The Souhegan Scoop
June 20, 2024

Upcoming Events
Additional event information is available via this interactive Trumba calendar. Click here for the official SAU 39 school year calendar. Additional event information is available via this interactive Trumba calendar.
Early Release
Our first early release of the year will be next Tuesday, 9/10. While we typically hold early release on the second Wednesday of the month, this date will help ease traffic and disruptions due to primary voting.
Picture Day
Mark your calendars - Picture day is Friday, September 20!
Back to School Night
We will host Back to School Night (Open House) on Tuesday, 9/17 in the early evening. More information will be shared next week; we wanted to put this date on your calendars as soon as possible.
A Message from the Principal
As we wrap up the first week of the school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on what has been a fantastic start. It has been wonderful to see our halls filled with energy and enthusiasm as students reconnect with friends, meet new teachers, and embark on a new academic year. A special thank you to our dedicated teachers and staff for their hard work in preparing for this school year. Their commitment to creating a welcoming and engaging environment is evident, and I am confident it will help our students thrive throughout the year.
This is our first edition of the Souhegan Scoop Newsletter for the 2024-2025 school year. Sent out every Friday, this newsletter is designed to keep you informed about important updates, upcoming events, and key information regarding school activities. We hope you find it a valuable resource for staying connected and engaged with what’s happening at our school.
We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Souhegan families for partnering with us in your child’s education. We feel privileged to share in the responsibility of guiding your students through their high school journey. Your support and collaboration are invaluable as we strive to create the best possible educational experience for every student.
As always, we are here to support you. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Warm Regards,
Community-Wide Announcements & Reminders
Communication Partnering
The start of a new school year always brings an influx of updates and communication from various members of our school community. In turn, we know that parents and students may have questions or clarifications. Page 11 of our Student Handbook outlines the most effective way to communicate with school personnel to get your questions answered in a timely manner.
Many questions are easily and completely answered by communicating directly with the educator in charge of the class or program. Each situation should first be addressed at the level of the initial concern with appeals moving on to the next level on the chain of command.
Additionally, In the upcoming days, teachers will be sharing their syllabi, course competencies and weights and parameters for reassessment and late work. This is a great chance for us to establish partnerships and clearly communicate expectations. We encourage you to review this information with your children so they can start the year fully informed.
Voting Day - September 10
Voting for the NH Primary coincides with our early release day next week. We will leave the annex lot open to accommodate voter parking. For Tuesday, September 10 staff will park in the senior lot, seniors will park in the junior lot and juniors will park in the sophomore lot along with sophomores.
Germany Host Families
Souhegan is welcoming our annual German Exchange Group. Host Families are needed Oct 10-27! Can you host 1 or 2 students for this 2.5 week visit to Souhegan?
Click here to Apply to Host !
Call/Text for info: 978-835-0133
Email for info: sue@hbstudenttours.com
Here are the basics:
- Students are from Mannheim Germany
- Oct 10-27
- Students are 14-16 years old. (most are 15)
- Families can host 1-2 students
- Provide 3 meals/day, including bag lunch on trips & school days
- Provide a bed (students do not need their own room, sharing a room is ok)
- Include Guests in Evenings & weekends
- Transportation to and from your high school (can ride bus with your student)
- Ready for a unique and fun host experience
- Travel to Germany in February 2025 if interested
School Highlights
Learning Commons
The Learning Commons is a space for students to work, get support, and spend time during free periods. We offer math support every single period and writing conferences most periods. We open at 8:10 each morning and close at 3:40. Students without free periods can access Learning Commons support during Saber Flex class with teacher permission. Check tinyurl.com/SouheganLearningCommonsSupport to see what tutors are available each period.
Student Services
September Newsletter
Please find the September Student Services newsletter here. Highlights include: scheduling appointments with your counselor, accessing Telehealth services at SHS, upcoming college visits, key dates for seniors, and more!
Community News
Community Service Opportunities
Click here to view available community service opportunities!
Amherst Town Library
Amherst Lions Club
The Amherst Lions Club’s 13th Annual Car is Saturday, September 21, 2024!
Senior Year Notes
Senior Class Advisors
The advisors for the class of 2025 are Amanda Maniscalco and Galen Tremblay. Amanda teaches Marketing and Advertising, and Galen works in the main office. We are looking forward to a great Senior year and are excited for the activities to come. Make sure to vote for your favorite T-Shirt design on the Class of 2025 google classroom - voting closes on 9/6! The first event we have planned is the Senior Hike to Pack Monadnock on Wednesday October 9. Permission slips will be coming home soon. Invoices were sent out for Senior dues via MySchoolBucks; please take a moment to pay those if you have not yet. Please reach out if you need assistance.
