SEL Weekly
Quote of the week:
Self Awareness-Lesson 11
Introduce Lessons for Week: Say: “Last week, we listened to different scenarios and talked about the emotions of children in different situations. This week, we will focus on recognizing and understanding our strengths.”
Watch Video: Understanding your Strengths (1:02 minutes)
Reflection questions are included in the video. Be sure to pause the video at each question to allow adequate time for students to respond. Students may respond verbally in class discussion or write their thoughts on paper.
Why is it important to know & understand who you are?
Why should you never apologize for being who you are?
Share 1-2 of your strengths with the class.
December's Character Trait
Caring: To demonstrate kindess, consideration, and compassion.
Second Step
Second step will officially begin in January for classroom implementation.
Terrific Kids
November/December spreadsheet has been shared in the google classroom.