The Central Catholic Saints
Week ending May 24, 2024
We have made it to the last week of school!
We have made it to the last week of school! So crazy that time has moved so quickly! This week was filled with field trips, Pre K and Kindergarten program, 4th grade reading their Greek Mythologies, First grade science experiments! So many wonderful celebrations for our students and families!
We have lots of activities happening during the last week of school! Please see the schedule below so you do not miss anything.
Students will be bringing home preliminary ILEARN results next week. Please be on the look out for this information.
Students will receive their final report card via email on Tuesday May 28th.
Schedule for Next Week
Monday - Classes as usual
Tuesday - Classes as usual
- 7th vs 8th grade kickball game @ 1:15pm - 4-6 grade will come to watch event
- 8th grade Walk the halls for the last time - 8th grade parents are welcome to join us for this event, this will take place after the kickball game.
- 8th grade end in the office to say prayer and dismiss the school one last time.
Wednesday - No All School Mass today
- 8th grade graduation - Mass at 6pm, graduation to follow
- This event is for 8th grade students and families only - thank you for understanding
Thursday - Classes as usual
- All School Mass at 9:30am with Father Bob
- Today students will clean out desks and lockers and bring school items home
- Field Day - students can dress out of uniform, students will not need backpacks today
- EARLY DISMISSAL - 1pm - NO Aftercare - please make arrangements to have your students picked up by 1pm.
Choice Scholarships
Thank you to all our families that have brought in their tax documents for your Choice Applications! Mrs. Wiley has been processing the documents. If you have not brought in your tax information for your scholarship, please do so now so we can process your application. If you do not bring in your tax information for your child's choice scholarship application, your tuition for the upcoming school year will be $7950 per student.
If you have filed your taxes please bring a copy into the school office so we may begin processing your scholarship for next school year. We would like to get most of your paperwork processed before the end of the school year.
If you have questions please see Mrs. Caldera.
Tuition for 2023 2024 School Year!
Parents your tuition accounts need to be paid in full by May 24th!
May 24th is the last day of school. If you have questions about your account, please call the office at 317-783-7759 and speak to Mrs. Caldera on myself. Thank you.
Counselor's Corner
Summer is coming. Here are food resources during summer.
Summer Servings
Free breakfast and lunch is served at many locations for children 18 and under.
To find a site near you, text “summer meals” or “verano” to (914) 342-7744.
Food Pantries
To find one in your zip code, go to: https://indyfoodpolicy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/List-of-Indy-Pantries-by-Zip.pdf
Central Catholic Food
We have non-perishable food (like canned foods) available at Central Catholic during the summer. You can call Luz at 317-783-7758 to get some of these foods.
- Central Catholic families, If you have used uniform clothes in good condition, please think about donating them to us and we will give them away at Back to School Night. You can drop them off over the summer at the school office!
Student and Family Handbook Reminders
1. We are not allowed to have cupcakes, cakes, or candy as a birthday treats. Central Catholic School is a universal free and reduced lunch school we have state guidelines we must follow.
Students my bring a small individual healthy snack - pretzels, fruit snacks, granola bars, etc. - for their classmates. (No drinks)
If cupcakes, cakes or candy is brought as a treat, they will be sent back home. I appreciate your support in following our handbook.
2. Students are not allowed to have artificial fingernails here at school. Per our handbook:
Additional Guidelines:
Shorts may be worn until Fall Break and again after Spring Break
Shorts and pants must be worn at the waist – no “sagging” styles
Girls may wear small earrings. Dangling or large hoop style earrings are not allowed.
Students may not wear makeup or artificial nails. The exception to this is 8th grade girls are allowed to have their nails done for May Crowning and will be allowed to keep nails through graduation.
No distracting hairstyles or unnatural hair color. Administration’s determination will be final.
Boys must be clean shaven.
Shirts should be tucked in at all times.
Only solid white t-shirts may be worn under uniform shirts.
Parents, please make sure that any piece of clothing a student may remove during the day is labeled with their name.
Administration reserves the right to determine if shoes or other clothing is appropriate.
Please ensure that your child does not have artificial fingernails. Students may wear fingernail polish.
Roncalli News
Future Royal Spiritwear!
Order online at https://1bb7e9.myshopify.com/, or contact Julie Gantner to come in to shop in person.
Student Summer Camps at Providence Cristo Rey
Lunch Menu 5/20-5/24
Monday: hamburger with onion rings, PBJ, or chicken Caesar salad
Tuesday: rotini with meat sauce , pizza lunchable, or chicken caesar salad
Wednesday: corn dog with coleslaw, PBJ, or chicken caesar salad
Thursday: cheese pizza, pizza lunchable, or chicken caesar salad
Friday: sack lunch (ham and cheese sandwich with chips, fruit and a veggie)
Substitutions may be made without notice. Students meals are provided at no cost under the Community Eligibility Provision. Lunch includes choices of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and dairy.