September 30, 2024

"Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference" - Claire Fagan
Greeting DCPR Families,
It was great seeing many of you at our Open House & Title I Meeting last week! I hope that we were able to answer all of your questions and you were able to develop a strong connection with our teachers. Thank you for your continued support!
Important dates:
October 14 – PD Day – No school for students
October 15 – Parent University 9am-10am
October 18 - End of Quarter 1
October 18 – 8th grade Tour of Central Michigan University 7am-4pm
October 25 - Report Cards
Transportation Challenges
We want to issue an official apology for the recent issues with our buses. We have experienced a shortage of drivers more now than ever before. The timeliness of the buses in the morning and afternoon has become a concern as well. The transportation department has also been reworking the schedule to accommodate new requests and that communication has also been questioned by parents. We are working diligently to solve these issues. Bus transportation is too important to our school for this to continue. Your concerns are being heard by all of the decision makers in the district. We expect solutions to these matters very soon.
Attendance is a very vital part of our students' growth. As we strive to help our scholars meet their goal, our Attendance Interventionist Mr. Michael Mathis will be out in the field conducting home visits regularly over the coming weeks and months. If you have any questions, you may contact the Main Office at 313-543-3226.
Thank you!
Attendance is extremely important here at DCP-REDFORD. Everyday of school missed is a great deal of information to catch up on for a scholar. Please give your child the best opportunity to be successful and send them to school each day, on time.
Chronic absenteeism is a big problem for most schools. Did you know that if a student has a 90% attendance rate they are considered chronically absent? That means they have missed at least 18 days of school. We must begin to correct this trend for the students here at DCPR. Please help us in our goal of decreasing the number of students that are considered chronically absent.
Dress Code Violations:
Scholars who are in violation of the dress code will receive the following consequences.
- First offense: You will receive a phone call asking that you bring appropriate clothing for your scholar.
- The second offense will result in a write-up, which will go into the scholar's file, you will also receive a call
- The third offense will result in a mandatory parent conference
- The fourth offense will result in a 1 day suspension.
In addition, your child will receive one demerit for each day they are not dressed in uniform This will decrease the amount of Live School points/dollars that they are able to earn.
If you are unable to obtain uniforms for your scholars, please contact us for assistance as soon as possible.
Cell Phone Violations:
Scholars who are in possession of their cell phones must turn them in upon entering the cafeteria. Your child's teacher will secure these items and hand them out at dismissal. Once students receive their phones, they must not turn them on/use them until they are out of the building. If scholars do not follow this policy, the following consequences will apply:
- First offense: You will receive a phone call, informing you of the violation.
- The second offense will result in a write-up, which will go into the scholar's file, you will also receive a phone call
- The third offense will result in a mandatory parent conference
- The fourth offense will result in a 1 day suspension.
Count Day Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 2nd—it's Count Day! We need every scholar to attend school on this day to ensure that DCP Redford continues to receive the resources needed to maintain our exceptional campus. #OurScholarsSoar #OurTeachersRock
Building Operations Hours: 8am - 4pm
Breakfast Hours: 7:45 am - 8:05 am
Latch Key 6:45 am -7:45 am, 3:45pm-5:45pm
To sign up for latch key services, please contact Operations Manager Ms. Stacey Johnson at 313-543-3226.
All Visitors must sign in at the main office with VALID IDENTIFICATION ( Driver License, State I.D, Passport, Military I.D etc.) when visiting or picking up a student. If any doubt, a telephone call will be made by Administration to confirm your identity before allowing access to the student.
DCP-Redford 2024-2025 School Year Enrollment
We're now accepting new and returning families for the
2024-25 school year. Seats are filling up fast!
Click Enroll to get started today.
All documents must be submitted in order for your student to began classes according to The State of Michigan.
Transportation request can be completed by clicking the link below:
https://forms.gle/n5rA8Bdh4UPqXphWA .
All returning and new families must complete the transportation request. Parents will be notified of their assigned stops within one week. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Director of Transportation at latrel.cunningham@dcpschools.org.
2024 Immunization Requirements for Students Entering Kindergarten, 7th Grade or Enrolling in a New School
Greetings DCPR,
According to the State of Michigan, Michigan law requires every student to have an up-to-date certificate of immunization or waiver on file at the time of registration for entry into Kindergarten, 7th grade, and for enrollment into a new school district.
DCPR is required to report immunization information to the State of Michigan. Any student who fails to meet the immunization requirements shall not be admitted or participate in school classes.
If your student falls into this category, we urge you to submit this information no later than October 1st. For more information, please contact the Main Office at 313-543.3226.
Thank you.
Hello DCP Redford Families,
Your scholars will be providing you with a printed access code for LiveSchool. Please let us know if you do not receive this code. LiveSchool is a great way to view positive behaviors and see how they’re spending their funds. You can also view areas where your scholar needs improvement.
Once you create an account, you can begin to receive weekly Recap emails. Recaps are weekly summaries of your student's Points data, which equates to dollars that can be spent in the school store.
When you receive a Recap email, click the Magic Link to view a quick summary of your student's Point activity for the last 7 days.
If you have questions, please contact Dean Key via Class DoJo or 313-543-3226.
Thank you!
Covenant Mobile Dentist will be on sight to perform all of your students dental needs:
Restorative Care: Sept. 30th - Oct. 3rd.
Books Galore! Books Galore! We have books and so much more!
DCPR will host a Scholastic Book Fair during the week of Monday, October 7th - October 11th in our Library for a great opportunity to explore the wonderful world of reading. Set up your e-wallet here:
Professional Development
DCP-REDFORD will be closed on Monday, October 14, 2024 due to Staff Professional Development. All students should return in full uniform on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 8:05 a.m.
Join us Tuesday, Oct. 15th from 9a.m.-10a.m, for our Parent University meeting. Light refreshments will be served. Your participation will be greatly appreciated.
Hope to see you there!
8th Grade Tour of Central Michigan University 7am -4pm
More information coming soon!
Report Cards will be distributed Friday, October 25th. Please be sure to check your scholars backpack.
Be sure to follow us on our social media sites Facebook & Instagram to stay current on our upcoming events and content to help keep our families informed and engaged.