Pacific Ridge Principal's Update
Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
Important Dates
- Wednesdays ~ Early Release @ 1:30 PM
- Tuesday, January 21st - Wednesday, February 5th ~ Fundraiser - Discount Cards Sales *See below for details
- Monday, January 27th - Friday, January 31st ~ Kindness Dress Up Week *See flyer below
- Monday, January 27th - Friday, January 31st ~ Sock Drive *See below for details
- Monday, February 3rd - Friday, February 14 ~ Dental Sealants *watch for permission paperwork coming home!
- Monday, February 24th ~ Fundraiser - McMenamins Night Out - 5:00-10:00 PM. *watch for more details in uncoming newsletters!
- Tuesday, March 11th ~ Save the date for Kindergarten & 1st Grade Spring Concerts
- Thursday, March 20th ~ Early Release at Noon/12:00 PM for Parent Teacher Conferences
- Thursday, March 20th ~ Parent Teacher Conferences 1:30-8:00 PM
- Friday, March 21st ~ NO SCHOOL for Parent Teacher Conferences
- Friday, March 21st ~ Parent Teacher Conferences 8:00 AM - 12:00/Noon
- Monday, March 24th- Friday, March 28th ~ Spring Break
Calendars ~ Seaside School District
- Our Pacific Ridge Elementary calendar is also on our website and LINKED HERE. Upcoming events will be posted on this calendar.
- Our School District Calendar is posted to our school website and LINKED HERE for quick reference.
PTO Fundraiser
Ready to sell cards?
Erin's Law
Counselor's Corner & Erin's Law Lesson Information
Pacific Ridge Families,
During the month of February, our students will be participating in a very important series of lessons. These lessons are based on Oregon Senate Bill 856, which states that all schools shall provide sexual abuse prevention instruction for students in grades K-12. These lessons are often referred to as the “Erin’s Law” lessons.
On the district website under the “Departments” tab (LINKED HERE), you will find the areas covered at each grade level, along with the corresponding applicable standard. Additionally, information is available on the Pacific Ridge Elementary website–just go to the “Counseling” tab (LINKED HERE).
Also for your reference, included in this newsletter is a summary overview of what is covered.
Please take a few moments and review this information.
Should you have any questions at all, or are considering having your child not participate in one or more of these lessons (“opting out”) please contact one of our school counselors on/before Friday, January 31st by sending an email.
Send an e-mail to one of our school counselors:
- Anna Martinez, School Counselor,
- Colin Boutin, School Counselor
Thank you very much for your interest in these important lessons!
Juli Wozniak
Erin's Law Lessons Overview
In a nutshell, this is what is covered in the “Erin’s Law” lessons. Some lessons do overlap just a little.
1. Reproductive Body Parts Lesson: We talk about how some parts of our bodies are private, and it is okay to say "no" to unsafe touches about those parts (rule: "it is not okay for someone to touch a private part of your body--the part covered by a bathing suit--unless it is to keep you clean or healthy.") We briefly name the private body parts. We do not talk about reproduction at all, or the function of the private parts. We just name them, as there is research to show that using the biological names, rather than "silly" type names, helps normalize them for children and allows them to better verbalize should anything unsafe happen.
2. Support systems Lesson: We talk about how there are safe people that we can trust and talk with should we feel unsafe in any way.
3. Consent Lesson: We talk about how our bodies belong to us, and it is okay to say no respectfully to unwanted things, such as a hug we don't feel like. The lesson content is similar at all grade levels, but changes slightly for developmental appropriateness.
4. Bodily Fluids Lesson: For Grades K-2, this is really just a review of the COVID rules--how germs spread, washing our hands is important, covering our coughs, etc. Grades 3-5 adds some basic information about HIV, along with other ways disease can be transmitted, such as sharp objects one might find.
5. Gender Lesson: We talk about how it is okay for girls to like football and boys to like dolls—in other words, we talk about stereotypes. The private parts of the body are briefly mentioned. The lesson content is similar at all grade levels, but changes slightly for developmental appropriateness. We will briefly touch on the fact that some people do not identify with either gender. We will discuss the importance of acceptance to all people. If students have further questions about gender, we will direct them to ask their family about this.
Should you have any questions at all, or are considering having your child not participate in one or more of these lessons (“opting out”) please send an e-mail to one of our school counselors on/before Wednesday, January 31st.
