1/11 Newsletter
St. Petronille Catholic School
A Note from Mr. Schmidt
It was a great week of getting back to the action of school! While I know it can be hard to readjust to the pace and length of the school day, our students and teachers did a great job this week getting back in the swing of things. The students have also done a good job of demonstrating our January CHARGERS Trait of being Generous! Throughout the month, we will be supporting the value of being selfless and giving towards others, seeking to serve them and our community!
Please also make sure to complete the re-enrollment process for the 2025-26 school year. You should have received an email through FACTS before break with instructions on completing the enrollment packet for next school year for your returning students. Please complete the packet by January 17. We are only at a 55% completion rate, and it is important for us to have a strong idea of our numbers as we make admissions decisions in February. Thank you in advance for your attention to completing the re-enrollment packet!
If you are planning on applying for a new student to come to St. Pets next year, please make sure to complete an application for them by February 7. The online application can be found on the Admissions page of our website or by clicking on the photo below this letter.
We look forward to another great week next week, but not before we have a great Donut Sunday hosted by our PO with support from our 1st and 5th graders after the 9:30 AM mass this Sunday!
God bless,
Eric Schmidt
Coffee and Donuts After Mass on 1/12!
Trivia Night on 1/25!
Lights, Camera, Auction on March 8!
With only 8 weeks until LIGHTS, CAMERA, AUCTION! now is the time to make an impactful donation.
Proceeds from the annual auction are applied to the gap in the school’s operating budget and fund essential programs for curriculum enhancements, classroom and facility improvements, professional development, and student services.
Whether you donate an item, sponsor the event, advertise in the auction program, volunteer your time, bid on auction packages, or attend the event, you will contribute to the success of the auction.
All donations are due by 1/31/25. Act today! Visit stpetsauction25.givesmart.com
For questions, auction@stpetschool.org Thank you for your support.
Catholic Schools Week Mass and Open House on 1/26!
Enrichment Clubs are Coming Soon!
Ski Weekend Update and Important Information
Hello all. The ski weekend is fast approaching for February 7-9th. If you haven't booked your room yet, definitely do so by calling Eagle Ridge Resort at 815-777-2500. We have well over 200 people already confirmed again this year. Additionally, as it relates to rentals and lift tickets, below is the discounted site to use. As a note, a one hour group lesson is free if you do a lift ticket plus rent gear. It is not required, but it is nice for beginners or a refresher for those who haven't skied much.
As always, text me at 773-960-6675 with any questions and make sure and email me at coreyengesser@gmail.com with the following if you haven't done so already: number of adults coming, number of kids coming and grade levels. We need this info for planning with the resort for food, etc.
Can't wait to see you all for a fun ski weekend!
-Corey Engesser
Backpack Mail
Spring Athletics Registration is Here!
Raise Right
Heritage Night
Knights of Columbus
Steubenville Joliet Conference
Chicago Wolves Family Day
Photos of the Week
We love the tradition of our 2nd grade students celebrating the Epiphany by visiting our classrooms and offices to tell us about the visit of the Three Kings! Please look for our new signs celebrating the birth of Christ that are now over every classroom and office door and that have been blessed by Fr. Les!
On the Calendar
Sunday, January 12: Donut Sunday following 9:30 AM mass
Friday, January 17: T2 Mid-Trimester Progress Reports
Monday, January 20: NO CLASSES - MLK Day
Tuesday, January 21: MLK Mass at 9:30 AM
Wednesday, January 22: Spelling Bee at 1:30 PM in PLC
Saturday, January 25: Trivia Night at 7:00 PM in the PLC
Sunday, January 26: Catholic Schools Week Mass at 11:30 AM, School Open House to follow until 2:00 PM
Tuesday, January 28: CSW St. Francis HS Band Performances at 11:00 AM and 11:30 AM
Wednesday, January 29: Culver's Night from 5:00-8:00 PM
Friday, January 31: Pancake Breakfast at 7:30 AM, Charger Olympics and Pep Rally
Follow Us on Social Media!
Important Links
Quest Hot Lunch
Stay in the know with PO!
Learn more about St. Petronille!
Website: www.stpetschool.org
Location: 425 Prospect Avenue, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630-469-5041