Lenski Weekly Update
November 22nd, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Happy Thanksgiving Break, Lenski Family!
What an incredible week we've had! Pioneer Day was an absolute blast! A heartfelt thank-you to everyone who volunteered in our classrooms, to Mr. and Mrs. Brown for sharing fascinating artifacts with our students, to our amazing second-grade team for teaching about early Littleton, and to Ms. Gregory for leading the students in a truly memorable performance.
Yesterday was equally special as we celebrated our 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Lunch! Nearly 300 families joined us for this heartwarming event. A big thank-you to Nancy Marino for beautifully transforming our cafeteria into a welcoming space for our families. A HUGE shout-out to Justin Weins, Jennifer Strott, and Lorraine Ortiz for preparing a delicious Thanksgiving feast for all to enjoy. And of course, thank you to our PTO for bringing the excitement with our second annual Star Pull to promote the spring auction—congratulations to all the families who won fun treats! We raised $1500!
Our first-grade students also enjoyed their Fun Run all-grade celebration earlier today, hosted by the PTO! They had a blast sipping hot cocoa and cider as a reward for their incredible effort. A huge thank-you to our amazing first-grade families for their generous support of our school through donations—it truly makes a difference!
We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. We are so fortunate to have such an amazing community, and we are grateful for each and every one of you!
With Lenski Love,
From the Office
Holiday Giving
We will be collecting gift cards from King Soopers, Walmart or Target from December 2nd-18th. You may drop off gift cards in the Lenski office.
Your donated gift cards will go toward assisting families within our immediate community not only during the holidays, but also as needs arise throughout the year.
Friday DJ Reminders
Please list your song name and Google the lyrics to the song you are requesting and double and triple-check that language AND content are appropriate for kids ages 4-12.
If you have not yet paid the $25 donation to participate in Friday DJ please send cash or a check made payable to Lenski PTO to the office. We will use the money to have a school-wide dance party at the end of the school year with a fun treat for everyone. We will also use funds to support our PBIS program.
From the Counselor
Mark your calendar to join us for our Multilingual Family Nights! Come for food resources, and information about English Language Development programming in LPS (ELD). The information presented in November and April will be different, so please plan and come to both.
Nov. 21st 4:30 - 7:30 pm at East Community Center
April 3rd 4:30 - 7:30 pm at East Community Center
Community Event for Families with extra needs for the holidays.
Sunday, December 8th, 2024
More information: LAVISHED WITH LOVE
Art to Remember
Hi Lenski Families!
It’s not too late! While the main order deadline has passed, you can still place a late order for Art to Remember. Every purchase of a keepsake customized with your child’s artwork helps raise funds for our school. Go to ArtToRemember.com to place an order. Late orders are not guaranteed to arrive before winter break but will be shipped directly to you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you!
Mrs. Siriwardana
Superstars of Week
Important Dates
December 2nd-13th: Sock Drive
December 2nd-18th: Holiday Giving
December 5th: 5th Grade Family Music Performance
December 23rd-January 6th: Winter Break
January 7th: 2nd Semester Begins
January 20th: MLK Day-No School
February 17th: Presidents’ Day-No School
March 3rd-6th: Conferences
March 7th: No School
March 24th-March 28th: Spring Break
April 18th and 21st: No School for Students
May 23rd: Last Day of School