- K-2nd Grade Students: Anna Martinez, School Counselor,
- Colin Boutin, School Counselor
Save the Dates & Dress Up for Kindness
Monday, January 27th - Friday, January 31st
Safety & Emergency Preparedness
Be Prepared for a School Emergency:
Please check out our school website's information on emergency planning for the school district. It has good information about how the district responds to emergencies, and how we will communicate with parents. In addition, the information will remind you to be sure to bring your ID when you come to pick up your child after a school emergency. And, only those people who are registered in Parent Square as authorized pickup people will be allowed to pick up students.
Important Health Information
Immunization Exclusion Day reminder for families:
Oregon Immunization Exclusion Day is coming up after winter break on February 19, 2025. This means that any student that is not up to date with the required vaccines or exemptions will be excluded from school per Oregon law. The upcoming break is an excellent opportunity for families who are behind on required school vaccinations to get their records completed. Please bring all updated records to your child's school office.
If you are wondering where to go for vaccines, please consider the options below:
-Clatsop County Public Health has appointments available and families are welcome to contact the front office at 503-325-8500 to schedule appointments for their children & siblings! They are available even if you do not have insurance.
-Local pharmacies (contact directly to inquire of what they are offering & age restrictions).
-Always available are the child’s own Primary Care Clinics (contact each directly to discuss options & establish care if a new patient)
-CMH Pediatrics-503-325-7337 (PEDS)
-Providence Medical Clinics ( Seaside, Warrenton & Cannon Beach locations)
-Coastal Family Health Center 503-325-8315
If you would like more information about vaccine exemptions, please click here.
If you would like more information about what vaccines are required, please click here.
Please reach out to Nurse Dani for any questions or concerns. Email:, phone: 503-738-5589.
Thank you!
Medication and Illness exclusion reminders:
Please remember that all medications MUST be transported to and from school by a parent or guardian only. DO NOT SEND ANY MEDICATIONS TO SCHOOL WITH YOUR STUDENT. THIS INCLUDES COUGH DROPS. Medication administration in schools is heavily regulated by Oregon law. Schools are only allowed to dispense medications that are medically necessary to keep a student in school. If possible, please save the cough drops for home use and consider other ways to alleviate coughs at school. Sips of water or a small amount of honey work well in place of cough drops in a school setting. For more details about our medication requirements, please click here.
It is also that time of year when we are seeing many students contracting respiratory and other illnesses. Please remember to keep ill students home. Please click here for English guidelines and here for Spanish guidelines on when to keep your student out of school and when they may safely return. If you have any questions, please reach out to Nurse Dani or your primary care provider for further guidance.
Thank you all for partnering with us as we work together to keep our schools healthy and safe!
What's happening at Pacific Ridge?
STEAM Update: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math
“The arts and sciences are avatars of human creativity.”
- Astronaut Mae Jemison
Lots of creative things are going on in the STEAM Room! We are learning about famous artists from Pablo Picasso to Keith Haring, and creating art in their style. In the younger grades, they engineered some amazing sculptures. In the older grades, they learned about the science behind electrical circuits and engineered snap circuits to perform various tasks. The whole school learned about the balance of food webs in an ecosystem, and designed their own food webs using models. Soon the students will be exploring robot coding!
Ms. Acton's Class
At Starbase last week we learned about forms of electricity, chromatography, how to use GPS, CAD (computer aided design), and how light refracts in prisms.
Science with Mrs. Meyer’s Class
Teams working together to build their pet umbrellas!
Mrs. Johnson's Class
Morning work- using loose parts to learn numbers!
Ms. Collin's Class
Bella's essay, "What Does Patriotism Mean to Me?" was awarded first place by our local Elks Lodge. She received a Certificate of Achievement as well as a check for $75 for her efforts. Her essay will be forwarded on to the North District Chairman of the Elks for the chance at winning additional awards.
Fragrance Free School
Due to student & staff sensitivities/allergies related to fragrances, we are a fragrance free school.
Please help us keep our school safe for all of our puffins by not using cologne or perfume on your child and refrain from wearing it when you volunteer.
Thank you!
Celebrating Birthdays at School
Birthdays & Treats
Birthdays are celebrated collectively in the classroom ONE time per month to honor all the birthdays of the month.
Please contact your child's teacher if you wish to contribute a healthy snack to the class monthly celebration. Healthy snacks are preferred over cupcakes or other sugary snacks.
Frozen Fruit Bars
Snack mixes of cereal and dried fruit
Raisins and other dried fruit
Crackers or healthier cookies
If you wish to pass out birthday party invitations at school, we ask that all students in your child’s class be included.