Senior Portraits
Due Date: November 1, 2024
- Name Spelling: Please ensure your name is spelled exactly as you'd like it to appear in the yearbook.
- Photo Guidelines: Your photo should be school-appropriate.
- Submission: Upload only one photo to the provided link. https://photos.jostens.com/CEGJDN
- Professional Photos: While professional senior photos are not required, we are happy to use the photo taken by Geskus if you prefer.
Get to Know SHS
Meet the wonderful and talented staff members of SHS!
Brad Botto
What is your role at Souhegan?
Dean of Students
How long have you been with Souhegan?
68 days at the time of posting
What do you love about your job?
I love that, as the Dean of Students, I have the opportunity to work with all of our students to pursue their individual passions and goals!
What do you like to do outside of work?
I enjoy spending time with my wife and dog and our friends and family. I try to fill any free time I have experiencing live music, cooking, adding to my record collection, and discovering the hidden gems of the world.
If you were given one wish what would it be?
This is a challenge! Naturally, I'd want to find a way to get more wishes for the future but I am aware of the unspoken rules of wish granting. I think I'd wish to have an unlimited amount of time and resources to experience all of the amazing things in the world.
Do you have a favorite quote or mantra?
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" - Sharon Begley (often attributed to Carl Sagan)
Community Council
Community Council was founded in 1992 during Souhegan's first year of service. Its task is to create and modify school procedures as a representative body of forty-seven members. Council is purposefully diverse and purposefully student-led: twenty members are students elected by their grade, ten members are faculty and staff, five members are from the Amherst and Mont Vernon communities, ten representatives elected in the fall as "at-large" members, the Dean of Students represents the administration, and a Souhegan School Board member is elected to represent the School Board. The representatives discuss and vote on various proposals concerning student life, making decisions in the best interests of the Souhegan Community.
Next week, we will hold elections for our five freshman representatives on Friday 9/13, and the following Monday 9/16 will be for our ten at large representatives.
A link to the meeting calendar for the year can be found here.
Saber Nation
Hanging out with friends at a sporting event? Rehearsing for a concert or show? Creating an amazing piece of art? Just chilling around campus? Share it with us! This year, we're encouraging everyone to upload photos for the yearbook using the QR code below. The more photos, the better!
The Souhegan Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) supports Souhegan students. Think of the PTSA like a booster club for all things high school, not a specific sport or club. The PTSA collaborates with school administration and staff to provide input on various matters affecting students and families.
This is where your help is needed:
- Girls Soccer/Varsity Football Concession Stand: NEXT WEEK! The PTSA would love to open concessions for “as many turf games as we get volunteers for”- We’re starting with this one to see if there is enough volunteer interest. Yes, working the concession stand counts for student volunteer hours. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C4FAFAC2BA1F49-50608499-ptsa
Raise Right: Purchase gift cards for your regular purchases and a percentage will be given to the PTSA from the companies. https://raiseright.onelink.me/Gei8?af_web_dp=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.raiseright.com%2Fenroll%3FenrollCode%3DX1SLUER9WCDI&af_xp=custom&pid=dashboard&c=dashboard&deep_link_value=EnrollmentCode%3Fcode%3DX1SLUER9WCDI&af_dp=swsapp%3A%2F%2FEnrollmentCode%3Fcode%3DX1SLUER9WCDI
- Facebook account: Keep yourself informed of initiatives as the year progresses by following the account: Souhegan PTSA
- Membership: https://forms.gle/GtQszRwZD2iPVnzf7
- Email list: Simply email SouheganPTSA@gmail.com to be added to a mailing list
Home Openers
Come out and support your fellow Sabers at the home openers tonight, Friday, September 6!
- Girls Soccer at 4:00PM
- Girls Volleyball at 5:45PM
- Football at 7:00PM - Tickets are available at the gate: $3 for students and seniors, and $5 for adults.
NH Tackles Hunger 2024
WMUR is teaming up with the New Hampshire Food Bank, Dead River Company and high school athletic departments to tackle hunger in New Hampshire!
Saber Nation, join us on Friday, September 13, to cheer on the SHS Football team as they face Conval! Instead of buying a ticket, please bring non-perishable food items for entry. Let’s support both our team and those in need!
Contact us!
Website: https://www.sau39.org/shs
Location: 412 Boston Post Road, Amherst, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 673-9940
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/souheganhs
Twitter: @SouheganHS