5th Grade Culmination
Class of 2025!
Dear 5th Grade Parents,
This is a very exciting year for our students, filled with special activities that your child has likely been looking forward to since Kindergarten. If this is your first child graduating from Westlake Elementary, here is a summary of what is to come:
- Friday, February 7: Bizarre Bazaar Event at WLE. This is a school-wide activity run by the 5th Graders and teachers.
- Monday, June 9: 5th Grade versus WLE staff kickball event.
- Tuesday, June 10: 5th Grade picnic at Triunfo Park. This is a parent-run event.
- Wednesday, June 11: Culmination at WLE (typically at 9:30am). Parents will be asked to help decorate the afternoon prior. After the ceremony there is a short reception hosted by our 4th Grade in the MPR and then students can be dismissed with parents or stay at school.
- Thursday, June 12: Last day of school for everyone! 5th Graders do come to school this day and there is a 12:30pm dismissal for all.
Please review this message carefully, as we are sharing details that will impact you and your child throughout the year.
Thank you,
Mrs. Culpepper and the Culmination Committee Chairs
Questions? Email wle.culmination@gmail.com
Culmination Donation - $50
This Culmination Donation is not required, but we encourage donations if you’re able to participate. The funds are used to help pay for a variety of culmination expenses, including:
– T-shirts: It is tradition for each 5th Grade class to have their own t-shirt, which they wear to all of their events starting in January. We design the t-shirt and then have them printed for us.
– Triunfo Park Picnic: We use this money to pay for pizza and ice cream, as well as a photo booth!
– Culmination Décor & Materials: We purchase décor (we’re hoping to be able to afford Fat Heads!), including photos for a collage, and also fund the printing of the diplomas and ceremony programs.
Deadline to submit payment: November 1. You can submit your payment in two ways:
- Cash or check to the front office
- PFA website: https://www.westlakeelementaryschool.com/shop
Here is the google link to complete your t-shirt order:
You’ll be asked to select a t-shirt size and write out the name that should appear on the t-shirt.
This form will also ask you to provide the name that should appear on the Graduation Certificate, in the event program, and that will be read out loud during the Culmination Ceremony.
We are asking you to send 2 digital photos (JPEG or similar format) of your child – (1) a photo from Kindergarten (or around this time period) and a (2) current photo. These will be used for a collage that will be on display during the Culmination Reception. Individual pictures are preferred, no group or family photos please.
Please email an electronic version of the photos to wle.culmination@gmail.com NO LATER than January 17th.