Oakhurst Weekly

Flat Oakie is Back!
STAR Early Literacy, Reading and Math Assessments: December 2-6 and 9-13
K-12 students will take the STAR Early Literacy, Reading and Math Assessments during the winter assessment screening period of December 2-6 and December 9-13. CSD measures results from this winter assessment screening period against results from the previous fall screening period to track growth and adjust instruction to best meet students' individual needs. These assessments are crucial for ensuring your child's continued success.
Families may use these directions to opt-in to receive the results of the STAR assessments upon completion. For questions, please contact Arlethea Williams (awilliams@csdecatur.net).
Immunization Assessment Reminder
CSD's School Health Team is preparing for DeKalb Public Health's immunization assessment on Friday, December 6, for all Kindergarten students.
Please ensure your child's immunization records are up-to-date and submitted to the school clinic by Thursday, December 5. If your child is missing any required immunizations, please schedule an appointment with your child's healthcare provider or visit Dekalb Public Health, 445 Winn Way, Decatur, GA 30030. If you plan to submit an Affidavit of Religious Objection to Immunizations (Form #2208), please remember that it must be notarized. Please contact the school nurse for questions or assistance with immunization records.
Food Insecurity Request Form
Oakhurst families, please complete and submit this food insecurity request form if your student is experiencing food insecurity within the home and is in need of some supplemental weekend snacks.
The Decatur Education Foundation supplies Oakhurst with snack bags for any student in need. This request form will go directly to our school counselor, Ms. King, and she will send home a snack bag with your student every Friday. Please go through each week's snack bag to remove any snack you may not want your child to have due to allergy concerns, etc.
CSD Wants Your Feedback!
City Schools of Decatur appreciates the contributions of parents, students, and staff. Here are three important surveys that are open or will open prior to winter break. Please take a few moments to make your opinion count!
2026-2027 District Calendar Input Survey (Expires 12/4/24)
Thank you for your continued partnership in evaluating the academic calendar options for the City Schools of Decatur. Please review the proposed 2026-2027 Academic Calendar and provide feedback using the links below. The estimated completion time is 5-7 minutes.First-Semester Teacher Engagement Survey (Expires 12/6/24; for teachers only)
Coming Soon! School Climate Survey (Opens 12/2/24)
From PTA
Email to volunteer with the auction committee:
A few reminders:
You can check out multiple books from the DEI Book Cart at once.
Return books at the next DEI Book Cart event in the coming weeks.
Watch for an automatic due date reminder via email from the new Libib system, used by both the DEI Book Cart and Game Center.
THANK YOU from Decatur Education Foundation!
Decatur, you ABSOLUTELY blew us away last Thursday! Thank you for celebrating the return of Supper & Sips with us! You helped us raise a record number in one night... more than NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS in support of Decatur’s kids! Thank you for ALL the ways you show up for DEF so that we can continue to show up for our kids. Visit our website and follow DEF on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about the important work we’re able to support in our schools and in our community, thanks to the generosity of this Decatur community of ours.
Keep it Indie-Catur on Giving Tuesday!
Giving Tuesday is right around the corner! There are countless worthwhile organizations to donate to, but when you give to the Decatur Education Foundation, your support directly impacts kids, teens, and educators right here in our community. Your tax-deductible gift provides essential needs for CSD families struggling with food insecurity, supports student mental health initiatives, provides arts infusion programming in our schools, and allows us to support our amazing educators through Teacher Innovation Grants! Through your generosity, we've been able to do so much good work in our community, and with your continued support, we'll be able to do so much more! Visit DEF's website to learn more about how you can get involved!
Decatur Farm to School Committee
Do you have plans for a new garden or class project for spring? Are you full of fantastic ideas for incorporating farm-to-school principles into a teaching unit? Need funds for a "green" field trip?
The Wylde Center Decatur Farm to School Committee invites you to apply for a grant for 2024/25. Teachers, administrators, PTA members, and parent volunteers can apply on behalf of their CSD school. Please get your applications in before December 13, 2024.