Self-Care During the Holidays
by the Student Assistance Program in Bucks County
Happy Holidays to you and your family!
The Holiday season has officially begun and it can be a pretty busy time for all of us. During this time, let's not forget to take care of ourselves! In this newsletter, we will share several common holiday stressors, a mental wellness checklist and ideas for self-care. You will also find several parenting tips for the holidays and a meditation to help you enjoy quality time with your friends and family.
Finding JOY among the chaos of the holiday season
Common Holiday Stressors
Even in the midst of all the holiday chaos you can manage the stress of the season and find the joy in this busy time of year. Here are some common complaints we have about the holiday season:
1. It's TOO MUCH!
What is your favorite organization strategy? Making lists, using post-its, prioritizing, grouping tasks together, putting reminders on your phone... These are great tools to prevent us from feeling overwhelmed by our to-do list of tasks such as shopping, wrapping, travel, entertaining, etc. Take a moment to take a step back from the business, relax and reset.
It's difficult to tune out all the expectations to buy the biggest and best gifts for our loved ones. Make your gift list, set a budget and stick to it. Some of the best presents are the most thoughtful and personal, such as baked goods, a photo album or the gift of time.
3. My holiday plans are not GRAND enough!
The focus should not be on comparing your holiday celebrations with others', but should center around special experiences with loved ones are most important to you. Have realistic expectations and remember that grand doesn't have to mean "over the top".
4. My family is A LOT to handle!
This is the time of year we tend to spend reconnecting with our family and friends. It's a good idea to set the tone of your visit by accepting differences without judgement and treasuring the precious memories created. Avoid hot topics, let go of the little annoyances by walking away to take a break and save the difficult conversations for another day.
5. I'm supposed to be festive, but I'm EXHAUSTED!
Take care of yourself and you'll feel more energized and uncover more holiday cheer. Try to minimize treats and eat healthy, while squeezing in some exercise. Get enough sleep and be mindful of alcohol consumption. If you need help to manage your holiday stress don't hesitate to talk to friend, your doctor or a mental health professional.
Resource: Psychology Today, Pamela Wiegartz, Ph.D.
It's Time to Celebrate, but I'm Grieving
Supporting Loved Ones in Recovery during the Holidays
For some individuals, the holiday season and celebrations can trigger unwanted emotions or behaviors. Spread the love and joy of the season by showing your support for those on their recovery journey. No one in recovery should feel alone—especially during the holiday season.
Recovery can bring warmth and a smile to a cold day. You are not alone on your recovery journey.
Help is available!
If you or someone in your life is struggling with the use of substances, including alcohol, and would like support with recovery, SAMHSA has resources to help:
Parenting Tips: Holiday Edition
Holidays are a frenzy of activities and tasks — and all with a time limit. As a result, this time of year can be demanding and downright stressful. Here are some helpful parenting tips for you and your family to slow down, plan ahead, and reap the holiday spirit!
- Don’t overschedule. Take it easy on planning, especially too much in one day.
- Give your young one snacks. Remember to provide water and a healthy snack every two hours.
- Never miss an opportunity to encourage good behavior. Be proactive about talking and practicing how you want your children to show manners and be grateful.
- Give back. Try your best to fit in some community service. Not everyone has the best holidays and your community needs you to pitch in to provide those less fortunate with some holiday cheer.
- Teach gift giving. If your children are attending family gatherings, have them come prepared with gifts they have made or cards so they learn about giving, the true point of the season.
- Schedule time for self-care. Structure down time in your holiday plans and pay attention to hydration, rest, and exercise for everyone. Actually plan for it and stick to it.
- Let kids help. Remember that children can help in the kitchen more than you think, even little ones. They will be more invested in the holiday meals if they help make things you are serving or giving away.
- Find creative ways to involve children. Thanksgiving and New Year’s celebrations can be very adult oriented. Figure out ways to involve the children in cooking, decorating, putting on skits for the adults and guests to your home, inviting someone to the meal, or saying the prayer at the table.
- Let kids make decisions. Provide children with lots of choices to empower them to feel like they have some control over what is happening.
- Create structure — and stick to it! Provide some structure while they are out of school. A written schedule can be quite helpful for those kiddos who have difficulty managing down time.
- Don’t ignore deceased family members. Do not be afraid to include family members who have passed with a toast or a candle and picture for fear of the grief it may bring up. The holidays are really about family, and so, there will be some sadness about family members not there. Manage that by including people no longer with us in some small way.
- Find time to put children to bed. Make sure your bed time and morning routines stay as close to normal as possible. Take the time to read to your children and find value-laden holiday movies to watch.
- Make good memories. Most of all remember, we are providing our children with the good memories of their childhood they will take with them throughout their lives and will likely shape how they raise their children. With this in mind, plan out your rituals and traditions to include them, engage them, and nurture their spirits.
- The SAFE Alliance
The Student Assistance Program Can Help!
The Student Assistance Program (SAP for short) can support students by teaching them healthy coping skills to manage stress, practicing self-care, and ways to be resilient not only during the holidays, but all year round!
What is SAP?
In Pennsylvania, every school must have a Student Assistance Program (SAP). A SAP team is made up of trained professionals like administrators, school counselors, social workers, nurses and teachers, along with a SAP Counselor from an outside agency. The SAP team is here to help identify issues that may be interfering with students being successful in school.
How to Refer a Student to SAP:
If you are concerned for your student and want to see if the Student Assistance Program Team can help, please contact your student's school administrator or school counselor.
Please check out the video below to learn more about SAP and the SAP process!
Helpful Resources in Bucks County
Bucks Human Services Connect-The HUB 1-888-942-8257
The HUB aims to support families in Bucks County by connecting them to helpful resources and supports available in the community.
Bucks County Drug & Alcohol Commission, Inc.
The Bucks County Drug & Alcohol Commission, Inc. offers online resources available in Bucks County and provides information on prevention, treatment, and recovery supports. If you or a loved one is struggling with drugs and alcohol, the BCDAC is here to help!
NAMI Bucks County, PA
NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Lenape Valley Foundation (215)-345-5300
Penn Foundation (215) 257-6551
Penndel Mental Health Center (215) 752-1541
Family Service Association of Bucks County (215)-757-6916
*Contact the number on your insurance card for appropriate provider*
Contact Information
Location: 4459 West Swamp Road, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 215-230-8218