J G Parent News
Principal's Message
February 1st marks the first day of the second half of the school year. That's right we are now more than half way done with the school year. My first thought is wow! My 26th year in education seems to be screaming by faster than it ever has before.
I think about all that the students and teachers have accomplished so far and am so excited for them and then I think about all there is left to try to get done and it makes my head spin!
The half way point in the school year is also a great time to check in with your child's teacher. Some great questions to ask would not only be "How is my child doing?" but also "What are they best at?, How can I best help them at home?, How are their friendships doing?, or any other burning question you may have to support your child and their teacher.
We are all in this together and all want to see each student succeed, grow, and achieve. Together we can be sure to do this. One of THE key things to have students succeed is how many times their parents have been in to their classes, visited with their teachers, and generally been involved. You send a huge message to your students that you care about them and school is important to you.
As always I am always available with questions, concerns, or compliments. Have a wonderful month.
Mr. Fisher
Free Breakfast and Lunch
School Hours
Doors open - 8:00 AM
Breakfast Starts - 8:00AM
Gate to Classrooms open - 8:15AM
First Bell Rings - 8:20AM (at this time students that are not done with breakfast are asked to take their food to the classrooms so they don't miss instructional time)
Please be here no later than - 8:25AM
Late Bell rings - 8:30
School Dismissal - 2:45
Dogs On Campus
That being said, district policy is to not have pets on campus. This is policy is in place for many reasons including fear of dogs, allergens, owners liability, and even sometimes poo.
This policy extends to all extra curricular activities on school campus even on the weekends. Thank you so much for your understanding and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.
Upcoming Events
3 - Monday Muffin Morning (Kinder)
14 - Valentine's Day
17 - President's day (no school)
20 - 3rd grade music program
28 - Sprit Day (crazy hair)
29 - yes there is a 29th it is leap year
2- Monday Muffin Morning (Kinder)
5 - Joseph Gale Family Literacy Night - 5:00 - 6:30
6 - Kinder to OMSI
17 - St. Patrick's Day
18 - Confernces
19 - Conferences
20 - No School
23-27 - Spring Break
We are the Jaguars
About us
Email: tfisher@fgsd.k12.or.us
Website: https://josephgale.fgsdk12.org/
Location: 3130 18th Avenue, Forest Grove, OR, USA
Phone: (503) 359-2482
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Joseph-Gale-Elementary-School-605126379617545/