Sept 23, 2024
My name is Heidi Clairmont and I'm the scholarship coordinator at GRHS.
My job is to help you stay on top of scholarship deadlines, research scholarships, and post college reps visiting the high school.
My office is in the counseling office and I'm a resource to help you navigate scholarships this school year! Email: hclairmont@isd318.org or phone 218-327-5760 x41544
***PSEO STUDENTS!!! Your school gmail account is still active and is the way that the school will communicate all kinds of information to you! If you don't remember your email and password, please reach out to me or Amy in the counseling office to get the information!
Seniors will receive email updates through their school email. Anyone else will need sign up to be on the Scholarship Notification List.
- College Prep Timeline
- GRHS Scholarship Organizer (This document will help you stay on top of deadlines. Make your own copy when it opens).
- 10 most Common Scholarship Essay Topics
More information about the Major Scholarships & Deadlines
There are literally thousands of scholarships that you can apply for nationally. While, I will highlight some of them occasionally, I mainly focus on the local and regional scholarships that are for local students. The following scholarships and links will be promoted through out the year when the applications open and as deadlines approach:
- Opens Dec 1. Apply ASAP
- This is the FREE Application for Federal Student Aid. Do your FAFSA as soon as you can during the school year. You will apply every year you are in college. This is how the government distributes grants and federal money for post secondary education. Do this as soon as you can so you can get your FAFSA Submission Summary. This is what colleges/universities need to give you a student aid package for cost comparison.
- Opens Nov 1, deadline Jan 15
- Students going into STEM majors can earn $24,000 for college each year! Family income requirement limit is $175K; student must have a 3.5 GPA or higher and an ACT score of 24 or higher.
- Opens around December 5 until the deadline of Feb 20.
- More than 40 local scholarships are managed through GRHS for GRHS and ALC students. Scholarships include: Paul Bunyan Communications, Eagles, American Legion, Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and many, many others. Students complete 1 application for all of the scholarships they qualify for.
- Opens Jan 1 and deadline is Mar 1
- The Grand Rapids Community Foundation gives away more than $30,000 each year to Grand Rapids High School Students.
- Blandin Foundation Scholarships
- Opens Jan 2; deadline is March 1.
- Students can get aid up to $6,000 each year; Family income limit $125k. Apply every year you are in school until age 25 as long as you are pursuing a degree.
**This is not an exhaustive list... be sure to research additional scholarships on your own if you are so motivated!!**
The button below will be available on every update, but the color may change:
Newly added to the above page:
Coca-Cola Scholars Program Deadline: Sept 30
- National scholarship program given by the Coca-Cola Corporation. Achievement-based scholarship awarded to 150 seniors in the amount of $20,000
Elks Most Valuable Student Competition Deadline: Nov 12
- The Elks award (500) 4-year scholarships to the highest rated applicants in the competition. Ranging from $4000 to $50,000. You do not need to be related to an Elk member to apply.
Driver Education Initiative Award Deadline: Nov 30
- Any high school student can apply for (2) $500 scholarships for Round 3 of this contest. Write a 500 word essay about safe driving.
Hagen Scholarship Foundation Deadline: Dec 1
- Over 300 new scholarships up to $40,000 each are awarded each year. These are need-based merit scholarships and are only available to rural students nationwide. See Website for more details
Science Ambassador Scholarship Deadline: DEC 16
- Full tuition Scholarship for a FEMALE going into a STEM field. Film a 3 minute educational video of yourself teaching a STEM topic you are passionate about.
Going Merry by earnest is a platform that helps students apply for scholarships. Bundled scholarships allow students to apply for many scholarships at a time. Auto fills in your information from your profile.
College Visits are available for 10th - 12th graders
College & Military Reps come to Grand Rapids High school to talk with students about what their organization has to offer. Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors can attend. Sign up to get a pass to come down to the counseling conference room during the scheduled times: SIGN UP FOR A PASS
Scheduled Reps will be at GRHS from the following schools:
- Grand Canyon University (Arizona) Tues Sept 24 @ 9am
- Concordia College at Moorhead, MN Mon Oct 7th at 9am
- College of St Scholastica Mon Oct 14 9am
- Lake Superior College Tues Oct 15th at 1pm
- Northern Michigan University Mon Oct 21st at 2pm
Heidi Clairmont
Counseling Office at GRHS
Email: hclairmont@isd318.org
Website: https://www.isd318.org/domain/129
Location: 800 NW Conifer Dr, Grand Rapids, MN, United States
Phone: 218-327-5760 .41544
Facebook: facebook.com/grandrapidshighschoolcounseling
Twitter: @GRCounseling