Los Pen NEUs
September 27, 2024
From the Desk of Mrs. Weekes
Dear Los Pen Families,
Pajama Day was a fun and comfortable way to end our week at school. My favorite moment was walking into a classroom and seeing students lounging in various places around the room, all engaged in reading a book. What a great Fall activity!
Please use the form linked below to vote for 4 new members of our Los Pen School Site Council:
Voting will close on Wednesday, October 2nd.
Have a great weekend! Remember, there is NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH.
Mrs. Weekes
Los Pen Running Club is Starting Soon!
Running Club returns Thursday, October 24th. All students are welcome to join during their lunch recess. Running Club is a free weekly event, where students can have fun while being active. Every mile run earns a toe token and classes compete for the coveted Golden Shoe! Come cheer your child on by signing up to volunteer.
Parent volunteer sign ups: https://url.usb.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/DGPgC7Dq8OcQVKxNF8f0CoJJLA?domain=evite.me
Los Pen's Big Give is HERE!
This Week's Update
We have reached over $30,000 during our third week of our Big Give Fundraiser. Our students get to celebrate by having a popsicle party Tuesday October 1st for reaching our $20,000 goal, and a surprise from Ms. Bohn and Mrs. Weekes is coming for reaching the $30,000 mark!!
Let's keep going BIG on the BIG GIVE!
Together, we can reach our goal, and no additional fundraising will need to be done this school year.
Please consider donating today! https://url.usb.m.mimecastprotect.com/s/nRxbCB1GoQIRYzYlizfkC2zofo?domain=app.99pledges.com
Make sure to keep up with all things Los Pen PTA by following us on social media!
Follow us on Facebook at: Los Penasquitos Elementary Families
Follow us on Instagram at: Lospenfamilies
LPES Parking Lot & Traffic Safety
Due to the growing size of staff, our parking lot spaces are reserved for Poway Unified School District staff and those with a valid handicapped placard only.
Please refrain from parking in our parking lot from 7:30 AM through dismissal, Monday through Friday. If you are coming into the lot to park during dismissal time, kindly wait for one of our staff members to direct you to a parking space. We have staff members that arrive in the afternoon and work through the evening, and would love for them to be able to utilize our parking lot.
Remember that we are all one school community, and deeply care about the safety of our students. Many families live nearby and walk to school every day. The intersection of Carmel Mountain Road and Cuca Street is a busy one, and unfortunately, can often be dangerous. Please be cautious of pedestrians using the crosswalk at this intersection. In order to avoid traffic backing up into surrounding communities, we advise that vehicles follow the route outlined here in red (from Carmel Mtn Rd onto Gerana St, and enter campus by making a right into Los Pen).
Thank you for your cooperation.
Let's Eat!
Mark your calendar now for the 2024 Los Pen dine outs!
Take a night off from cooking and join fellow Los Pen friends and families for dine out nights to support Los Peñasquitos Elementary. Our wonderful restaurant community partners donate back a percentage of all sales to the PTA, which funds special programs and events throughout the year.
The details of each dine out night will be sent home in student folders and shared here closer to the event date.
Thursday, October 10
California Fish Grill Carmel Mountain
11 am to 8 pm
Tuesday, October 22
The Kebab Shop Carmel Mountain
10:30 am to 9 pm
Additional dine outs will be announced soon.
Interested in Volunteering?
We would love to have you! For information about volunteering, including forms, visit https://www.powayusd.com/apps/pages/volunteer-information
Get Your NEU Spirtwear!
2024-2025 NEU shirts are on sale now! Order forms are available at the front office or through your child's teacher. You may also use this website:
Upcoming Dates to Remember
Monday, September 30
Tuesday, October 1
- Full day Kindergarten begins (dismissal at 3:05 PM)
- Afternoon popsicle rewards for all students!
Thursday, October 3
- Early Release Day - School ends at 1:25 PM (1:00 PM for TK)
Friday, October 4
- Friday Flag - 8:50 AM on the blacktop
- The Big Give Fundraiser ends