Anderson Weekly News 12/17/19
The Sky's the Limit!
Dates To Remember
- Wed. Dec. 18th Houlihan's PTO Dine Out Fundraiser
- Fri. Dec. 20th Classroom Holiday Parties
- Mon. Dec. 23rd thru Fri. Jan. 3rd Winter Break
- Mon. Jan. 6th Teachers Institute Day -NO SCHOOL
- Tues. Jan. 7th School Resumes
- Thurs. Jan. 9th PTO Meeting 6:00 PM
- Wed. Jan. 15th Orchestra Concert @ Norris Cultural Arts Center 6:00 PM
- Thurs. Jan 16th PTO Game Night 6:30-8:00 PM
- Thurs. Jan. 16th Choir Concert @ Norris Cultural Arts Center 6:30 PM
- Mon. Jan. 20th Martin Luther King Jr. Day-No School
- Tues. Jan. 21st Buona Beef Dine Out Night 10:30 AM-8:00 PM
- Thurs. Jan. 30th One School, One Book Family Event 6:00-7:30 PM
YOU CAN GET OFF SANTA'S NAUGHTY LIST IF YOU TAKE THIS SURVEY. Help us get some encouraging and helpful feedback.
Thank you to those of you who were able to complete the Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey during Parent-Teacher Conferences. We already have 17% participation at this time. We need at least 20% participation in order to receive a score. We as a staff utilize your input to celebrate and continue the things we get good feedback about, and create goals to improve any areas we need growth. Your input does not simply get dumped into a survey abyss. We devour the graphs and trends that your input gives us. Filling out this survey is one easy way to support our school.
If you have not taken the survey, there is still time. To take the parent survey please visit and select the appropriate survey. It's easy! It only takes about 8 min. Thanks!
Winter Holiday Parties: Friday, December 20th.
1:55 p.m. Designated Classroom Parent Volunteers arrive and begin party preparation.
2:15 p.m. Parties commence
2:45 p.m. Clean up begins
3:00 p.m. Regular Dismissal.
We strongly encourage parents to have their children attend school until 3:00 p.m. Thank you for helping make this day as organized and smooth as possible.
Come work at Anderson! Lunchroom/Recess Supervisors Needed
We are looking for several more Lunchroom/Recess Supervisors. Interested? Have questions? Please call Mr. Jarot at (331) 228-3300. I am happy to explain the role and how you could join an awesome team to help us supervise our students during Lunch and Recess.
To formally apply call Patricia Burton - Office Manager Organic Life - (331) 228-5242
News From the Anderson PTO
Happy Holidays!
Yearbook Pictures Needed!
We need your help to make our yearbook great this year! Please send photos to: as soon as possible.
Thank You!
Community Events
Parent's Night Out! Elf Night for Kids!
Dear WMS Families , (Including Anderson Elementary Siblings!)
In celebration of the holiday season, the following Wredling Middle School clubs (Snowflake, Student Council, and WEB) would like to offer a parentś night out - Elf Night for Kids, Wednesday, December 18, 2019 from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
PARENTS: Here is your opportunity to take time for last minute shopping, or a night to yourself!
In the holiday spirit this event will cost $15.00 per child. Pizza, popcorn, snacks, water, hot chocolate, crafts, games, and a movie will be provided and covered by the admission fee.
This is open to any Wredling Middle School Student and their younger siblings grades K-5.
Attached is an information sheet and permission slip. Permission slips due to Wredling by December 13.
If you have questions please contact; Joan Hagedorn - or 331-228-5830
Snowflake, Student Council, and WEB
Anderson Elementary School
Location: 35W071 Villa Maria Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3300