Sentinel Snapshot
November 15, 2024

Admin Corner
Practicing Gratitude
Getting better, every day. - Jake
Looking Ahead
Week of November 18th
- Literature Club Book Drive: 10/21-11/25
- First Day of Winter Sports: 11/18
- Ace Day: 11/20
- Cross Country Banquet: 11/20 5pm in the CLC and large commons
- Fall Play: 11/21 SHS Theater at 6pm
- Fall Play: 11/22 SHS Theater at 6pm
Week of November 25th
- Literature Club Book Drive: 10/21-11/25
- Half Day: 11/27
- No School Thanksgiving Break: 11/28
- No School Thanksgiving Break: 11/29
Impact Aid
Completing the form is easy! Click the link below to complete the form in the parent square post.
Around Campus
SHS Dram Club Presents Death by Chocolate
Come watch Drama club's suspenseful performance of Death by Chocolate.
- When: November 21st and 22nd
- Where: SHS theater at 6:00pm.
- Tickets: $5 Sold at the door.
Used Book Donations – Fundraiser for Literature Club
Do you have any used books sitting around? It’s time to clean off those shelves! The Literature Club is running a Used Book Fundraiser! Starting this week (October 21st – November 25th), we’re collecting used book donations. Then, for Red Ribbon Bazaar in December, we’ll create a “Used Book Sale” booth!
Donate any used or unwanted books you may have, starting this week, and then stop by our booth at Red Ribbon Bazaar in December to find some new and interesting books to read!
Music and Cheer Combined Fundraiser
If you are in need of a new mattress and would also like to support SHS music and cheer consider attending the fundraiser on November 17th.
76 Gas Station Fundraiser
Purchase gas at the Steilacoom 76 Station on November 20th - 26th and a portion of your purchase will be donated to the SHS Class of 2025.
Red Ribbon Bazaar
Save the date for the 25th Annual Red Ribbon Bazaar
Community Events
Annual Dupont Food Drive
Please consider donating this weekend.
November Events
Looking for family activities this month? The MWR is hosting a November full of fun.
Counseling Connections
Running Start Students
Running Start Students
It's that time of year again! Winter quarter registration is happening now. It's time to get your Winter EVF. These meetings are mandatory to get your EVF!
If you are a senior (Class of 2025), please schedule an appointment with Mr. Johnson.
If you are a junior (Class of 2026), please schedule an appointment with Mrs. Johnson.
Friendly reminder: We have our new hours to grab food before you head off to the college! If you have questions, please ask your counselor.
Seniors - Class of 2025
Automatic Admissions
Seniors, do you have a 3.3 GPA and have met, or are on track to meet your CADRs (College Academic Distribution Requirements)?
You may be receiving an Automatic Admissions Letter from Pacific Lutheran University. (It's real! )
What does this mean? Just that you have another option when it comes to choosing your next step after high school. How neat! Please see Mr. Johnson if you have any questions.
A Message from Mr. Johnson
Hi Seniors,
I know many of you are in the thick of college applications, or at least thinking about applying. If you haven't already, it's a great time to start looking at colleges that may be right for you. CommonApp is an amazing resource where you can apply to multiple colleges at once. If you need help with college applications, reviewing essays, resumes, or just any questions about post high school life, Dr. Chase and I will be doing "Beyond HS Assistance" during the next Wednesday WIN time.
P.S. During this year, you will feel many emotions ranging from high stress to extreme joy. Don't forget to stop, take a breath, and enjoy the moment. You are all capable of doing great things!
-Mr. Johnson
Senior Yearbook Information
Seniors! There is one deadline for all FOUR senior yearbook items
Senior photos, Grad Ads, Baby photos and Senior quotes are all due FRIDAY Dec. 6th!
If you have any questions, contact Yearbook adviser Lindsay Webster at lwebster@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Sentinel athletics this week
Winter Sport Registration
Winter Sports Begin on Monday November 18th. If you have not registered, please take a moment to review the athletic registration process here. Students must be fully cleared in order to participate in the first day of practice. If you have questions regarding athletics please contact Mr. Bradbury.
Booster Club
Save the date for upcoming Sentinel Booster Club Meetings
Staff Spotlight
We're Hiring
We are actively seeking dedicated individuals to join our team in various roles, including teachers, paraeducators, and substitutes. If you're passionate about fostering a supportive learning environment and making a positive impact, we want you on our team!
Click Here to learn more about our open positions and apply today!
Stay Connected with Parent Square
Steilacoom Historical School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
About Us
Email: steilacoomhsoffice@steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Website: www.steilacoom.k12.wa.us
Location: 54 Sentinel Drive, Steilacoom, WA, USA
Phone: 253-983-2300
Instagram: @bigsteilly
Facebook: Steilacoom Sentinels
Daily Schedule: Bell Schedule