One91 Virtual Academy Newsletter
September 30- October 4
School Issued Chromebooks
Elementary and Middle School students must use a school issued device. They may use an alternate device if arranged with the teacher and as a temporary solution. Students using non school issued devices are not able to access items only available on the school device, making learning difficult and can create a security risk. Starting Monday September 16, 2024 teachers will not admit a student into class without a school device, unless arranged ahead of time with the teacher.
How (and why) to PowerWash your Chromebook
When your Chrome device is no longer working correctly and you have worked through troubleshooting items like clearing cache, signing out of your device, and performing a restart, performing a PowerWash may help.
A Powerwash will remove anything that is not the Chrome Operating System. NOTE: All information stored locally on the device will be erased. This will not affect information stored in the Google Cloud applications.
When beginning this process, you may see the option to select “Restart”. Please continue by selecting the “Restart” button and the next screen will prompt you to select “PowerWash”.
Press CTRL + ALT + Shift + r keys simultaneously
Select Powerwash
Confirm Powerwash - press Continue
Select Let’s Go at the welcome screen
Connect to your available network
Accept and Continue to Google terms of service
Select Done at the “Enterprise enrollment complete” window
Sign in to your Chromebook.
Fall Elementary Conferences
**Virtual Academy Elementary students should sign up here. Conferences are virtual only. Sign ups close 10/13.
Black/Gold Rotation
Fall Middle School Conferences
**Virtual Academy Middle School students, if you have Mosey, Aviles, Glansman, Goff, Pieper or Thompson please sign up here. Conferences for these teachers will be a group conference. Conferences are virtual only. Sign ups close 10/13.
Teachers whose home school is not VA: Link coming soon.
ERMS Conference link Opens 9/26 and closes 10/10.
**Virtual Academy High School students, if you have Christian, Eiler, Hill, Johnson, Parkin or Pieper please sign up here. Conferences for these teachers will be a group conference. Conferences are virtual only. Sign ups open close 10/13.
BHS home teacher use this link: https://www.myconferencetime.com/bhs/
Volunteer Opportunities
*Please Read all options carefully, many new opportunities*
Service to our community is an amazing way to give back, and it’s also a unique opportunity for earning a service learning credit. Please go to the Youth Service- Community Volunteering Website for more information *Be sure to visit my.innerview.org for all updated opportunities.
*Please note, if you sign up to volunteer, people are counting on you, you must communicate with the supervising person if you are not able to attend at least 24 hours in advance.
Volleyball Volunteers Needed! If you are interested in helping with our volleyball tournament with concessions, admissions, etc,Oct. 4, 5 and 12 please sign up using this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0D4DAAAB2AAAF58-50104684-tournaments#/
Free T shirt in Ms. Jackson Floback’s Office
The Free Book Buggie. Each Saturday will be the Free Book Buggie book sort event from 10a-12p or Tuesday after school in C100. This event asks volunteers to count book donations, sort donated books by reading level and category, and load books into buggy for upcoming events. *Free T-Shirt available in Ms. Jackson Floback’s office
Savage Halloween Bash Join us for a fun volunteer opportunity for students. The City of Savage Parks & Recreation Department Halloween Bash will take place on Saturday, October 19 from 5pm-8pm. Volunteers would be needed from 4:30pm until 8:30pm. It is held inside the Savage Sports Center Dome at 13450 Dakota Avenue. The volunteers would be helping us run fun activity stations for children that come to the event with their families. Our last Halloween Bash we had over 800 kids attend
Boys Soccer Photography Help is needed capturing the boys soccer team and we are asking you to help them. If you have your own camera (not cellular phone camera) and would be willing to take action and stills at the Boys Home Games below, you will be allowed free access to the games and the field line as well as earn a free snack and beverage. For more information, please contact the Boys Soccer Booster at burnsvilleboyssoccerbooster@gmail.com ASAP!
Varsity home games
Tuesday, September 24, 7pm Bob Pates Stadium
Saturday, September 28, 1pm Bob Pates Stadium
Wednesday, October 2, 5pm Bob Pates Stadium
Camp Enterprise Sponsored by the Burnsville Breakfast Rotary This is an amazing opportunity for students interested in the world of business and entrepreneurism. This program will financially be covered by the Burnsville Breakfast Rotary, all that it will cost you is your time, energy and interest! The program will take place Oct 31-Nov. 2 at the True Friends Camp Courage, Maple Lake MN. This is for high school Juniors and Seniors and is designed to introduce students to the free enterprise system and encourage entrepreneurship and ethical business practices. Please look at the attached link for information about Camp Enterprise. If you are interested in this opportunity, are a high school Junior or Senior, and can attend the event Oct. 31-Nov. 2 please contact Ms. Jackson Floback!. Names and contact information for those interested will be collected by Ms. Jackson Floback (cfloback@isd191.org) until Wednesday Oct. 9th *Volunteer hours are also available for participation.
Tutoring Center Now Open! Seeking tutors for the tutoring center on Tuesday and or Wednesdays from 2:40-3:20. 2 hours of service are provided for each session. Interested students, please select the following link to sign up or contact Ms. Jackson Floback for more information.
Blazette Dance Invitational The Blazette Dance Invite is Saturday, November 16th from approx 9-4. Each volunteer will receive a ticket for a free slice of pizza and a bottle of water! I have attached the sign-up link. ONLY sign up for the positions listed below (each one has BHS VOLUNTEERS under the job title)
Dancer Gift Runner ( 9 - spots available)
Judge Runner ( 4 - spots available)
Water Station ( 6 - spots available) This is a great one to do with a buddy, they literally just fill water glasses all day :-)
DOCUMENTING SERVICE & SETTING UP YOUR ACCOUNT IN INNERVIEW: For information on how to register for the InnerView Hours Documentation system or how to input hours please select this link.
Questions, please contact cfloback@isd191.org
Registration is still open for fall enrichment activities and clubs through Community Education. Go to https://communityed.isd191.org/ to learn more.
VIDEO: See how chess club through Community Education is sparking strategic thinking and fostering a sense of community for District 191 students.
Technology Levy Renewal
Reminder: Tech levy meetings coming up Sept. 30, Oct. 3
If you want to learn more about the school district’s technology levy, public presentations will be held from 6:30-8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 30 at Hidden Valley Elementary and from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3 at Diamondhead Education Center.
The technology levy provides about $4.6 million per year to support classroom technology, learning devices (Chromebooks) and programs (Schoology and SeeSaw), technology safety and security systems and technology support staff.
Visit isd191.org/referendum for more information.
Click on picture for school supply list.
Middle and High School
Click on picture for school supply list.
Upcoming Events
14 Materials Pick up
14-16 Parent Teacher Conferences, NO SCHOOL
29-School Picture Retakes at Vista View
27 K-5 Virtual Artic Wolf field trip 9-11
28-29 Thanksgiving Break-NO SCHOOL
Tech Support
Need Chromebook help? You can contact Technical Support by submitting an online request
or by phone 952-707-2758.
About One91 Virtual Academy
One91 Virtual Academy is a school in District 191 with 100 percent online instruction. Curriculum is designed and taught by District 191 staff.
Email: 191va-elementary@isd191.org
Website: https://virtualacademy.isd191.org
Location: 13109 County Road 5, Burnsville, MN, USA
Phone: (952)707-2900
School Hours
Elementary: 9:00am-3:45pm
Middle School: 7:50am-2:30pm
High School: Asynchronous
Important Numbers to know
Attendance line: (952)707-2904
Main number: (952)707-2900
Technology support: (952)707-2758