PAW Print #11
October 27, 2024
October 28-Nov. 1: Red Ribbon Week (see below)
October 28-November 1: Book Fair (during school day)
October 39: All County Orchestra Rehearsal @GMHS
Students will be back at MBMS for pick up at 6:30PM
October 30: Book Fair Parent Night (5:30-7:30PM)
No Costumes Should Be Worn to School
A Special Thank You
Red Ribbon Week is Here
This week is Red Ribbon Week! We are celebrating healthy living, drug-free. To help us celebrate, we encourage students to participate in the daily themes:
Picture Retakes
If your student participated in make-up picture day on Friday, October 25th, you can view the new photos in about a week. It takes Legacy Pictures a little bit of time to get them loaded, so please keep checking their website. To view your student’s gallery, please visit legacystudios.com and enter your online code. If you need help finding your code, please click here. Our original point of contact, Mrs. James, is out on maternity leave, so if you have questions, please reach out to either Ms. Shelko (jlshelko@smcps.org) or Ms. Holcomb (sdholcomb@smcps.org).
The Book Fair is Here
It’s Scholastic Book Fair Time!
General Information:
Dates: October 24 through November 1.
Times: 8:00 - 2:30 Monday - Friday
Place: MBMS Media Center
Parent Night: Wednesday, October 30, 5:30 - 7:30pm
If you would like to have a cash-free, worry-free book fair experience for your student, please consider setting up a Book Fair eWallet! Scan the QR code below or click on this link for more information
Holiday Bazaar Information
Virtual Community Tool Talks
Virtual Community Tool Talks for parents and school staff.
These talks cover many topics, such as
- How to Monitor Your Children's Technology
- Anxieties & Worries.
RSVP for upcoming Tool Talks.
Link to previous Tool Talks.
Emergency Information Update Form
Effective communication is critical to the success of St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS). This will be crucial not only for emergencies but for our ability to communicate with families in general. Online Emergency Information Update Forms are now available through the student’s Home Access Center (HAC). Once logged in, directions to access the online form can be found HERE. A video with instructions is available HERE. It is vital that all information is updated in eSchool. The deadline for the online submission of Emergency Information Update forms is October 31st, 2024. Please click here for the Blank Emergency Form. If you have any questions, please contact The Department of Student Services at 301-475-5511 ext.32150.
Word of the Week
Increasing our Vocabulary
Here's How It Works
- On Friday, the next week's word will be previewed without a definition. Students are invited to submit sentences that use the word properly. Use the Google Form to do this.
- Monday-Thursday, the week's word will be read on the morning announcement. The part of speech and definition will be given. Each day of the week a different student sentence will be read as an example of the word in context.
- Administrators will give PAWS tickets to students whose sentences are used on the morning announcements.
- Staff members will give PAWS tickets to students who use the word correctly throughout the course of the week.
This week's word is convey.
Weekly Lunch Menu
PTSO members are parents, teachers and students who are dedicated to promoting the education and welfare of our children. We highly encourage everyone to join our PTSO to show their support. As a member you are welcome to attend all meetings & functions; however, your membership does not require you to participate in these functions. The membership fee is $10. If interested in joining, you may email us at mbmspanthersptso@gmail.com!
Make sure you follow us on Facebook (Margaret Brent Middle School PTSO) to stay up to date on fundraisers and other events.
Events to look forward to this school year:
PTSO General Meetings (all meetings are at 2:45pm in the Media Center)
- Wednesday, November 20
- Wednesday, February 19
- Wednesday, May 14
- 6th Grade (November 15)
- 7th Grade (January 10)
- 8th Grade (May 16 - date subject to change)
Dodgeball Tournament
- Thursday, March 13 at Chopticon High School
Spirit Nights
- Saturday, 2/8/2025- Calvert Kettle Corn - All Day
Ongoing Fundraisers:
- Croc Charms & Magnets
- First come, First serve – limited quantity available. Orders will be delivered to students during homeroom as orders are placed. Order Forms attached.
Thank you,
Margaret Brent Middle School PTSO
Follow us on Facebook