Schroeder Snapshots
August 23, 2024
Open House Monday, August 26
Greetings Students and Families of Schroeder Middle School,
Thank you for taking the time to read our Schroeder Snapshots newsletter, where you’ll find the latest information about your student’s experience at Schroeder Middle School.
With our first day of school, August 27, right around the corner, the Schroeder staff and I have been preparing for the return of our students. This includes a handful of updates to our building, such as fresh paint and sound panels (thank you Schroeder PTO!) in our commons area, removal of risers and new carpet/paint in our band room to make it ADA compliant, and new banners in the gym proudly displaying our school logo, values and school motto “Commit, Never Quit.” This motto was chosen by this year’s 8th grade students and reflects the resilience, grit and dedication of the Schroeder student body. Go Raiders!
Teachers have been preparing fast and furiously to welcome students into their new teams. We
are excited to introduce a number of new teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. Please help us
welcome this wonderful group of new staff to the Schroeder team!
Kayla Brisbois – 8th Grade English Language Arts – Blue Angels team
Hannah Capouch – 6th Grade Social Studies – Ravens team
Lisa Carl – 8th Grade Specialist – Phoenix team
Kennedy Hanson – 7th Grade English Language Arts – Hawks team
Melanie Hanson – 6th – 8th Orchestra
Jennifer Lutz – 6th Grade General Music and Band
Joel Millares – 6th – 8th Specialist in our Autism Program
Heidi Nordin – Social Worker
Jess Sundeen – Literacy Interventionist
We are also excited to have the following staff members step into new roles at Schroeder. These
individuals are accepting new challenges by filling these important roles at our school. We look
forward to what they will accomplish with our students this year!
Trina Connell – 7th & 8th Grade Choir
Justin Johnson – 8th Grade US History – Blue Angels
I hope to see you at our Open House from 4pm to 6pm on Monday, August 26. You will find more details on that event in the newsletter below. Enjoy your weekend!
All the best,
David Nowatzki
**First Day of School is August 27**
Open House
Parking Lot Drop Off Procedures
*Unfortunately, our parking lot is not big enough for all parents to park and wait for their child. Please follow all parking signs that are posted. Refer to the map below for drop off and pick up procedures.
*Also please do NOT park on the South side of road on 32nd Ave to drop off or pick up. It can get dangerous very quickly when children have to cross both lanes of traffic. If they need to cross 32nd Ave, they need to use the crosswalk.
Attendance Line 701-746-2334
Please enter this number into your phone so you can inform us when your student is absent or needs to leave our building during the day for an appointment. *We require a phone call or written note for all absences.*
Please be courteous to our office staff and teachers and call well in advance to the time that you are needing to pick up your student. By not doing this could result in delay of dismissing your student and interrupting a teacher in the middle of teaching a class.
8:40 - 3:30
8:00 - 4:00
DOORS OPEN: The east door (#2) opens at 7:30a.m. for morning band, orchestra, and athletic practices. Our other student entries (#1 and #17) open at 8:00 a.m., and once school begins, our front doorbell (#1) should be rung for visitor access. All doors are locked for security.
Schroeder RT or "Raider Time"
You will notice your child has "Raider Time" every morning built into his/her daily schedule. This time is dedicated toward teaching students important life skills such as how to handle peer pressure, be an "upstander" to bullying, stay organized in school, and become aware of about our "Every1Matters" program.
Teacher advisors use this time to serve as an academic counselor to their students and provide direct support to families. Don't be shy about contacting your student's RT with questions about your child's academic or school related needs.
Band and Orchestra Program
7:50 - 8:35 A.M. "Zero Hour"
6th Gr. Band - Period 3
7th Gr. Band - Zero Hour - Tue and Thur
8th Gr. Band - Zero Hour - MWF
**Do NOT bring instruments for the first day of school. The band and orchestra teacher will let the students know when to bring their instruments.
Daily Class Schedule
Zero Hour: 7:50-8:35 a.m.
Raider Time: 8:40-9:05 a.m.
Period 1 9:07-9:56 a.m.
Period 2 9:58-10:47 a.m.
Period 3 10:49-11:38 a.m.
4A/Grade 7 Lunch 11:39-12:04 p.m., Class 12:06-12:57 p.m
4B/Grade 6 Class 11:40-12:05 p.m., Lunch 12:06-12:31 p.m., Class 12:32-12:57 p.m.
4C/Grade 8 Class 11:40-12:30 p.m., Lunch 12:32-12:57 p.m.
Period 5 12:59-1:47 p.m.
Period 6 1:49-2:37 p.m.
Period 7 2:39-3:27 p.m.
