Panther Express
August 19-23
Parents & Students,
Please take a moment to read the information below. Some of the information may be repetitive. However, I hope it is delivered promptly and consistently to all Park Street families. Never hesitate to contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns.
New Information:
- Below, I've shared a PDF document of Marietta City Schools attendance protocols. Please review and let me know if you have any questions. We love having our Panther Scholars in school every day!
- Please take a moment to review our new PTA school store. PTA President Mrs. Elizabeth Powell has worked hard to ensure smooth access for all families to join the PTA and purchase cool Park Street merchandise. CHECK IT OUT!
- Our Spring Musical Announcement: We've gone from Panthers to Puppies!
- Cobb County / Marietta: International Festival
Here's to a fantastic school year where EVERY CHILD * EVERYDAY * will LEARN * GROW * & THRIVE!
Your Proud Panther Principal,
Mr. Soto
w: (770) 429-3180, ext. 7016
c: (470) 650-5607
**New Information**
Marietta City Schools Attendance Protocol
Visit our NEW PTA Park Street Store
Spring Musical
Additional Information Coming Soon.
Cobb International Festival:
**CONTINUE To Be in the Know...
Current PTA Newsletter
Grade Level News Letters
Important Dates
2024-2025 Marietta School Year Calendar
Presione el botón rojo para acceder al Manual del estudiante 2024-2025.
Breakfast & Lunch Applications
How Does Filling Out the Meal Application Form Help Marietta City Schools & Park Street?
- Schools may be eligible for additional funds to support student learning.
- Marietta City Schools may qualify to receive additional funds per student from the state and federal government which they pass onto local schools.
- Middle & High Schools with high return rates may also help their feeder elementary schools qualify for free afterschool snacks, dinners, and on-site summer meals.
School Meal Application 2023-2024:
For the 2023-2024 school year, households will have to pay for their child’s school breakfast and lunch meals. You may qualify for reduced-price or free meals by completing a school meal application.
¿Cómo Ayuda Llenar el Formulario de Solicitud de Comidas a las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Marietta y Park Street?
- Las escuelas pueden ser elegibles para fondos adicionales para apoyar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
- Las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Marietta pueden calificar para recibir fondos adicionales por estudiante del gobierno estatal y federal que pueden transferir a las escuelas.
- Las escuelas secundarias y preparatorias con altas tasas de retorno también pueden ayudar a sus escuelas primarias secundarias a calificar para refrigerios, cenas y comidas de verano gratis después de la escuela.
Solicitud de Comida Escolar 2023-2024:
Para el año escolar 2023-2024, los hogares deberán pagar el desayuno y el almuerzo escolar de sus hijos. Puede calificar para precio reducido o comidas gratis completando una solicitud de comida escolar.
Presione el botón rojo para acceder a la aplicación de desayuno y almuerzo.
Community Opportunities
¡Clases de inglés para familias!
Before & After School Programs
Presione el botón rojo para acceder a la atención antes y después de la escuela.