Principal e-Note
Lindbergh Early Childhood Center
September 22, 2024
A Note From the Office:
Here's what you'll find in this week's update:
All family updates:
LECE Important dates- November Added
Close the Kitchen Fundraiser- Flyer Attached
Magic House night
Upcoming PAT Events
Facebook Revamp
LECE Trunk or Treat- Theme reveal!
Consequences of Hoax School Threats
- SSD Family Academy
- Sunday Night Lights- Celebrating 15 Years!
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Important Reminder: One-Way Parking Lot
Please remember that our parking lot is a one-way parking lot. To ensure the safety of our LECE families, please avoid turning left into the first parking lot spots.
Additionally, when entering the parking lot by the main doors, please stop at the stop sign to allow families to safely cross.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and orderly parking lot.
All Families Update
Important Dates
September 2024
September 26- Close the Kitchen Night: Mod Pizza & LECE Magic House Night
September 27- No School: Teacher PL DaySeptember 30-Sports Day
October 2024
September 30- October 4 Spirit Week!
- Sept 30-Sports Day
- Oct 1- Favorite Color Day
- Oct 2- Hat Day
- Oct 3- Decorate class with spirit
- Oct 4- Spirit day! Wear your LECE gear and green & gold
October 03- PTO meeting 6:00-7:00
October 05- Lindbergh Homecoming Parade 9am
October 13- Sunday Night Lights
October 14- Listening & Learning Meeting with our Superintendent, Dr. Lake 6:00-7:00
October 16- Unity Day! Wear Orange
October 16- MWF Part-Day Fall Parties
October 17- Full day & T/TR Part-Day Fall Parties
October 18- No School- Teacher professional learning day
October 26- LECE Trunk or Treat! 11am -1 pm (more information to come)
November 2024
November 01- No School- Teacher Records Day
November 04- No School- Teacher Conference Compensation Day
November 05- No School- Professional Learning Day
November 06- Parent-Teacher Conferences: 3:30-6:45 (sign up coming soon)
November 07- Parent-Teacher Conferences: 3:30-6:45 (sign up coming soon)
November 11- Veterans Day
November 14- LECE Spirit Day
November 27, 28, 29- No School- Fall Break
2024-25 School Year Calendar
For a full list of district dates, please click on the 2024-25 District Calendar, which is linked below.
Close the Kitchen Fundraiser: Mod Pizza- Flyer Attached
Thursday, September 26th is our Close the Kitchen Fundraiser at Mod Pizza. This coincides with our Magic House night to make dinner plans easier. This is an all day event for our families. Proceeds of each order support LECE! This is at the Kirkwood location, 338 S Kirkwood Rd, Kirkwood, MO 63122. They are open from 10:30 am- 10:00 pm. Thanks for supporting our school!
Screenshot the Flyer below and show it when you order.
If ordering online, use the code: MODGIVES25
LECE Magic House Night
Thursday, September 26th is our LECE Magic House night! Come enjoy the Magic House from 6-8 pm with your family. Due to the popularity of this event, we ask that you bring immediate family/caregivers, but not extended family. Click the link below to RSVP for this event.
Bubble Bus- September 25th, 5:30-7:30pm
Come join other families and enjoy the Bubble Bus!
What is more fun than bubbles? Music and bubbles!! Bring a blanket and /or chairs and enjoy the magic of bubbles!
This event will be held at Lindbergh Early Childhood West located at 9011 Robyn Road-
Story time with Miss Laura
October 7 at 6:00 PM
Join Miss Laura for story time! We will read a story, sing songs and interact with a variety of toys. All are welcome!
This presentation is being provided by the St. Louis County Library. Our presenter is Laura Polak.
This event will be in person at Lindbergh Early Childhood Education.
Located at 4814 South Lindbergh BLVD.
Hooray for Fall!
October 16, 6:00 PM
Come and enjoy an evening of activities centering around Fall! Come experiment with fall colors, play with leaves, acorns and pinecones! Many other fun fall activities as well.
This event will take place at Lindbergh Early Childhood Education which is located at 4814 South Lindbergh BLVD.
Facebook Revamp
Have your joined LECE's Facebook page?. We're working to revamp our Facebook page by adding new content every week to showcase our amazing students and all of the exciting things happening at LECE.Get ready for more photos, videos, and updates from both of our locations! Classroom Seesaw pages will be still be active. Seesaw will show what is happening in the classrooms and offer personalized information for your child. The Facebook page will show how our students are living into LECE's core values and celebrate the amazing things that are happening each day.
Save the Date- LECE Trunk or Treat Event
For Lindbergh's 75th Anniversary, we will be hosting a Trunk or Treat! Mark you Calendar for a great LECE community event and come explore our Storybook Adventures! This will take place in the front lot of the ECE Center. Parking is available in the adjacent high school parking lot.
District Information
Consequences of Hoax School Threats
Due to an uptick of hoax threats in our area, the FBI St. Louis Field Office is reminding the public of the consequences of making a hoax threat against a school or other public place.
Issuing a threat—even over social media, via text message, or through e-mail—is a federal crime. Those who post or send these threats can receive up to five years in federal prison, or they can face state or local charges.
In addition to consequences for individuals who issue threats, there is also a significant societal cost. Schools and law enforcement agencies have limited resources, and responding to hoax threats diverts officers and disrupts student learning. The threats can also cause severe emotional distress to students, school personnel, and parents.
What Should I Do?
Don’t ever post or send any hoax threats online … period.
If you are a target of an online threat, alert your local law enforcement immediately.
If you see a threat of violence posted on social media, immediately contact local law enforcement or your local FBI office.
Members of the public can always submit a tip to the FBI at
Courage2Report Missouri is another option to make an anonymous tip. Report online or call 1-866-748-7047, or text “C2R” to 738477.
Notify authorities but don’t share or forward the threat until law enforcement has had a chance to investigate—this can spread misinformation and cause panic.
If you are a parent or family member, know that some young people post these threats online as a cry for attention or as a way to get revenge or exert control. Talk to your child about the proper outlet for their stress or other emotions, and explain the importance of responsible social media use and the consequences of posting hoax threats.
SSD Family Academy
Sunday Night Lights - Celebrating 15 Years!
Sunday Night Lights is celebrating 15 years in the Lindbergh Community, and the entire Lindbergh community is invited to help fill the stands and cheer on children who have braved the journey of a serious childhood disease on Sunday, Oct. 13.
Do you know a hero who would like to experience a night under the lights? To register a child or learn how you can support this event, please visit
314-729-2400 Ext. 8360