Rolling Prairie Elementary
August Family Newsletter
We have three options for arrival each day. Students are able to arrive by being a walker, car rider or bus rider. The doors open at 8:20am for students to enter the building. Students have the choice of going to breakfast in the cafeteria or wait in the gym. At 8:30am, students are released to their homeroom classes from the cafeteria or gym. The tardy bell rings at 8:40am and morning announcements start shortly after.
Families are not to drop your child off prior to 8:20am as there is no student supervision outside the school. Thank you for your understanding as we safely and efficiently get students into the building.
Walkers (and bike riders) are gathered in the library at 2:55pm. Students are then released at 3:08pm to Door 13 on the left side of the building. Families that park and pick your child up, we ask that you wait for your child on the far left side of the parking lot after the second crosswalk. This helps us free up releasing bus riders.
Car Riders
Our staff will begin collecting names at 2:50pm. Car Riders are released to the gym at 3:05pm. Then as the bell rings at 3:10pm, the first wave of Car Riders are released to their vehicles. All cars are loaded before the first wave of cars are released. Once the second wave of cars are situated and student names are collected, the next wave of students are released to their vehicles.
*When buses are being released, the Car Rider line will pause to allow buses to go before resuming.
Bus Riders
Bus Riders are released to walk with their homeroom teacher when the bell rings at 3:10pm. Teachers will walk their class to the line of buses and match students up with their correct bus. Kindergarten and 5th grade are released first, then 1st & 4th, and finally 2nd & 3rd. Buses are identified by animals to help students get on the correct bus as bus numbers sometimes change. Once all students are loaded, buses are released by 3:20pm.
*Any bus that is late to arrive, students will wait with the teaching staff until the bus arrives.
Late Start Fridays
Each Friday our staff are fortunate to learn alongside one another in a district-wide time. This means that school starts 45-minutes later than our normal time. Below are times to be aware of:
8:20am - Doors open for students to either go to breakfast or the gym to wait.
9:05am - Arrival bell for students to arrive now 45-minutes later on Fridays only.
9:15am - Students are released to their homeroom classrooms.
9:25am - Tardy bell for students to be in class and morning announcements start shortly after.
Student Handbook
Questions regarding to policies and practices of all students at New Prairie United School Corporation can be found clicking the button below.
Students are encouraged to arrive at school by 8:40am (9:25am on Fridays) each day. If a student is not coming to school, the school needs to be informed by the family by 9:45am every day the child is absent. An automated call will go out if the school has not been informed as we account for every child enrolled at our school daily. The key is keeping the school informed on attendance so we can partner with families.
More detailed information on attendance is found starting at the bottom of page 25 of the student handbook.
Flex Day
On Wednesday, August 28th students will NOT report to school but instead participate in planned eLearning using their student devices. Teachers will be sending home information on what your child can expect to be responsible for completing as this is still a school day. Teachers will be in the building during the school day.
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
The first PTO Meeting was held this past Thursday, August 15th at 3:30pm (CST). All of our Rolling Prairie families are encouraged to participate and get involved with our PTO as the students of our school benefit GREATLY from the work PTO does. Below are the minutes from the meeting.
- Spirit wear fundraiser has been approved.
- World Chocolates and Caramels fundraisers have been combined so that students do not have to sell an entire box of chocolates.
- First Fundraiser is Little Caesars. It begins in September.
- PTO has Scholastic dollars that they will use to fund the book machine.
- PTO Scholarship: PTO will be partnering with teacher through a committee to select students who receive this scholarship.
- Hot Rod: the Hot Rod food truck went well. They sold $700 and we made $70. Back-to-School Night went really well. Looking at having Hot Rod come to Fun Fair to supply the food instead of having food in the cafeteria.
- A sign up sheet will go out for signing up to help with the fun fair. If interested in volunteering, please reach out to Kailey Kalk, our PTO President.
- Looking at Family Express to see if they will donate donuts etc for the VIP days. Will reach out to Lewis Bakery as well.
- Wanting to find new things to do with/for the kids as well.
- Next PTO Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 19th at 5:30pm (CST) in the school library.
Breakfast & Lunch Menu
Volunteers & Visitors
The school is at its best when we are working together. Families and guests that are willing and able to give of their time is such a gift to our kids. If you are interested in partnering with teachers, PTO, or even with other events that happen at Rolling Prairie, please consider completing the background check. The application is digital and once completed, you are good for the school year.
If you have any problems or questions completing the form, please reach out to Richelle Kmak at 574-654-0266.
Upcoming Dates
8/20 - 4th Grade Frog in the Bog Parent Night at 6-7pm (CST)
8/21 - Cub Scouts Visit
8/23 - Late Start Friday
8/28 - Flex Day (eLearning for students)
8/30 - Late Start Friday
9/2 - Labor Day, No School
9/6 - Late Start Friday
9/9 - PTO Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraiser
9/13 - Late Start Friday