McClure Newsletter
November 1, 2024
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Dates
- Nov. 1: Late Start
- Nov. 5: PTO 5:30-6:30
- Nov. 11: Veteran's Day Assembly, 2:30pm
- Nov. 13: Picture Retake Day
- Nov 14: PTO Sk8- Away Night 6-8pm
- Nov. 21: Papa John's Night
- Nov. 25-29: No School, Thanksgiving Break
- Nov. 29: Playground Open, 4-7pm
- Dec. 3: PTO Meeting, time TBD
- Dec. 10th 2nd Grade Music Program 6pm
- Dec. 10th 5th Grade Music Program 7pm
- Dec. 20th: Last day of 2nd quarter
- Dec. 20th: Winter Parties, 2:30pm
- Jan. 14th: Kinder Kollege, 5:30-6:30 pm
- April 1st: Kinder Kollege, 5:30-6:30 pm
Parent Engagement Survey
Viewing Report Cards on Synergy
Viewing Grade Cards:
Parents can view their student's report card in Synergy Parent Vue starting on Oct. 24th. On this date, an icon will appear on the left-hand side that says 'Report Cards'. You will click this to view the report card. Report cards will not be printed.
Thank you to everyone that participated in our Read-A-Thon. We raised $3,505 and read for 39,472 minutes!
Congratulations to our top classes for amount raised and minutes read. Ms. Harris's 4th grade class raised $455 and Ms. Manning's 3rd grade class read for 8,326 minutes.
Veteran's Day Assembly
We will be honoring veterans through a digital presentation. If you would like, complete the Google form form for any veteran by visiting the link below by Friday, Nov. 8th.
Staff Shout-out
Help us recognize our amazing staff by giving them a shout-out below!
Eagle Store Wishlist
Our Eagle Store has kicked off and went extremely well! After the first round, we asked students what they would like to see in the store (on top of experiences). We have created an Amazon Wishlist to help support buying some of these items. These items go directly to students, as they purchase them with tickets they earn for following school expectations. Please check out the link below! Thank you for your continued support!
Eagle Store Volunteer Form
We are looking for volunteers on various Friday afternoons to help support our Eagle Store. This is a great opportunity to see the excitement from students and being able to buy items and experiences!
If you are able to volunteer, please select a date and a time slot. If you can volunteer for multiple time slots, you will need to sign up for each slot individually.
Thank you for your time and donations- we are so excited about our Eagle Store, as this reinforces positive behavior, and is something our students love!
Please use the link for the SignUp Genius below.
PTO Corner
We will attach monthly minutes and agendas, along with pertinent information for PTO! Please join us for our monthly meetings.
Q: What is PTO and who is on it?
A: The McClure Elementary School Parent-Teacher Organization is a volunteer group made up of parents, teachers, and staff who work together to support the school community. All parents, teachers, and staff are automatically members of the PTO, and there is no membership fee to have your voice heard!
Q: What does the PTO accomplish?
A: The goal is to enhance the educational experience of students by providing additional resources and opportunities, as well as to foster a sense of community and collaboration among parents, teachers, and school administrators.
Q: How does the PTO accomplish this?
A: The PTO accomplishes its goals by holding regular meetings to discuss school-related issues and plan events, such as fundraisers, guest speakers, and social gatherings. These events not only raise funds for the school, but also provide opportunities for parents, teachers, and students to come together and build a sense of community. The PTO also works closely with the school administration to identify areas where additional support is needed and to ensure that the organization's efforts are aligned with the school's overall goals. Additionally, the PTO may also provide resources and support for teachers, such as classroom supplies, professional development opportunities, and recognition for outstanding work.
Q: Why attend PTO meetings?
A: Overall, joining the PTO is a great way to get involved, make a positive impact, meet new people, and support your child's education.
- Get involved in your child's education: Joining the PTO allows you to stay informed about what's happening at your child's school and to have a voice in decisions that impact your child's education.
- Make a positive impact: The PTO provides opportunities to make a positive impact on the school community by volunteering your time, talents, and resources to support school initiatives and events.
- Meet new people: Joining the PTO is a great way to meet other parents, teachers, and staff at the school and build a sense of community.