Classroom Volunteers
We love parent volunteers in our school! Typically, teachers organize parent volunteers for their own classrooms. Teachers depend on parent volunteers to assist with reading and math instruction as well as with other special projects and activities.
If you have an hour a week you could regularly give to your child’s classroom, the teacher would really appreciate the help. We know our parent volunteers are very important to the success of our overall program.
***All volunteers must have current background checks on file with our office. CLICK HERE for more information on how to become a volunteer. Background checks generally are good for 3 years. If you are unsure if you have a current background check on file, please email Debbie at
Volunteer Code of Conduct:
To volunteer in the Seaside School District, applicants must complete a background screening and agree to the following Volunteer Code of Conduct:
1. I will sign in at the school office upon arrival.
2. I will wear/show volunteer identification whenever I am volunteering in a school.
3. I will follow the directions of the building principals, teachers, and other appropriate staff; I will ask for clarification if I have questions about school/district policy or rules.
4. I understand that volunteers are role models for students and I will conduct myself in a professional, respectful manner at all times.
5. I understand that when I volunteer my full attention is needed; I will not bring non-student children with me when I volunteer.
6. I will be a good listener and will encourage students with positive words and comments. I understand that it is not a volunteer’s job to discipline students and will inform school staff immediately if discipline issues arise.
7. I will share with teachers and/or school administrators any concerns that I may have in regard to student welfare and/or safety.
8. I will use only adult bathroom facilities.
9. I understand that Seaside School District has a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion of all students. I will uphold district policies and values while volunteering. I will not share my personal or political views with students while volunteering.
10. I will be dependable and on time; I will communicate with the school/teacher if I am unable to volunteer on my regular day/time.
11. I will not possess or use tobacco/nicotine products, or be under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or illegal drugs on school property or during school events off campus.
12. I understand that while volunteering I may learn private or sensitive information about students, families, or staff. I will keep information about students and/or staff confidential, except to carry out my volunteer duties or as outlined in this code of conduct.
13. I will protect myself, and students, by always working within view of a school staff member.
14. I will refrain from touching or hugging students, even if the student is the one who initiates the physical contact.
15. I will silence my cell phone and refrain from use of my cell phone when volunteering.
16. I will notify the School District Office immediately if I am arrested for a misdemeanor or felony sex, drug, assault or weapon related offense.
Pacific Ridge Food4Kids Sign-Up
Pacific Ridge Families:
When children are hungry, they aren't able to focus on the job of learning. The Food4Kids Seaside Program is available to help! This program is designed for children who attend Pacific Ridge Elementary School and may not have enough food on the weekends. The volunteers at Food4Kids provide a backpack or bag filled with food on the last school day before each weekend. Students will bring this food home from school on Fridays.
Questions if you would like to sign up please contact: Leticia Campos Sepulveda at
Mealtime at School
Free Breakfast & Lunch
All students at Pacific Ridge can eat breakfast & lunch for free.
Community Information
Coaster Kidz Upcoming Auditions
Based on the book
By Roald Dahl
DATE: Saturday, January 25
TIME: 11:30 a.m.
LOCATION: Coaster Theatre Playhouse
WHO: Ages 8 – 14 years old
More details CLICK HERE
Baseball Info.
2025 Seaside Youth Baseball registration is live! Please follow the link below. Seaside Youth Baseball players must be at least 7 years old and we recommend that your child has played at least 1 year of t-ball.. Deadline for registration is Friday 28, 2025.
Skills assessment will be held on Saturday, March 1st. This is required for all players. Players must attend the time that corresponds with their grade level:
1st and 2nd: 11:00-12:00
3rd and 4th: 12:30 -1:30
5th and 6th: 2:00-3:00
Pacific Ridge Elementary School
Location: 2000 Spruce Drive, Seaside, OR, USA
Phone: 503-738-5161
Nondiscrimination Statement
The Seaside School District prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to race, color, sex, marital status, religion, national origin, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, veteran/military status, or disability in any educational programs, activities, or employment.
The links below allow you to locate Seaside School District’s complete nondiscrimination policy and complaint procedure. If you would like to report information about conduct that may constitute Title IX sex discrimination, you may file a complaint by following the procedure below. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Jenny Risner, Coordinator of Civil Rights, Title IX, Section 504, & ADA, at 503-971-320-3268 or email