McKinney-Vento TEHCY
July 2024 Edition
Title I, Part A Homeless Reservation
Under section 1113(c)(3)(A) of the ESEA, an LEA must reserve sufficient Title I funds to provide services to homeless students who attend non-Title I schools that are the same to those provided to students in Title I schools. These services may include providing educationally related support services to children in shelters and other locations where homeless children live. Services should be provided to assist homeless students to effectively take advantage of educational opportunities. In addition to serving homeless children and youths who attend non-Title I schools, the homeless set-aside may be used to provide services to homeless students in Title I schools that are not ordinarily provided to other Title I students.
Homeless Reservation Must Be Based on Needs
Each LEA should maintain documentation locally to demonstrate that the amount reserved for providing Title I, Part A services to homeless students was based on need. The Federal Program Compliance Division has worked with the Agency’s McKinney-Vento staff to develop a worksheet that LEAs can use as part of their needs assessment to assist in determining an appropriate amount of Title I, Part A funds to reserve at the LEA level for services to homeless students.
Guidance and Worksheet to Determine Amount of Title I, Part A Homeless Reservation
For additional information related to the use of Title I, Part A reserved funds, please see the Title I, Part A Use of Funds Reference Document.
TEHCY Posters
Below are the digital poster links:
MV Posters for Parents in English
MV Posters for Parents in Spanish
TEHCY 2024 Infographic
The infographic was released on 06/20/2024 and is based off PEIMS Data from the 2022-2023 school year.
TEHCY Discipline One-Pager
The TEHCY Discipline One-Pager was released on 06/14/2024 and will provide you with information on disciplinary challenges and considerations.
Professional Development Opportunity
The Amazing Race: Federal Programs Edition
The Federal Programs Summit is a one-day in-person event for educators to embark on a journey of innovation and inspiration in supporting all students with a particular focus on Homeless, Bilingual, Migrant, and CTE students. The summit commences with Liz Murray, who will take you through her personal journey or triumph: Homeless to Harvard. You'll have the opportunity to choose from over 20 breakout sessions, each offering practical insights and strategies. The summit concludes with Ernesto Mejia, who through his hardships learned to never give up on the American Dream: Education.
The Federal Programs World is waiting for you. Register Now to secure your spot!
2024-25 ESC18 McKinney-Vento Upcoming PD Schedule
Professional Development Sessions for McKinney-Vento /TEHCY will be open for registration on September 1, 2024. Click image to preview the sessions and save those dates!
"With freedom comes responsibility." – Eleanor Roosevelt
ESC18 McKinney-Vento Contacts
Angie Yanez Balderrama
Erin Casey-Richardson
Educational Consultant
Title I -A & D
Title II, PNP
Support in McKinney-Vento Homeless