RT Check in 3:28-3:30 p.m.
Bus Information
For the 2024-2025 SY, busing will once again be provided by Valley Bus. There will be no charge for busing again this year. Schroeder does not have a morning bus, just an after school route.
If you have any questions regarding busing or would like your student to ride the bus, please call Valley Bus 701-772-0601
Tardy Procedures
Students are expected to be on time and be prepared for school. If a student is late for the start of school at 8:40 a.m., then he/she must stop in the office for an admit slip.
Deek's Pizza Back To School Fundraiser
This Tuesday, Aug 27, Deek's Pizza is donating 100% of Sales to support local students!
Ways to support:
1. Place an order at the Grand Forks location
2. Buy a gift card at
3. Donate via Venmo (@deekspizza)
Concessions Stand
The Concessions stand will be open every day after school the first week of school!
The Concessions stand will also be open every day after school
for the month of September.
Cell Phone, Backpack, Food and Personal Appearance
Cell Phone Policy
In an effort to decrease distraction and increase student learning and personal connectivity, all Grand Forks Public secondary schools will restrict student cell phone use. This includes add-on devices such as ear buds, smartwatches (notifications must be turned off), and other related devices.
Middle School students who choose to bring their cell phones to school will:
- Leave their cell phones with their advisory teacher at the beginning of each school day.
- Advisory teachers will secure student phones in locked storage containers until the end of the school day when students will be dismissed in time to retrieve their devices.
- No cell phones will be allowed in classrooms, hallways, bathrooms, or locker rooms.
- Each school office will communicate a procedure for students who leave school early for appointments, competitions, family related events, etc.
Each 6-12 student will be issued a Chromebook which will provide educational access to the district’s online resources deeming cell phone access unnecessary. Each school’s office staff will happily get a message to your student during the day if necessary. Students will also be allowed to use the office phone to make important calls during the day.
Middle School Consequences
- First Offense: the phone is taken to the office and released to the student at the end of the day; parent / guardian notification. Expectations reinforced with the student.
- Second Offense: the phone is taken to the office; parent / guardian picks it up in the office. Student serves detention.
- Third Offense: the phone is taken to the office, parent/guardian picks it up. Student serves detention and their phone must be turned in to the office daily at the beginning of the day for the remainder of the semester.
Middle and high school students who do not comply or refuse to turn over their phone may be subject to additional consequences which may include but are not limited to detention, in-school suspension, and/or suspension.
Backpack Policy
In an effort to promote organization skills and increase safety in the building, students will be required to keep their backpacks in their lockers during the school day. Students will be allowed to access their locker throughout the school day to pick up and put away materials for their classes. Teachers on each team will support students’ efforts to come to each class prepared. After arriving in the morning, students should report to the commons area, library, or small gym and not access their locker until 8:30 AM.
After 8:30 AM, they will need to leave their backpacks in their lockers until the end of the school day.
Food Policy
- IF your child comes to school with a beverage, snack or food item they will need to eat it prior to coming inside of the building.
- Breakfast is available in the cafeteria from 7:40 – 8:30 a.m. No food can be taken out of the cafeteria during breakfast.
- Once your child arrives at the school they will not be allowed to leave. You are entrusting us with their safety so they are not to get dropped off at school and then walk to the local Simonson's gas station (or elsewhere).
- If you bring your child back from an appointment and you have purchased lunch for them, they will need to have eaten the food prior to coming back into the building. They can not bring their outside purchased food or drink into the cafeteria to eat lunch. Please plan accordingly so that they have time to eat the food you buy them prior to returning to school.
Personal Appearance Policy
Allowable Dress & Attire
The district recognizes that students have a right to express themselves through dress and personal appearance; however students shall not wear apparel deemed disruptive or potentially disruptive to the safe and orderly operations of our schools, nor discriminatory or disrespectful in nature. Students must wear tops, bottoms, and shoes.
· Tops and bottoms must meet while standing and tops be connected over the shoulders
· Clothing must cover undergarments and private areas, and must not be see-through
· Hoods and hats are not allowed as student faces must remain visible to staff
· Clothing and shoes must be suitable for all scheduled classroom activities including physical education, science labs, wood shop, and other activities where unique hazards exist
· Specialized courses may require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear
The Student Dress Code Policy FFH may be found on the Grand Forks Public website at
The First PTO Meeting of the Year
Monday, September 16 at 6:00pm
Schroeder Library
Enter through Door #2
There are so many ways to get involved with the PTO! Come find out how!
Save the Date-Cook's Night Out
Save the date for Schroeder's first Cook's Night Out
at Ground Round!
Monday, September 23
Beginning at 3:00 p.m.
More details to come!