9:00am
Wed., Nov. 27 - 1:15 pm Early Dismissal
Thr., Nov. 28 & Fri., Nov. 29 - Thanksgiving Break
Please be sure to have conversations with your students about how things are going at school. If there are issues with a class, please reach out to the teacher with any questions and/or concerns as they relate to class work, general expectations, and grades. The main office can also be contacted about any concerns or issues. (815-947-3323)
Breakfast is served at 7:45 am during school days. If your student wants breakfast, please have them here as close to that time as possible. Classes start at 8:15am.
Being tardy to school and/or class can earn students an after school detention. Once a student has accumulated three tardies to class and/or school, they will be assigned a detention per handbook policy. Each additional tardy after that will likely carry the same consequence, and when a student gets to 6 they can be assigned an in school suspension. The tardy count resets each quarter.
Our students and staff had a lot of fun with Homecoming last week! Thank you for supporting our students and schools in promoting positive school spirit. Go Blackhawks!