Kendallvue Community Newsletter
August 30-Sept 5, 2024
All Students Are Curious, Creative, and Confident Learners!
Welcome back Coyotes!
Dear Kendallvue Families,
Thank you again for your flexibility during our Beginning of the Year testing time. We understand this impacts you as a family, but it really is so beneficial for teachers to have this individual time to assess students in a quiet environment.
Just a few reminders about safety during our drop off and pick up times. Please use the crosswalks. We have staff at the Marlowe crosswalk and the main parking lot crosswalk to ensure student (and adult) safety. Remember not to park between the service entry driveway and the parking lot main entrance. We are getting new signs soon for this area soon. Our Safety Patrol will be out starting on Tuesday. Be on the lookout for our helpful 5th graders. They are eager to help out anyway they can to make morning drop off easier for our families.
During school hours, the playground is only for students. I know it may by tempting to allow your younger kids to play on the playground while dropping off or picking up your preschooler in the middle of the day, however this makes it challenging for our paraprofessionals who monitor the area. It could also be a safety issue with the older students. Also, it is district policy to not have dogs on campus during our school hours. Please leave your pets at home for drop off and pick up times. Thank you for your understanding.
Finally, our CMAS results are in! Your 4th and 5th grade student's individual CMAS results will be sent home in September. These reports will come home in student Thursday Folders. Please read the information below for more details about our exciting growth scores for our 4th and 5th graders. If you are interested in learning more about our CMAS results, please come to our SAC meeting on September 10th.
It's hard to believe August is over. I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! We will see you back at school on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Bruce Lindsey
2024 CMAS Exciting Growth
We are thrilled to share that our Kendallvue 4th & 5th grade students showed excellent growth on the 2024 Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS). CMAS is the state’s standardized testing program assessing students' knowledge and skills in key subjects like math, English language arts and science.
Our students achieved high growth in English Language Arts (ELA)! Kendallvue was one of only 13 schools that achieved this high level of growth. 3rd grade is not included in these growth scores because last spring was their first time taking CMAS. Our students' hard work is paying off; we are proud of their achievements. These results show that we are on the right track. Thank you to our teachers for their commitment, which has greatly improved our student outcomes.
Learn more information about our school’s results on the School Insights webpage.
- A quick note about growth scores. The 50th percentile is equivalent to one year's worth of growth. Last year's 4th and 5th grade students grew at a pace of 1.5 year's growth in ELA!
September 2
Labor Day
September 10
SAC Meeting - 5pm -6pm
PTA Meeting - 6pm-7:30pm
September 11
Proofs will be sent home 2 weeks after picture day!
Upcoming Events
September 5 - Watch DOGS Pizza Party 6:00-7:30
September 10 - SAC 5- 6pm & PTA - 6-7:30pm
September 11- Picture Day
September 13 - Field Day
September 14 - School Hike at Lair-O-Bear - 10am
September 20- Teacher work day- No school for students
September 30 - October 4 - Fall fundraiser week
October 4- Fundraiser event
October 7 - Vision/Hearing screening
October 9 - SEL Virtual Night at Home @ 5pm
October 11- Lunch with a loved one
October 11-16 Fall Book Fair
October 15-16- Fall Conferences
October 17-18- No school for students
Office Updates
Field Day will be held on September 13th this year!
8:15 - 10:00 am - 4th /5th
- 10:00 - 11:45 am - 2nd /3rd
- 1:30 - 2:30 pm - K - 1
- Parents: Please sign up to help: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050B4BA8A729A64-50872383-field#/
- I am looking for 2-3 volunteers to help with Picture Day on Sept. 11 from 8-12. Please email me if you'd like to help: amy.stephens@jeffco.k12.co.us
- We will have an all school hike on September 14. We will meet in the parking lot at Lair-O-Bear at 10am. Please bring anything you might need such as sunscreen, water, snacks, etc.
- If you have students that ride the bus home from school, please fill out this form to help us get your students home safely. https://forms.gle/c5kc5m9o2jZ1Khmb9
- The Campus Parent Absence Request tool is a function within Infinite Campus that parents can use to report same day or upcoming absences with ease. You are also welcome to call the attendance line at 303-982- 7989. For any early release appointments, we prefer that you call the school at 303 982 7990 so that we can easily send a pass for your student.
- Bak Pak Program
- For those who are experiencing food insecurity, we have the Bak Pak program - BakPak Program Sign up.
Health Room
- Immunization Compliance: All students are required to be up to date on all state required vaccinations. If you need an exemption, please submit your students Certificate of Medical or Nonmedical Exemption form to the front office.
- Medications at School: All medications at school are required to have a Medication Agreement form, signed after June 30th.
- If your student has a diagnosed food allergy, please have this form signed by your doctor and the cafeteria can make accommodations:
SEL Nights
Supporting Social-Emotional Learning at Home
October 9th 5-6pm Virtual
Looking to engage parents and caregivers in supporting students’ social and emotional well-being at home? Participants in this workshop explore a variety of strategies they can integrate into their households with learners of all ages. We review a bank of valuable resources parents and caregivers can access for additional information about supporting students’ SEL in intentional ways to build empathy, kindness, and an inclusion mindset.
After School Enrichment Programs
Karate - Mondays (September 16 - October 7)
Imagine Arts - Mondays (September 9-October 28)
Kidstage - Tuesdays (September 24-November 12)
The Knight School Chess - Wednesdays (August 28-May 14)
Sticky Fingers Cooking - Thursdays (September 12-October 24)
Soccer Shots - Thursdays (September 5-November 21)
New lower price offered for Crayola World of Design!
Soccer Shots- For children 6-8 years old!
Our classes are on Thursdays at 3:15pm and our season will run from September 5th to November 21st.
We encourage you to watch our video- there is no better representation of why we do what we do at Soccer Shots.
Enroll now at den.soccershots.com! We hope to see all our friends out there on Soccer Island!
SAC/PTA/Watch Dogs
Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of every month!
SAC- 5:00--6:00pm
PTA- 6:00-7:30 * childcare and refreshments provided
Watch Dogs