Upper Allen Elementary
School Community Newsletter September 20, 2024
Mr. McIntosh, Principal of Upper Allen Elementary
School Safety
At Back to School Night several parents made inquiries about school safety practices at Upper Allen. The safety of students and staff is our highest priority. This week I thought I would provide a brief overview of some of our practices to maintain a safe and secure school campus.
- We maintain a close relationship with the Upper Allen Police Department. Officers maintain a presence on our campus and they frequently walk the halls getting to know our students and staff. Protocols are in place for the school to quickly contact authorities if needed.
- We maintain a secure campus with one primary point of entry. Staff are trained to report suspicious activity on our campus. All visitors enter through a secured entrance.
- We conduct a variety of drills to prepare students and staff for emergency situations. Code Blue Drills are conducted by the Nurse and staff trained in CPR to assist with medical emergencies. Evacuation and relocation drills are held to train students and staff to quickly and quietly evacuate the building. Drills are also conducted to teach students and staff how to respond if someone unsafe is on school property. Severe weather drills are conducted to practice responding to severe weather like tornados.
Parents also play an important role in helping us to maintain a safe school campus.
The following bulleted statements are meant to guide us:
- It is important to avoid blindly sharing rumors and posts online that refer to school safety threats. Even if the threats are not credible, they can still cause a great deal of stress and anxiety for our students, families, and staff. We ask our families to monitor their children’s social media activity and speak with them about appropriate online behaviors.
- We all play a vital role in school safety. We ask that our families, staff, and students continue to remain vigilant and report any concerning behavior or messaging. The best method to report an issue is to notify your child’s teacher or administrator. If the concern occurs after hours and is of an emergent nature or you wish to remain anonymous, then you can report a concern through the Safe2Say program (through the Safe2Say app, www.safe2saypa.org or by calling 1-844-723-2729).
- Remain confident that we will reach out to you should there ever be a cause for concern. Be sure to keep your information updated within the Sapphire Parent Portal to ensure you get school and district messages.
The Upper Allen Family Newsletter is distributed via email about every other week during the school year. The parent contacts in the Sapphire portal are used to generate the email lists to send out the newsletter.
Picture Day-MONDAY
Picture Day will be Monday, September 23rd. Order forms were sent home earlier this month.
If you do not have a form, you can place your order online at: mylifetouch.com
Our picture ID for the day is: EVT6NF8ZR
If you have any concerns about your child's order, please contact Lifetouch directly.
Volunteers make picture day happen! If you are able to help, please sign up here.
At Upper Allen we are fortunate to have exceptional fine arts teachers. One of these teachers, Mrs. Charland, our music teacher, has developed a MUSEletter to keep you informed on what is happening in your child's music classes.
UA PTO Update
Interested in making a direct donation to the PTO?
Your generous donations directly support a variety of programs, events, and resources that benefit our students, teachers, and the entire school community. Whether it’s funding field trips, classroom supplies, or special events, every contribution makes a difference!
If you’re able to donate, please visit https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=GLHE7LMTJK56C or scan the QR code below.
No amount is too small, and every bit helps us create a vibrant learning environment for our kids.
Thank you for your continued support!
Weekend Food Bag Requests
Mechanicsburg Area School District is privileged to offer a weekend food distribution program for families in need. The purpose of the program is to provide non-perishable, vitamin-fortified, and easy to prepare foods to children at times when school resources are not available, such as weekends and school vacations. Bags will include two breakfasts, two meals, and two snacks. The program is free of charge, and it will begin on Friday, September 27th. Please use the link below to sign up.
UA Bingo Night
BINGO Night October 10
This year we will be providing two BINGO Night sessions for families to attend. Families may attend 5:30-6:30 PM or 6:45-7:45 PM. Families must sign up in advance. Pizza may also be ordered ahead of time. Look for a sign-up in our next newsletter and soon on seesaw.
PTO Corner
Looking for ways to help support our teachers and students at Upper Allen?
It's not about somebody doing everything....it's about everybody doing something
Here is how you can help:
Our Hospitality committee will be chaired by Katie Bernstein. The first event will be to Stock the Teachers lounge with snacks and drinks for the month of September. Please see the signup link below if you would like to donate.
We will also be hosting a conference dinner for teachers on Oct. 30. Volunteers will be needed to help with set-up and clean-up. Signup will be coming SOON!!
Check out our Wildcat Gear at the MA-PTO store. Click the photo to visit.
Please Join Us for These Upcoming Events
BINGO Night - October 10, 5:30-6:30 or 6:45-7:45 PM -
BINGO Night has become one of our most popular nights of the year. Come eat pizza, play BINGO and win prizes! To reduce crowding this year, we will be offering two sessions. Click here to sign up for a time for your family and to order pizza.
World Expo at Upper Allen Elementary - November 18
Students "travel" around the world learning about countries and cultures.
We will be inviting families to help out with this event in a variety of ways:
- Presenters to teach students about a country (Culture, Foods, Clothing, Etc.)
- Presenter Helpers to lend a hand
- Tour Guides to walk small groups of students from country to country
- Helpers to set up and take down
Please watch for additional information in upcoming newsletters
Glow Party-Jan 31
Important Dates- New Dates Added Weekly
- Monday, September 23 - Picture Day
Tuesday, October 1 - PTO Meeting 7:00 PM
Thursday, October 10 - BINGO Night 5:30-6:30 PM or 6:45-7:45 PM
Friday, October 11- Act 80 Day - No School for Students
- Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day - No School
Wednesday, October 30- Fall Teacher/Parent Conferences 3-7:00 PM
- Monday, November 1 - Fall Teacher/Parent Conferences 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM (No School for Students)
- Tuesday, November 5 - PTO Meeting 7:00 PM
- Monday, November 11 - Professional Development Day (No School for Students)
- Monday, November 18 - World Expo Day at Upper Allen
- Sunday, November 24 - Girls on the Run 5K
- Wednesday, November 27 - Contracted In-Service Day (No School for Students)
- Thursday, November 28 - Monday, December 2 - Thanksgiving (No School for Students & Staff)
- Tuesday, December 3 - PTO Meeting 7:00 PM
- Friday, December 6 - Student Progress Reports Sent Home (First Trimester)
- Saturday, December 21-Sunday, January 5 - Winter Recess
District Calendar
Upper Allen Elementary School
A Learning Community
Inspired to Explore - Empowered to Innovate
Email: jmcintosh@mbgsd.org
Website: https://upperallen.mbgsd.org/
Location: 1790 South Market Street
Phone: (717)691-4594
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=upper%20allen%20elementary%20pto
Twitter: @jmcintosh_john