Welcome to the BHS Express
A newsletter keeping you informed about Batavia High School
Hello Bulldog Families.
This Tuesday, BHS students were treated to a day filled with a variety of activities centered around career and college experiences. As our juniors took the ACT and the sophomores took the practice ACT, our freshmen attended college visits and our seniors participated in mock interviews and in service learning activities. The beautiful weather contributed to successful field trips and outside volunteering opportunities.
We will be jumping into the End of Course testing schedule upon our return from break. There will be some days in April that are delayed-start days for students NOT required to take the designated EOC test. Other days, we will be operating on Flex A and Flex B schedules. Please take note of the delayed starts on the days indicated in the “Upcoming Important Dates” section. We encourage all of our students to show what they know as they take these important tests that are graduation requirements.
We have another full week before we enter spring break, so thank you for helping our high school students stay focused.
Have a great weekend.
In service to our Bulldogs.
Andrea Conner, High School Principal
Hi, Bulldog Families.
Matt Buis, High School Assistant Principal
Attention Sophomore Parents: Join this Online Masterclass on March 31st
BHS Students Recognized at Board Meeting for Perfect Attendance for 1st Semester
NHS Students Hosted a St. Patrick's Day Craft Event for Elementary Students
BHS Students Participated in a Career/College Day on March 18th
Please Take Note of the Following:
- Click Here to Order a Copy of the 2024-2025 Yearbook
Attention sophomore parents: Your sophomore student took the LEAP ACT Diagnostic test on March 18th. Make sure you join the LEAP Masterclass on March 31st. This online class will help you understand your child’s results and help you make an informed, individualized plan for your student. Please register via the QR Code in the flyer or via this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3748886494029239897
- March 22, 2025: Prom for juniors and seniors
March 24-28, 2025: Counselors meet with current 9th grade students for individual scheduling conversations.
March 25, 2025: Senior Announcement Delivery for seniors at Live Oaks
March 25, 2025: Spanish III/AP Spanish Field Trip
March 27, 2025: Marching Band in Opening Day Parade
March 31, 2025: LEAP Masterclass for Parents of Sophomores. See flyer above.
March 31-April 4, 2025: Spring Break
April 1, 2025: Seniors Announcement and Cap/Gown Delivery for seniors at Laurel Oaks
April 7, 2025: First day back from spring break
April 8, 2025: Two-hour delayed start EXCEPT for students taking the ELA II EOC test. Buses will run as normal, so if students don’t have a ride or drive, there will be a study hall for them until the start time of 9:25 a.m.
April 9, 2025: Two-hour delayed start EXCEPT for students taking the ELA II EOC test. Buses will run as normal, so if students don’t have a ride or drive, there will be a study hall for them until the start time of 9:25 a.m.
April 10, 2025: Two-hour delayed start EXCEPT for students taking the Algebra I EOC test. Buses will run as normal, so if students don’t have a ride or drive, there will be a study hall for them until the start time of 9:25 a.m.
April 11, 2025: Two-hour delayed start EXCEPT for students taking the Algebra I EOC test. Buses will run as normal, so if students don’t have a ride or drive, there will be a study hall for them until the start time of 9:25 a.m.
April 11, 2025: Senior Announcement Delivery for seniors at Scarlet Oaks
April 29, 2025: District Art Show at BHS from 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
April 29, 2025: HS Band, Percussion Ensemble and Jazz Band at 7 p.m. at BHS
May 1, 2025: Senior Cap/Gown Delivery for seniors at Scarlet Oaks
May 1, 2025: NHS Induction
May 5, 2025: Senior Cap/Gown Delivery for seniors at Live Oaks
May 5, 2025: National Spanish Honor Society Induction
May 10, 2025: Alumni Dinner
May 15, 2025: 8th Choirs/HS Choirs at 7:30 p.m. at BHS
Check out the Batavia High School Guidance Counselor website.
