The Royal Decree
Royal High School's Weekly Bulletin: August 25, 2024
SEPT 2- Labor Day, No School
SEPT 3-6 Royal Valley Week
SEPT 3- Senior Parent Meeting, 7pm in room 10-2
SEPT 4 & 5- Club Rush at lunch, Highlander Circle
SEPT 6- Royal v Simi Football Game, Buy Tickets on Go Fan
Fall Sports are in season, see the schedule, buy tickets
Coming Soon:
SEPT 11- District Wide College Fair, Royal Quads, 5pm
Congratulations to our Positive Behavior Raffle Winners for this week!
Football tickets to the Royal v. Simi Football game on 9/6- Miley P. and Gianna A.
Dunkin donuts goes to Elisa L. and Cynthia J.
Jersey Mikes goes to Riley B.
Royal spirit wear goes to Travis S. and Lily R.
And ASB Free Snack coupons go to Bram G., Stephanie V., Emily A., Gio T., Nadia S., Aubrey L., Miranda T., Henry G., Michael H., and Victoria K.
If you didn't pick up your prize on Friday, you can pick up your prize in Mrs. Hoffman's office. Keep up the great work!
Important Dates to Remember
SEPT 2- Labor Day- No School
SEPT 3-6 Royal Valley Week
SEPT 11- Minimum Day (Afternoon Staff Development)
SEPT 27- Homecoming Pep Rally & Football Game
SEPT 28- Homecoming Dance
OCT 3- Rosh Hashanah- No School
OCT 4- Non-school Day
OCT 9- Minimum Day (Afternoon Staff Development)
OCT 28- Trunk or Treat
NOV 1- Staff Development, No School
NOV 11- Veteran's Day Observed- No School
NOV 25-29- Thanksgiving Week- No School
DEC 4- Evening of Excellence
DEC 18-20- Fall Finals
DEC 21-JAN 7 - Winter Break
Special Schedule Weeks
These days are altered to ensure even distribution of class periods for the week.
SEP 9- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to minimum day on Sep 11.
SEPT 27- Homecoming Rally- Special Schedule TBA
OCT 7- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to minimum day on Oct 9.
OCT 28- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to no school on Nov 1.
DEC 18-20- Finals Week, Special Schedule
JAN 8, Wednesday, 9AM start, Monday Schedule.
JAN 31- Winter Rally- Special Schedule TBA
FEB 10- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to minimum day on Feb 12.
MAR 3- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to no school on Mar 7.
APR 7- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to minimum day on Apr 9.
APR 14- Monday, 8:30 AM start, EVEN Block day schedule due to no school Apr 18.
JUN 3-5- Finals Week, Special Schedule
JUN 6- Last Day of School, Minimum Day
Laptop Insurance
It can be a good idea to insure your school laptop. The district insurance is $61 and covers up to $650 in damages (the entire cost of the computer).
Lunch Information
Once again, each student will be allowed one free breakfast or snack (not both) and one free lunch each day. Students will be required to enter their student ID number to receive the lunch and will be required to pay for any additional items beyond the allotted meal. Seniors and Juniors presenting their ID with a valid lunch sticker will be allowed off campus at lunch. Students in 9-10th grade with a “Free Period” and “Off” sticker will only be allowed off campus for lunch on the days the student has a free period attached to lunch.
If a parent is dropping off food, it must be dropped off at the main office before lunch and have the student’s name on the bag. Only the student (no friends) receiving the food may come to East side of the office at lunch to pick up the food.
Starting this school year, our main office will no longer accept food deliveries from services such as Postmates or Grubhub. For safety reasons, items, including deliveries, are never to be passed through the gates.
CLICK HERE to visit our Academics Homepage
For Academics questions contact the following:
Reina Zapata, Assistant Principal of Curriculum and instruction
Are you having laptop issues?
Some students are experiencing problems logging on and slow processing because the Windows 11 update was not auto downloaded on the laptop and they are still using Windows 10. Therefore, the following steps should be taken at home:
- Make sure that the laptop in at least 45% charged and plugged in.
- Log on to the laptop.
- Close all windows and apps on the laptop.
- Leave the computer on for several hours to allow sufficient time for the downloads to complete.
- Restart the computer.
Hopefully, this will resolve many of the issues you have.
Still having problems? Visit the library for help.
All athletic ticket sales are online through
Click here to purchase tickets.
CLICK HERE to visit our Athletics Homepage
For Athletics questions contact the following:
Reid Furlong, Athletic Director
Yvette Shuster, Athletic Secretary
Patti Myszkowski, Assistant Principal of Student Activities & Athletics
Athletic Tryouts
See the tryout page on the Royal website.
CLICK HERE to visit our Arts Homepage
For questions contact the following:
Band Program - Lisa Pate, Director of Bands
Vocal Music - Peter Davis, Director of Vocal Music
Theater Arts - Suzy Jeffords, Director of Theater Arts
Visual and Performing Arts Dept. - Dan Maye, Department Chairperson
All event ticket sales are online through
Click here to purchase tickets.
CLICK HERE to visit our Activities Homepage
For Activities questions contact the following:
Patti Myszkowski, Assistant Principal of Student Activities & Athletics
Ashley Rotellini, ASB Account Clerk
We have over 40 clubs!
See the Clubs Page on the Royal website.
Join PTSA!
Please consider supporting your Royal High School PTA by joining the PTSA for only a $7.00 fee.
We are also asking for a $40 family donation. Your membership dues and donations help the many PTSA programs offered at the school such as Reflections, Every 15 mins, Distracted Driver, Scholarship Awards, and the Senior BBQ among others.
As a member you have a voice and vote at all PTSA Association meetings, you can advocate for students and teachers at the state level, and it also provides college scholarship opportunities for eligible students (qualifications include a 2-year membership.)
Membership DOES NOT require you to volunteer, but volunteers are welcome.
Key Club-Slice House
Sept 4
PTSA- Tico's Tacos
Marching Band- Tico's Tacos
Sept 11
Girl's Golf- Red's BBQ
Sept 12
District and Community Flyers
Follow us for Key Info & to Live that #RoyalLife!
Location: 1402 Royal Avenue, Simi Valley, CA, USA
Phone: 805-306-4875