Jaguar Journal
October 6th, 2023

September 17, 2024
Contact Information
35980 Lakeshore Blvd. Eastlake, OH 44095
Office Email:
Main Office Line: 440-942-7244
Attendance Line: 440-283-2177 (this is a 24 hour line and a message can be left at any time!)
Office Staff
- Mrs. Candace Platt, Principal
- Mr. David Eberly, Assistant Principal
- Mrs. Lori Dugger, Principal's Secretary
- Mrs. Wendy Flick, Administrative Secretary
- Mrs. Jacque Sparent, Family Liaison
- Ms. Megan Kuhlman, Nurse
- Ms. Jennifer Healan, Heath Aide
Safety Week
Parents and Guardians,
The safety of our students and staff is our top priority. We are coordinating with the Eastlake Police Department to practice some important drills and procedures. This will occur during our “Safety Week” the week of September 30th.
Monday, September 30th Fire Drill
Tuesday, October 1st Lockdown/ Barricade Drill
Wednesday, October 2nd Mass Evacuation to Safe Location(s)
Thursday, October 3rd Situational Drill (Lockdown/Barricade/Evacuate)
Friday, October 4th Tornado Drill
Times for these events will not be provided to parents for safety reasons
Please talk with your students about the importance of these drills. These drills are not intended to scare students or make anyone nervous. We want our students to understand what to do in case of an emergency. These drills are required by the state, and having them all done in one week helps us keep everyone prepared.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns
Candace Platt
Jefferson Elementary School
Important Upcoming Dates
9/16- Jaguar Jog Kick Off/Fundraising Begins
9/17- PTO Meeting- 6 PM
9/19- Marco’s Pizza Night
9/25- Ohio Dental Outreach Coming In
9/25- Skating Party @ United Skates of America 6 PM- 8:30 PM
9/30-10/4- Safety Week
10/3- Jaguar Jog
Click HERE for the WE 24-25 District Calendar
Classroom Party Volunteer Information
- Classroom parties are an exciting time for students and we appreciate our volunteers!
- All classroom party volunteers will sign up using Sign-Up Genius again this school year.
- On Friday, 9/27, at 6 PM, I will blast out the Sign-Ups for the Halloween Parties (10/31), Holiday Parties (12/19), and Valentine's Day Parties (2/14).
- We have limited spots for volunteers. To allow opportunities for more parents to attend, only one adult per child can sign up for one party for the school year. If you, or another adult in your family, sign up for more than one party, your additional sign-ups will be removed to make room for other volunteers.
- If we end up having spots unclaimed, we will open the Sign-Ups again for any volunteers.
Picture Day- Create Account Now
Our Picture Day is on Thursday, October 10th. Please create an account as soon as possible!
Important Attendance Information
Reporting Absences and Tardies:
Absences: If your child will be absent from school, please call the school’s 24 hour attendance line at 440-283-2177 or email . If we don’t receive notification, you will receive an automated call to verify the absence and we will call you and the emergency contacts. This is for the safety of your child. Upon your child’s return, please provide a doctor’s note when possible to verify the absence.
Tardies: If your child is tardy, please make sure you see your child enter the
building. You do not need to enter the building.
House Bill 410 - Attendance of Your Child
Please make every attempt to get your child to school on time as we are required to monitor students’ hours absent, due to House Bill 410. It is important for every student in Ohio to attend school every day. Missing too much school has long-term, negative effects on students, such as lower achievement and graduation rates. It is extremely important to always call our attendance line to let us know when they will be out. Providing a doctor's note when applicable is helpful as well. When students hit certain benchmarks of hours of school missed, you will receive a letter notifying you of this. Certain benchmarks require meetings and/or intervention plans to take place. The highest of benchmarks could require further actions and local resources to be involved. Click HERE for a link to more information regarding attendance laws in Ohio.
Early Release
Student releases from the clinic or early dismissal will go through the main office. Anyone picking up a child will be asked to present photo identification. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation regarding our school’s safety procedures. Please inform additional family members and emergency contacts of this policy as well, so they will be prepared with their identification.
School Safety
School safety is our top priority.
*Please remember when picking up your child during the school day, you will scan your ID in our vestibule. You will remain in the vestibule until your child is released to you.
*When visiting the school, you will scan your ID in our vestibule and then be granted access to our office area.
In the event of a viable school threat, we would activate our blue illuminating lights over the gym and Door 2 which would indicate that no visitor or students should enter the building. We will conduct safety drills throughout the school year for students and staff.