Your Guidance Counselors are:
Felicia Grooms
9th - 12th Grade Counselor A-L
(513) 732-2341 ext: 7037
Beth Poling
9th - 12th Grade Counselor M-Z
(513) 732-2341 ext: 7036
Scheduling Information and Grade Level Presentations:
Individual student graduation plan meetings will be taking place during March and April.
All grade level scheduling presentations and the course selection guide are included below.
Class of 2026, 2027 & 2028: Scheduling Presentation Class of 2026-2028
Class of 2029: Scheduling Presentation Class of 2029
BHS Course Selection Guide 25-26: BHS Course Selection Guide 2025-2026
MANDATORY CCP Information Meeting:
Any student who was not able to attend the meeting on February 13th, but wishes to pursue the option to take a CCP course in the 25-26 school year must contact Mrs. Grooms or Mrs. Poling to get the necessary information and follow the appropriate steps. Even if you were a CCP student in this current school year, you must still attend a virtual or face to face meeting and complete an intent form to continue with CCP for the 25-26 school year.
The FAFSA is available now!!!!
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for students entering or attending college for the 2025-26 academic year is up and running! Any student that is thinking about attending any type of education/training after high school should complete the FAFSA - technical school, trade school, community college, public university, or private university. The FAFSA is what determines your eligibility for student loans, grants, work-study, and scholarships - thus, it is VERY important that you complete and submit it. Keep in mind, all students are at least eligible for student loans! Families who want to start filling out the FAFSA now can start the process at studentaid.gov. If you need assistance, visit itsforyou.org and scroll to the “Looking for FAFSA help?” section for details. Let’s ensure no money is left on the table!
Scholarship Information!
Batavia Local Scholarship Application for BHS Seniors:
Local Scholarship applications were distributed to BHS Seniors the week of March 11th. A copy of the Local Scholarship Application has been emailed to all seniors, is linked below, and is posted on the Class of 2025 website so that students who are not on the BHS campus have access to the application as well. The application is due March 26th.
2025 Local Scholarship Application
Updated Scholarship List:
Another option to look at opportunities for additional funding for college is by applying for scholarships. BHS Guidance updates this list regularly as new scholarships are shared with us. Here is a link to the most recent list that is shared with all seniors. There are A LOT of new scholarships that have been added!
Scholarship List - Updated 3/21/25
Great Oaks Application Information for BHS 10th Grade Students
Great Oaks priority deadline closed on February 4th. Students can still apply, but will not be in the initial program lottery. Students who applied by February 4th will hear if they were accepted into one of their programs of choice in mid-March. For more information, or the online application, go to GreatOaks.Com
Grant Career Center Application
Grant Career Center has many program options for juniors and seniors and some senior only options for students that decide later in high school that career tech is the avenue they would like to pursue. Seniors can also apply for two year programs and will be considered if there is room. It is important to remember that students who attend Grant must provide their own transportation. Here is the link for the information about all of their program options and the application: Grant Career Center
We would like for ALL Juniors and Seniors to have accounts with Linked Up Connect as soon as possible. Parents, please sign the Linked Up Connect permission form located in Final Forms. As soon as we have the signature we can begin the process of giving you access to many opportunities such as experienceships, job shadowing, and potential internships and apprenticeship opportunities. Please see Mrs. Laudenberger or Mrs. Kelley if you have any questions.
Upcoming College Rep Visits to BHS
These rep visits are set up for Juniors and Seniors to get more information about colleges they may be interested in attending. Students can sign up in Naviance, or email their counselor if they would like to attend.
Mrs. Grooms and Mrs. Poling
Mark Pierson, Athletic Director
Tim Young, Assistant Athletic Director
Link to Athletic Website:
https://bataviaathletics.com/IMPORTANT LINKS
513-732-2341, ext. 7051
Matt Buis, Assistant Principal
513-732-2341, ext. 7052
Melissa Anstaett, Administrative Assistant
513-732-2341, ext. 7055
Edie Strine, Administrative Assistant
513-732-2341, ext. 7054
If your student is absent, call
513-732-2341 and leave a message on the attendance line