Clay Academy Bulldog Bulletin
August & September 2022
Miss Krzeski’s class has started their Go Math lessons learning about even/odd numbers and place value. In literacy, we are working on fluency and spelling patterns. The students love to reinforce these skills in our afternoon centers!
Ms.Stewart’s class has been very busy making friends and learning our new routines. Our “All about Me” posters were lots of fun to make and share. We have also been focused on being “Bucket Fillers.” Feel free to read this book with your child and carry our theme into your home.
Class Four has been working hard with Mr. Hartwig & Ms. Dolumba to get the school year started strong! Students are getting into the swing of their routines and have done a great job making new friendships and building old ones! We started talking about their upcoming research project, where students will choose a famous scientist and write a biography! Students have even enjoyed yoga!
In Mrs. Mason’s classes we are starting the new school year off with a growth mindset! We are going to learn and grow by stretching our brains just like bubble gum! Ask your child about a bubble gum brain vs. the brick brain. We are also working on our typing skills. Freeze and dance activities help our bodies when we need a brain break. Encanto’s version is a favorite!
Mrs. Adams, School Social Worker
Welcome back! It has been fun catching back up with all the students and hearing about their summer adventures. Please don’t forget to complete the new releases of information I sent home for this school year. If you would prefer a paper copy sent home please let me know. The releases are necessary for coordination of care with any outpatient providers to ensure the best care possible for your child. I can be reached at My office phone number is 815-206-3774 or my google voice number is 815-527-6367
Mr. Mohr, Physical Education Teacher
The school year starts off with our soccer unit. The students have done a great job building on their skills from previous years. We have been focusing on individual skill development and cooperation in a team setting. Our fitness days will typically be Tuesdays and Thursdays either in the gym or outside (weather permitting), so please dress your student appropriately as the seasons change. Moving into the end of September we will transition to our Fall Bike Unit. More info on this is to come shortly.
Middle school is back in full swing, and we are so happy about it! The students have jumped right back into learning with math, reading, science, social studies, life skills and PE. This truly has been a great start to the school year.
Mr. Bower is also continuing a student favorite of hosting D & D (Dungeons and Dragons) games. This teaches students a variety of things, including, social skills, interpersonal skills, critical thinking skills, and many other intrapersonal connections that can relate to the real world and their personal experiences. At the end of last school year he won a $1000 grant to help supply the students with the best materials to play!
Mrs. Sarich, School Counselor
Welcome back to school! We will continue to work on social skills and coping skills this year. I have attached links to the curriculum used by the middle school. Your students have used these in the past and are familiar with the content.Mr. Mickey and Mr. Mohr, Physical Education Teachers
The school year starts off with our soccer unit. The students have done a great job building on their skills from previous years. We have been focusing on individual skill development and cooperation in a team setting. Our fitness days will typically be Tuesdays and Thursdays either in the gym or outside (weather permitting), so please dress your student appropriately as the seasons change. Moving into the end of September we will transition to our Fall Bike Unit. More info on this is to come shortly.
Social Studies
In Constitution class, we are wrapping up early United States history and understanding why a Constitution was developed. We will be learning about the authors and proponents of the Constitution including James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. Later, we will begin reading the Constitution and learning about how the ‘framers’ developed our system of government.
In World History we began by learning about Otzi the Iceman who is the oldest known person whose remains are still intact today. He is estimated to have lived 5,000 years ago! We are also starting to learn about Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt.
These classes are co-taught as bibliotherapy classes. Mrs. Pedersen and Mrs. Kraneman, the social worker, work in tandem to create a safe environment in which to share very personal topics.
Students are beginning to read a book by Josh Shipp called The Teen's Guide to World Domination. This book breaks down villains that you might find invading your life and teaches you how to notice them, and stop them from being a negative impact. Later, it will teach how to dominate your own world in order to become a hero!
Students are reading the book Butter by Erin Jade Lange. Butter is a student in high school who is obese. He becomes the butt of many jokes and is in a lonely, depressed state. Butter decides to eat himself to death...but along the way, things twist and turn in ways which he didn't even expect or see coming!
This month in Geoscience we are studying all the introductory things that tend to annoy high school students. No matter what they truly do not know it all so review is good. It will get more interesting as we move forward. I am anxious to focus on how we can connect Geoscience to being better stewards of our environments and resources.
In Math we are also in our review chapters and will be moving forward into the early concepts in Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2.
Life Skills and Vocational
The students are doing life skill inventories. studying Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and will complete a unit of digital literacy. Also, students have been using Xello, the district's career program. They have completed learning styles inventories, skill inventories and identified career clusters. The students will
be exploring communication skills and the workplace.HIGH SCHOOL MIND AND BODY WELLNESS
Mrs. Kraneman, School Counselor
We have had a great start to the 2022-2023 school year! I was so happy to see all of our high school students back at school! Please contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns. Your child does better emotionally, socially and academically when home and school are on the same page with a plan for their success. If there are any changes with your child’s outside services that would require a consent for myself or Clay Staff to communicate with them, please contact me and I will email or send home the appropriate consent forms. My contact information is: Dawn Kraneman, LCPC,, 815-206-3816 or 815-527-6368 (Google Voice # if prefer to text). We will be having Fall Conferences in the beginning of October. Your child’s Case Manager will be contacting you in the upcoming weeks to set up a date and time. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss your child’s progress. Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for two upcoming days in October: October 5, 2022 (4:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.) and October 6, 2022 (9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.). More information will be coming soon!
Mr. Tschappat, Physical Education and Health Teacher
The school year starts off with our soccer unit. It is such a joy to watch all of our students working together to achieve a common ‘goal’. Students will learn individual skills and then compete in games. Fitness Days will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students have the choice of Walking, Lifting weights, or using the Elliptical machines.
Nurse's Notes: Health and Wellness Information
Welcome back! The 2022-3023 school year is off to a fast start! Please make sure all of your child’s health records and medication orders are up-to-date in the health office by October 14, 2022 in order to avoid school exclusion starting October 17, 2022!
Medication Authorization Forms and Emergency Action Plans need to be completed and submitted to school every school year.
October 14, 2022 is the last day to submit required health forms in order to avoid school exclusion beginning October 17, 2022 per Illinois Department of Public Health. Updated school physicals and up-to-date immunizations are required for students.
Dental exams are required by May 15 for Kindergarten, 2nd, 6th and 9th grades.
State of Illinois School Physical Form
Upcoming Important Dates
- September 20,2022 is Picture Day
- September 22, 2022 is an Early Release Day; 12:00 PM Dismissal
- October 14, 2022 Health requirements due date for all 6th, 9th, and 12th grade students; Information available on D200's Health Services Page
Clay Academy's Mission Statement and Core Foundations
To provide a learning environment which fosters individual growth, lifelong learning and social accountability to meet future responsibilities and challenges of adulthood.
Core Foundations
Character Building
Social Skills Development
Living Skills Development
Coping Skills Development
Academic and Vocational Training
Recreational and Activity Skill Development
About Clay Academy
Location: 112 Grove Street, Woodstock, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 337-2529