St. Peter School: February Newsletter
Our Liturgical Season of Lent begins on Wednesday, February 22 (Ash Wednesday) and ends on Thursday, April 6 (Holy Thursday). During our six week Lenten journey we recognize and discuss with our students our human frailties which causes us to sin. We prepare for the coming of Easter through reflection, prayer and charity. We respond to Jesus’ call for a “change of heart” by becoming stronger in our will to say ‘yes’ to God and ‘no’ to our selfishness. We look forward to our Lenten journey together, a strengthened and renewed faith in God’s will.
In the month of February We Focus On The Virtue Of Respect
Respect is seeing the goodness in others. It helps us to see others as God sees them, to accept them as they are, and to treat them with dignity. God has given us the gift of friends and companions to help us and bring us joy. Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God - and so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. We all belong to God’s family and each one of us deserves to be shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity, and thoughtfulness which are all different ways of saying respect.
February is Black History Month. Both Federal and Provincial governments recognize the importance of Black History Month. As Canadians and, more importantly, as a Catholic Community, we are called to live in solidarity. Solidarity requires that we learn from, and about our brothers and sisters in Christ. Regardless of the demographics of your school community, Black History is a conversation we must all be present to as it is everyone’s history.
Every year Canadians are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy of Black Canadians, past and present. Canadians take this time to celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate and prosperous nation it is today. During Black History Month, Canadians can gain insight into the experiences of Black Canadians and their vital role in the community. ( Black History Month is a time to learn more about these Canadian stories and the many other important contributions of Black Canadians to the settlement, growth and development of Canada, and about the diversity of Black communities in Canada and their importance to the history of this country.
At St. Peter School, we aim to celebrate the diversity of our students and families all year round. During Black History Month we will honour the stories, strength, courage, and vision of Black Canadians. Throughout the month of February, members of our Unity Club and Youth Faith Ambassadors will lead our school community in prayers, share stories that will honour and celebrate a Black History Star of the Day, and will fill our halls with music that will educate and entertain! Students will be engaged in daily lessons, activities, and discussions that will honour the legacy of Black Canadians, past and present.
We invite you to explore the following our Black History Month resources to deepen your understanding of the contributions of Black Canadians both past and present.
Both the Communication of Learning (FDK) and First Term Report Cards (Gr. 1-8) will be sent home with students on Tuesday, February 14, 2023.
It is important that teachers meet with all parents/guardians during the first term to celebrate growth and learning, identify areas of concern and strategies for improvement. Interviews will take place the evening of Thursday, February 16th, 2023 and during the day on Friday, February 17th, 2023. Please note, Parent/Guardian/Teacher conferences will be held in person at the school. Phone interviews may also be arranged with teachers as well.
Thank you to all families for sharing in your child’s learning journey!
On January 25 and 27, St. Peter students from kindergarten to grade 8 were invited to participate in CHILL FAIR, a day of of mental health and well-being. At each station, our intermediate student leaders (Mental Health Mentors) presented engaging lessons and activities that helped the St. Peter School students better understand the importance of mental health and well-being.
The goal of our CHILL FAIR was to begin a journey of education and empowerment. Our aim is to create a common, school wide understanding of the importance of mental health and well-being, at St. Peter School we value a mentally healthy school! Our hope is empower our students and staff with the knowledge of various strategies as well as to promote help-seeking and awareness of how to access the in-supports that are available to all.
Thank you to our AMAZING intermediate teachers and students for this incredible opportunity! A fantastic time was had by all! Your time and effort does not go unnoticed, and is appreciated! #gopanthers
Equitable and inclusive education is one of our goals here at St. Peter School. In our monthly newsletters, we will be sharing some of the initiatives, activities, and professional learning that are taking place in our community to support this goal.
Representation matters! When selecting resources that will be used in our classrooms staff will consider and prioritize the following:
Does this resource include: a variety of ways of life, a wide range of family structures, differently-abled and able-bodied people. diversity within all racial and/or ethnic groups, genders and classes?
We are excited to share that all school in Dufferin-Peel have received an amazing collection of books that supports our school goal of selecting culturally relevant and responsive texts.
At St. Peter School, we are happy to be able to offer a healthy snack program! In partnership with The Children's Foundation Food & Friends Program, fresh fruit and healthy snacks are available to all students. Numerous studies have shown that children who are hungry do not perform as well as others in school. Our hope is that our healthy snack program helps children reach their potential!
St. Peter School and The Children’s Foundation are working hard to meet the growing need in
our community, and that includes fighting food insecurity through our Help Kids Live Free from
Hunger campaign. 100% of the funds raised will go towards providing healthy snacks to students through our St. Peter School Food & Friends program. With your help, we can continue to provide healthy snacks for our school community.
On Tuesday, February 21, we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Tuesday) with our school community. ALL students will be invited to enjoy a tasty pancake treat. We would also like to celebrate Live Free From Hunger Day and encourage all students who are able to, to donate to our Live Free Campaign to support your own healthy snack program at St. Peter School. We invite you to make a donation online by visiting SchoolCash Online.
This year, the need is greater than ever. 1 in 5 children may experience food insecurity!
Campaigns like Live Free help us continue to meet the growing need within our school
community and ensure those in need feel supported.
We hope you'll join us in bringing healthy food to hungry minds!
St. Peter students will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. Students will receive 2 pancakes each with their class. Thank you to our Catholic School Council for preparing and providing this tasty treat!
A permission form that will provide details of the event as well as ingredient list for all products will be sent home in the coming days!
Thank you CSC!
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will hold two online public information sessions on February 7 and 9 for parents and guardians interested in enrolling their children in the DPCDSB Extended French Program for the 2023-2024 school year. The session geared towards the students of St. Peter School will be held on Tuesday, February 7, 2023 @ 7:00 p.m. Microsoft Teams Live Meeting #1 Link
The information sessions will provide an overview of the Extended French Program and application process. For more information, visit the Extended French webpage.
Our grade 7 and 8 students are selling Cookie Grams for Valentine's Day!
We have delicious, vanilla flavoured, heart shaped, nut-free Terra Cotta cookies to share and enjoy! Students can send a Cookie Gram to friends, family, or even themselves! Cookies will be delivered to students on February 14th.
Order online at $1.50 for one cookie or 4 cookies for $5.00!
This fundraiser will help offset the costs of the grade 7 and 8 end of year trip and graduation.
Thank you for your support! Happy Valentine's Day!
National Sweater Day
Thursday, February 2
Class Picture Day
Wednesday, February 8
Pink Shirt Day
Wednesday, February 22
A huge THANK YOU goes out to Ms. Killman, Ms. Louie and the Evergreen Team for arranging an AMAZING visit from the Earth Rangers.
The Earth Rangers team presented a dynamic and interactive presentation. Through the power of live animal demonstrations and positive, science-based information, students learned about the threats facing animals and the environment, highlights real conservation initiatives across Canada, and motivates them to want to get involved. The presentation provided our students with tangible ways they can help protect these ecosystems and show the big collective impact small, everyday actions can have!
February 2- TERM 2 Begins
February 2- National Sweater Day
February 14- Valentine's Day Cookie Grams
February 14- Report Cards Sent Home
February 16- Interview Evening
February 17- Interview Day, PA DA
February 22- Lent Begins: Ash Wednesday (Join us at St. Timothy Parish @ 9:15)
Acting Principal: L. Branco
Administrative Assistant: S. Lamoureux
Superintendent: J. Kuran
Pastor: Fr. Luis Calleja
Trustee: P. Dametto-Giovannozzi
CSC Co-Chairs: S. Coombes & M. Mittas
(519) 941-2741