What's New @ 542
January/February 2022
School Board Recognition Week
Superintendent Nudell said the key work of boards is to raise student achievement by:
- Creating a vision for what the community wants the school district to be and for making student achievement the top priority;
- Establishing standards for what students will be expected to learn and be able to do;
- Ensuring progress is measured to be sure the district’s goals are achieved and students are learning at expected levels;
- Being accountable for their decisions and actions by continually tracking and reporting results;
- Creating a safe, orderly climate where students can learn and teachers can teach;
- Forming partnerships with others in the community to solve common problems; and
- Focusing attention on the need for continuous improvement by questioning, refining and revising issues related to student achievement.
The members serving our district from left to right, and when they began their service is as follows:
Rachel Logan - July 1, 2020
Jonathan Hartman - January 1, 2021
Aimie Hallberg - January 1, 2021
Sheila Newark - January 1, 2017
Ashley Altstadt - January 1, 2019
Paul Ness - January 1, 2009
Battler Proud Winners - December
Each month, the Battle Lake School celebrates staff and students that exhibit characteristics of the "Battler Proud" way. Students and staff have the opportunity to nominate anybody within the school they feel exhibit these characteristics. For December, the Character Focus was Personal: Tolerance.
Please join us in congratulating the following recipients:
Elementary Teacher (5th Grade)
Ms. Moxness
High School Teacher
Mr. Daniel Ukkelberg
2nd Grade - Aurora Stock, 3rd Grade - Bella Scholten, 4th Grade - Damien Gunnon, 5th Grade - Calista Fleischauer, 5th Grade - Korbin Wedeking, 7th Grade - Brayden Meyer, 7th Grade - Olivia Roberts, and 11th Grade - Haylee Ferarri.
February is "I Love To Read Month!"
“I Love to Read Month” is common in many schools. It takes place in February and the goal is to promote a love of reading. Each year Battle Lake School has a theme for "I Love to Read Month" and this year it is "All About Books." The pictures below show Mrs. Young's 3rd grade class working on their door poster for the "door contest." Many more activities are taking place the entire month of February so make sure to check out our next edition of the newsletter to check out all the fun the students had during February!
Giving Hearts Day
$26,236,099 Raised
89,890 Total Donations
40,714 Total Donors
803 Volunteerism Pledges
248 Goods Pledged
Giving Hearts Day is more than one day. It leads to a lifetime of generosity.
Elementary Celebrates Valentines Day
Anyone Want Butter?
FFA Update
Has anyone made it to State?
Yes, soils, forestry, milk quality, crops, poultry, and small animals.
Where is the State located?
At the U of M State campus.
Where are Regions located?
Willmar, Albany, Alexandria, Fargo, and Morris.
How many different teams are there?
Thirteen different teams. Some teams still need to compete, but those previously mentioned in this article are going to state.
Anything else you want to add?
February 19 - 26 is National FFA week. There will be dress up days and different activities taking place throughout the week at school. Check out the next edition of the newsletter for more details and pictures of what took place during FFA Week!
Mock Trial Update
What is Mock Trial?
The students take on the role of completing a legal trial that is based upon a realistic lawsuit, taking on the roles of lawyers, witnesses, etc. They get to understand the American legal system because they are putting it together in a real courtroom with real judges…under regular circumstances. This year it is online. Students are responsible for defending and trying to convict the person in the case.
Who can be in Mock Trial?
Any 7-12th grader. Right now it is a pretty young team, they lost 5 seniors last year… a small group of returning members. Looking for people to join. People who are interested in law and good at arguing.
How has the season been?
They won one trial and lost two. They feel good about how the season has been going though. It is mostly younger students on the team and they are going up against bigger teams. The losses have been really close.
How long have you been the Mock Trial coach?
Eleven years. Her husband is the attorney coach. Every team needs a teacher coach and a legal coach.
Anything else you want to add?
It’s a very unique competition, it is kind of like speech, a play, or debate. Students have to work really hard and there is a lot of studying going into it. The biggest challenge is this year is all competitions are over zoom.
Knowledge Bowl Update
We asked Knowledge Bowl team coach Brian FItzgerald to explain what the Battle Lake Knowledge Bowl is, take a look at what he had to say.
Knowledge Bowl is a competition that combines quickness, teamwork, and, of course, knowledge in a variety of scholastic subjects.
Students compete in teams of 5, and they are able to work together to come up with correct answers. This year's regular season is almost complete. The sub region tournament is in mid-March.
This year's seniors on the Knowledge Bowl team are: Ellie Gibbs, Blake Alonzo, Kaitlyn Brandner, Isaac Scherfenberg, and Fiona Schmid.
Juniors: August Wicklund, Morgan Malone, and Annika Lukken.
Sophomores: Gibson Fleischauer, Cainen Crouse, Laney Frost, Cadence Hartman, Cora Walker, Ky Shebeck, and Victor Johnson.
Freshmen: Cayden Mansker, Trevor Stans, Jarren Hill, Izzy Brandborg, and Emily Christensen.
Speech Update
Speech is a MSHSL activity where 7-12 grade students can compete in one or two of 13 different speaking categories. These categories are divided into two types. The first is public address, where students present information in a professional manner and the second type is interpretative, where the presenter acts out the speech. There are categories for everyone! The season is still early but many speakers have already gotten going and some, especially the senior speakers, have been already placed in events. Our junior high speakers also found success at the JH meet. Everyone is learning and improving. Mrs. Scherfenberg has been the assistant coach for 4 years. Speech is very competitive and it is hard to get awards and hard to go to state. When people get awards they are pretty impressed. Regardless of winning or not, speech can still improve speaking skills. Most speech students want to be critiqued by the judges so they can learn from their mistakes.
Catching up with REACH
Want to learn more? Watch the video, featuring Mrs. McClure, the REACH advisor at Battle Lake School.
Black History Month
What is Black History Month?
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. Other countries around the world, including Canada and the United Kingdom, also devote a month to celebrating Black history.
Who do we celebrate on Black History Month?
Black History Month was created to focus attention on the contributions of African Americans to the United States. It honors all Black people from all periods of U.S. history, from the enslaved people first brought over from Africa in the early 17th century to African Americans living in the United States today.
Battle Lake Lions Poster Contest
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Mrs. Young's 3rd Grade Receives "Legs"
Sports Corner
Upcoming Events
1/2 Day of School for Students
Buses leave at 12:20 pm
March 14
School Board Meeting
6:30 - 8:00 pm
March 30
High School Parent/Teacher Conferences
4:00 - 8:00 pm
Download the BL Schools' App Today!
Battle Lake School Contact Information
Website: www.battlelakeschool.k12.mn.us
Location: 402 Summit Street West, Battle Lake, MN, USA
Phone: 218-864-5215
Facebook: facebook.com/BLSchools
Twitter: @BLSchools