All entrances are locked throughout the school day.
Clinic & Medications
For a child to take any over the counter medication, a form must be completed in advance. Doctor prescribed medications, including inhalers, given to children at school require a physician’s note. Medication forms are available on our district’s website by clicking HERE. Please call our office for further instructions on how to drop off the medication to our clinic.
A-F Elementary Related Arts Schedule
Beginning this year, all of our elementary schools in WE will be implementing a 6 day (A-F) related arts rotation. So students will have all of their related arts classes every third day (or twice every six days). This will consist of Physical Education, Music and STEAM. Students will always have gym on their related arts day, so please make sure your child wears tennis shoes to school on those days.
District Technology Information
Students in Grades 3-12 will be assigned a Chromebook, case and a charger to bring back and forth from home to school. Students in Grades K-2 will be assigned a Chromebook from a dedicated classroom Chromebook cart for use throughout the school day.
An annual technology fee of $20 will be required for all students to defray the cost of technology and associated digital software related to student learning. Payment of the annual technology fee by the last day of the first quarter, will cover the cost of one repair as a result of accidental damage during the school year. If multiple repairs are needed from one incident, the highest value repair will be covered. Full device replacement or lost chargers are not covered by the annual technology fee. The annual fee will be assessed August 1st and will cover the school year through July 31st. Families who do not typically pay school fees due to free and reduced lunch status, may choose to pay the technology fee to receive the benefit of the covered repair cost outlined above. Payment of the technology fee is non-refundable.
BusZone is a new mobile app available for you to track your child’s school bus on your smartphone or tablet. You will see the bus’s location, set alerts for when the bus is nearby and receive timely updates about bus or route changes. Download the app now and be ready for the start of school! #mychoicewilloughbyeastlake Link:
PTO Information
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We have a lot of fun things planned this year, but first get to know the PTO!
President: Diana Warner
Vice President: Marcia Gamiere
Secretary: Katie Pavlick
Treasurer: Melissa Grinstead
Jaguar Jog Fundraiser is On
Hello Jefferson Families!
We are thrilled to announce that we are kicking off our annual Jaguar Jog fundraising event today! The Jaguar Jog is a 3-week fundraiser through our PTO, culminating with a school-wide “Family Fun Run” on October 3rd. This year, our goal is to raise $20,000. Funds raised will directly benefit every student through field trips, family events, transportation, Field Day, teacher grants, and PBIS events. Additionally, this year we plan to purchase and stock a book vending machine that EVERY student will get a book from!
Throughout the next three weeks, there will be lots of excitement with awards for participating students as well as some AMAZING prizes being raffled off. Be sure to check your child’s backpack for a packet of information.
To get started, you can register your child at:
Thank you so much for your support!
Don't Forget!
Family Paint Night
Our annual paint night will be held on October 9th from 6-8PM. For only $15 you will receive 1 paver (12x12 square), brushes and concrete paint. Extra pavers are also available if you have multiple children for only $3.
Bring a blanket, dinner and your creative ideas and enjoy an evening painting with friends and family. This is a favorite family event at Jefferson that a lot of people attend! Don't forget to pick up your Mums, as this is the same night as pickup.
Information will be sent home soon with information on how to register, or you can do so online HERE!
You can join us in the teachers lounge at 6PM or via Google Meet here:
Don't forget our monthly Pizza Night with Marco's the 3rd Thursday of every month!
Teacher appreciation week may not be until the end of the school year, but we are always working on our books of appreciation.
Every teacher and staff member will receive a Book of Appreciation,
but we need the notes of appreciation from parents like you!
If you believe your child is experiencing challenges in terms of their mental well-being, it is important to reach out to your principal. To meet your child’s needs, it’s essential to collaborate with the principal and school personnel to explore resources and services available at school. In addition to Crossroads Counselors, the District also has family liaisons and guidance counselors who can provide needed interventions and support.
Community Activities & Flyers
Are you looking for activities for your children? Interested in family programs in the community? There are so many options for Willoughby-Eastlake families, such as city departments of recreation, sports teams, scouting, camps and special events in all of our surrounding communities, plus so much more!
Information from approved organizations who host activities for Willoughby-Eastlake youth and the community are posted electronically. Paper flyers from organizations are not sent home with students. To access the flyers, visit the COMMUNITY link on the district and building website pages Community Activities Flyers
For specific information about the events, you need to contact the sponsoring organization. Flyers are updated periodically during the month so remember to visit often to check for new postings.
Enjoy what our community has to offer!