September NewsLetter 2021
Career center
Message from the Principal
We have a new curriculum in Horticulture and Companion Animals that will lead to industry certificates, recognized by the State of Colorado and will help our kids get good paying jobs-SUPER!
We have also "shaken hands" with Mesa County Work Force Center and our Early Childcare Professions kids, now a local partner to assist with work-based learning, continued education, financial assistance through scholarships and job placement- CRAZY GOOD!
As if the above celebrations aren't enough... our Construction Tech program is very close to finishing our 14th house that will appraise for over $350,000-OUTSTANDING!
In the academic realm, the Career Center Campus is continuing to focus on creating opportunities for all students to demonstrate Colorado State required proficiencies and earn D51 elective credits through the WorKeys program (NCRC). We will be developing a system to support all kids with data driven lessons that will allow for increasing scores of one or more levels throughout the year-FANTASTIC!
Career Center Campus is having an AMAZING year and we plan on keeping it that way. If you have any questions or concerns please give us a call and let us help your child!
Valley Program
We just had our 1st Target Date on September 8th, and over half of our students met their academic goals! Please continue to support your child in attending everyday, as well as doing homework regularly. Our next Target Date is October 13th, which is also the end of the academic quarter. Students should be earning a 1/4 credit in each class (or more!) and finishing up classes they have been working on all quarters this far. Students are encouraged to earn more that the minimum target to help them be on track for graduation!
We would also like to celebrate 2 successful Education Outings last week. On Tuesday, we took our students on a field trip to the Western Colorado Construction Career Day where students learned about the great variety of career options available through the construction trades including finance, marketing, management, surveying, welding, safety, and more. On Thursday we took a group to a College Fair at CMU where students learned about college opportunities throughout Colorado and neighboring states. Students enjoyed the outings!-See pics on our Valley Web Page!
Fall 2021 Parent Panorama Survey
Please select our school in the survey menu and complete the survey as it pertains to your child. If you have other children in D51, you have the option to take the survey more than once and complete it for each school your children attend.
We are a unified campus and we love competitions. After you take the survey screen shot the "thank you" and your student can bring the screen shot into the front office and be entered in a drawing for movie tickets or a gift certificate. Also, whatever class has the most parent participation will win a pizza party and a day of celebration!
Thank you for your participation! We are hoping for 100% participation Lets go families!!
September Conferences
Blood Drive
Companion Animal Care
Companion Animal Care
Fresh Side Cafe
Fresh Side Cafe
Early Childcare Program
Early Childcare
Students will be learning fingerplays and songs from EVL trainer Lora Rolhman as well as development and implementation of a reading a lesson plan using a prop with the pre-school children.
Several second year students have been granted a class through the Mesa County Early Childhood Council. This class typically costs $295. Each student who participates in the 10 week course will have access to a Pyramid training kit worth of over $75 for their future classrooms. WAY TO GO!
Student of the Month for August Congratulations!
Ashlyn Spendrup-Health Science
Brett Fletcher-Construction Technology
Miana Carlson-Health Science
Tori Long-Construction Technology
Dakalya Schultz-Early Childcare
Aleczander Schafer-Construction Technology
Josh Scott-Compact Engines
Keagan Anderson-Companion Animal Care
Aneliz Lopez-Horticulture
Alex Sandmann-Culinary Arts
- 8:20-10:05 First Mod
- 10:08-11:55 Second Mod
- 1:05-2:50 Third Mod
Please make sure students are checking that their Home School schedules are aligned with the Career Center. For example, your students home school may have special events, field trips, or scheduled holidays that do not match their Career Center calendar which may negatively affect their attendance. Calendars can be found at
Career Center
Location: 2935 North Ave. Grand Junction 81504
Phone: 970-254-6000