August 23rd

September 13th
Important Dates
September 19th - Back to School Night 6:00pm p.m. (parents/guardians only)
September 26th - Cross Country Meet @ Memorial Park 3:00 p.m.
September 27th - No School Staff Development Day
Counselor Corner
Winter is coming!
Hello Athey Creek Families! Winter is just around the corner so please let us know if your child is in need of a warm coat. If you are in need of other items please reach out as well! We have plenty of school supplies, backpacks, new clothing and other community resources that we can connect you with.
September is Attendance Awareness Month
Each student adds a unique presence to the learning community, and the learning journey is richer and deeper when classroom peers learn together. Students with regular attendance are much more likely to do well in school and beyond.
1. Attendance and Success: Good attendance is closely linked to doing well in school. When students are in school every day, they have more opportunities to learn and grow. On the flip side, if students are often absent, it's harder for them to stay on track.
A. Elementary: Students who attend regularly in grades K-3 are more likely to read on grade level.
B. Middle School: By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
C. High School: By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
2. Absences Add Up: Every day of school counts towards your child's journey of growth and discovery. Chronic absence is defined as 18 days a year—or just 2 days a month – even if those absences are excused! Missing this much school in kindergarten can lower achievement in 1st grade and, for some students, through 5th grade.
3. Building Confidence: Being present when information is delivered is critical. When your child misses one day or one lesson, that means when they return to school, they may have missed something critical to their understanding of the next several days of instruction. Consistently attending school helps students stay on track and feel confident in their progress. When students are present and they're actively engaged in their learning journey, this boosts their motivation and eagerness to return to school each day.
4. Addressing Barriers: It's important to figure out what's keeping your child away from school and address it as soon as possible. Keep in mind complaints of a stomachache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home. Frequent absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with schoolwork, dealing with bullying or facing some other difficulty. Whether it's transportation issues, health problems, or something else, contact the school to support and help find solutions that can make a big difference in your child's attendance and success.
Please reach out to your student's counselor if there is anything we can do to help support!
Alisa Doll
Jess Mather
8th Grade Panama Trip - June 2025
This is a reminder about our annual travel program here for our 8th graders at ACMS. There is time to sign-up if you're interested. The price will go up October 1st.
Currently, we have 15 students signed up and we’d love to have a few more :).
This link will send you to the information page about the trip, run through the company EF (Education First). You’ll be able to see the itinerary and all the activities that we have planned, as well as logistics like the requested travel dates and prices.
The link is here: www.eftours.com/2730452RZ
Questions??!! E-mail Mr. Percival or come visit him on Back-To-School Night :)
6th Grade Game Night
6th-grade game night!
Date: Wednesday, November 6th
Time: 4:15-6:45
Who: ALL 6th-graders
Cost: TBD
How can you help?: Volunteer! We need many parents to make this a fun and successful event.
Please email:
CarolinePerry@gmail.com and johnsoa2@wlwv.k12.or.us if you're interested!
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is starting to fill up. Please make sure your student is bringing their belongings home!
Items of the week.
Do any of these items belong to your family? Come claim them in our lost and found, located in the commons area.
Students Served by Special Education
Parents and Guardians of Students Served by Special Education
If your student receives Special Education services, we encourage you to join our Student Services communication list. Sign up using this link and select "WLWV Special Education."
We also invite you to participate in our Parent Collaboration Group. Your perspectives as parents and guardians are valuable to us. By sharing your insights and long-term goals for your students, you can help shape our vision and improve our educational practices.
Join us for our Parent Collaboration Group, for families of students served by special education, on Tuesday, October 29, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM at the District Office Board Room, 22210 SW Stafford Road, Tualatin, OR. For more information, view our Flyer.
Back to School Night
Back to School Night
September 19th
6:00pm-7:00 pm
This is for parents/guardians to get an overview of the grade-level expectations, and a quick meet-and-greet with their teachers. Conferences will be the time to set up individual meetings!
I hope the first week is going great for everyone. Curriculum night is quickly approaching and we want to show our teachers some love by restocking their break room and feeding them prior to curriculum night. Please see details below as well as the link to sign up for each one through sign up genius.
Curriculum Night - Thursday September 19th
Please help us show the teachers and staff our appreciation with a curriculum night Mexican themed dinner. Sign up to bring a dish (or two). Bring your goodies to the school on Thursday, September 19th by 3:15pm. Some of our teachers have food allergies/sensitivities. Please print out/write down your ingredient list for any homemade food items you bring. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050F4DADAC28A5FD0-51010936-curriculum
Stock the Break Room - Week of 9/16
Help our teachers get ready for the start of a new school year! Sign up to stock the staff break room the week of September 16th. Deliver your goodies to the main office during school hours any time that week when it works for your schedule. If you are unable to deliver your items to the school during business hours you are welcome to drop them off at my house prior to September 19th. If you want to help but don't feel you have the time to get the items and deliver them, you are also welcome to venmo me towards an item you sign up for and I can purchase it to deliver on September 19th when I am at the school (reach out directly for venmo information). Thank you for supporting our Athey staff and teachers!! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050F4DADAC28A5FD0-51009024-stockKatie Weigel
Athey Creek Volunteer Opportunities
If you would like to volunteer at Athey Creek then please visit https://www.wlwv.k12.or.us/volunteer
The process can get lengthy, doing this ahead of time will ensure no opportunities will get missed.
If you have any questions about volunteering or if you want to check to see if you are on our list please reach out to Ashley Johnson. 503.673.7404, JohnsoA2@wlwv.k12.or.us