ELDC Newsletter
Principal: Kimberly Lyle (klyle@d428.org)
We want to thank you for a great year with your children. We feel very lucky to have watched how much they grew and changed this school year. If your student is going to Kindegarten we wish them the best. If your student is returning in the Fall we will see you at our open house on August 14th and our first day of school on August 19th.
Please enjoy your summer with your families!
Mrs. Lyle-Principal
May Calendar
May 10th-PreK Screening
May 10th- No Early Childhood classes, PreK is in attendance
May 17th-No Early Childhood classes, PreK is in attendane
May 20th-Last Day of School
May 21st-Family Picnic at Lion's Park (Details Below)
ELDC School Office Hours
Our office will close May 30th at 4:00 P.M. and reopen July 31st at 8:00 A.M.
Registration for Next Year is Open
Registration is open for all students PreK-12 th grade. You will go to Family Access in your Skyward account and there will be a link to register. If you need your log-in information, please call our office at 754-2999. The registration system will close on June 15th for several weeks for the district to move to an updated student system. When it reopens you will have to register as a brand new student. SO, PLEASE REGISTER ASAP TO SAVE YOUR SPOT IN YOUR CURRENT CLASSROOM!
May 21st-End of Year Picnic
WHAT: ELDC will be hosting an end of the year, all school, Celebration!
Activities for you to do with your children at the Park!
WHEN:Tuesday, May 21st
Morning Students will come with parents between 9:30 and 11:00.
Afternoon Students will come with parents between 1:00 and 2:30.
**Note if you need to come the opposite time then your student normally attends because that works better for your family please do!
WHERE: Lion’s Park on Taylor St in DeKalb.
There will not be any bus transportation on this day. Please plan to stay with your child during the celebration.
Nurse's Office
If you still need to turn in a physical please do so before school ends. Students will be excluded first day of the year if the physical is not turned in.
Note: Students only need to turn in one physical while attending ELDC. The next physical you will need to do and turn in will be for their kindergarten year.
NIU Parent Training Program to Help With Challenging Behaviors
Here is the link to the information NIU sent over to the ELDC.
Click Here: Link
Family Activities: Living Healthy
From Starnet:
Living Healthy
Children need to move their body to release energy. Movement helps the child to explore and makes him feel good and increases self confidence. Healthy children are ready to listen and learn.
Tools and Materials
Have your child wear a helmet when riding a bike or using a scooter.
Steps to take
Use daily routines to talk about health and preventing illness - washing hands, meals, bedtimes.
At Home
If you have 3 minutes
- When leaving the kitchen ask child to jump to the next room. Jump on and off a step. Ask child to shake out the wiggles before sitting down to eating.
- Have your child wash hands before and after meals and when coming in from outside. Use soap and water, rub hands under running water and continue doing this for 15 seconds (you can sing the alphabet song).
If you have 3 minutes or more
- Have a simple bedtime routine that includes washing up, brushing teeth, quiet activity, and a regular bedtime. In preparing meals, talk about healthy choices for food.
If you have more time
- Play the freeze game. Sing or play music, stop the music, and have everyone freeze (stop). Dance with your children to music on TV or radio.
On the Go
If you have 3 minutes
- While in the car, Discuss use of seat belts, car seats. If playing music on the car radio, have your child pretend to play an instrument or lead the band.
If you have 3 minutes or more
- Sing songs for movement- like "Head Shoulders, Knees, and Toes", Do the "Twist".
If you have more time
- Play a game asking your child to name 5 fruits, name 5 vegetables. Then go on to name three vegetables that are green. Continue this game with other healthy food choices.
- Play with a ball. Roll the ball- "How far can you roll it?", "How far can you throw it?", "Can you bounce the ball?"
- Move around like different animals: elephants swinging their trunks; snakes slithering; frogs jumping; kangaroos hopping on 2 feet;hop on one foot, like a flamingo.
Words to Know
healthy safety exercise forward backward fruit vegetable
Possible Observations
Develops motor skills; names healthy foods; develops healthy hygiene; sings songs using words and movements; follows a routine; responds to requests; follows safety rules