GHS Counseling Monthly Update
August Deets from the Den

Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year! Go Wolves!!
Welcome to another great year at Grandview! We hope you had a healthy and restful summer. We are looking forward to starting the new school year with you. It was great to see so many families at Back to School Night on August 13th.
- Ninth graders and new families that may have missed the Passages presentation on August 13th can view the attached PowerPoint. This will also be available on the GHS website under Counseling.
- Find your counselor here: https://www.cherrycreekschools.org/Page/11864 . Counselors are available to students throughout the school day on a walk in basis (counselors will see students if available), or by appointment (using the link above). We can meet in-person or via Teams, as needed. We look forward to working with you and your student/s throughout the year. Parents are welcome to use the above link to schedule an appointment, as well.
- You may notice your student has been assigned to Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior Seminar courses. Students will receive weekly updates from the counseling office on their seminar page through Schoology and will be supported by completing various tasks pertaining to academic, personal/social, and post-secondary planning throughout the school year. More information about seminars will be disseminated in the future. The counselor assigned to your student is the teacher of this course. This class does not meet in-person.
Updates for Seniors
- Counselors will be visiting senior English classrooms on 9/4 & 9/5 to discuss next steps in post-secondary planning. This will include how to request a transcripts, letters of recommendation, and the college application process. Please delay requests for official transcripts and individual counseling meetings regarding college applications until after 9/5. We will also discuss workforce and military opportunities.
- Grandview counselors will be hosting the College Information Workshop on Monday, September 9th @ 6:00pm. Please save the date and plan to join us for a great evening (targeted for grades 11 and 12 but open to students/parents in all grades)
Register for PSAT/NMSQT on October 9, 2024
Who: Juniors and Honors Level Sophomores
What: Optional PSAT/NMSQT Exam
When: Wednesday, October 9th, 2024
Where: Grandview High School
Why: To practice for (10th) or take (11th) the PSAT exam that can qualify students for National
Merit status
Cost: $25
Register and pay for the exam through RevTrak on Grandview's website. The deadline to register and pay is Wednesday, September 25th.
Night School Registration is Open!
Endeavor Night School Registration is open August 14th through August 28th at 4:00pm. If your child failed a core class last year, he or she may be eligible to take a night school course to retrieve credit this semester. Night School offers an excellent opportunity for credit retrieval for a small fee of $50 (refundable upon class completion).
Registration and payment must be completed by August 28th at 4:00pm. Ask your counselor for more information and see the attached flyers below.