- Support the school: PTOs raise funds to support school initiatives, such as purchasing classroom equipment, supporting extracurricular activities, and providing professional development opportunities for teachers.
- Have fun: PTO events, such as school carnivals, movie nights, and family fun days, provide opportunities for parents and students to come together and have fun.
Join us for the next PTO meeting on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 5:30pm in the Library!
PTO Agenda and Minutes
Our PTO is asking family members to share recommendations on specific items to fundraise as a PTO. Please fill out this use of funds form.
PTO Calendar of Events
Grade Level Newsletters
Each month, grade levels will share their newsletters. Please click on the respective links to read!
November Lunch Menu
Mental Health Minute- Monthly Newsletter
Each month, our Mental Health Team will be sharing a newsletter. Please read this edition!
Attendance Matters
Please review these Back-to-School attendance tips! Our goal is to have at least 95% of our students attending daily. Last year, McClure's chronically absent rate was 24%, which was the largest in 4 years. This means that 75 students missed more than 18 days. Please review these tips to help get children to school.
During the month of AUGUST we had 95.2% of students attending daily.
During the month of SEPTEMBER, we had 93.4% of students attending daily.
During the month of OCTOBER, we had 93% of students attending daily.
Attendance Policy
It is important that your child attend school each day to have a consistent educational program. Of course, illness or other family emergencies can cause absences. If your child will be absent please let us know by contacting the office at 785-438-4340.
The Topeka Public School Procedures are as follows:
Absences are excused for student illness or family emergencies. If your child is going to be absent, you should call the office before 9:30 a.m. It is each parent’s responsibility to be sure the office has been notified of the reason for absence. Advanced notice is appreciated.
A phone call attempt will be made on every child that does not arrive at school by 9:30am.
After 2 days of unexcused absences, staff will conduct a home visit or make other direct contact with child’s family, determine what assistance is needed to remedy the problem.
Unexcused absences can result in a truancy report being filed.
- Excessive absences, whether excused or unexcused, can cause academic problems for a student. More than 10 absences will be considered “excessive” absences. When a student obtains more than 10 excused absences, a doctor’s note will be required to excuse any additional absences.
- Although Kansas law does not require students to be in school prior to the age of 7, ANY child enrolled in public school does fall into the state truancy policies. Truancy reports will be made to the district truancy officer for any student with excessive absences and/or tardies.
Snack Request
We are looking for snack donations, if you are able to donate snacks, please send them with your child to bring to the office. Thank you for helping support our students!
High Five Friday!
Character Strong Focus of the Month
We are thankful for you being part of our school community!
We are excited to tell you that we will be using a program called Character Strong this year to help social-emotional learning. Our goal is to do everything we can to help students be successful in school and life. Each month, we will focus on a different character trait. For the month of November, we are focusing on "Gratitude."
Please read the following family newsletter below!
My School Bucks
This year, Topeka Public Schools will be using My School Bucks (MSB) as a way for parents to track and pay student fines, fees and other costs online. To access My School Bucks, Parents will need to log into ParentVue to create a 'secure' login. Once your secure login has been created, you will login to My School Bucks to access your account. From the Home page in Synergy ParentVue, click on My School Bucks.
All families need to log into ParentVue (the same app or website you used to register your student) and connect to MySchoolBucks. Directions are below with pictures to help with the process.
We are excited to use MySchoolBucks because it allows you to submit payments electronically for convenience!
Please see the flyer below with directions on how to access My School Bucks.
McClure Family Handbook 2024-2025
This handbook includes important information about McClure including our mission and vision, attendance, behavior expectations, policies and procedures.
Please take time to review this handbook. If you have any questions, please let us know.
2024-2025 Calendars
The District's Academic Calendar provides a quick-glance overview of important dates for parents to be aware of. This calendar includes days school is not in session, parent-teacher conferences, and start and end dates for the 2024-2025 school year.
The McClure school calendar is posted on our school website. Click here to view.
Community Events & Information
Campus Care Clinic
The Campus Care Clinic located at Topeka High School and is open to all USD 501 staff, students, and their household family members. Below is a video created by the THS Broadcasting Department. Click here for the Clinic Flyer with additional information.
Topeka High School 800 SW 10th St., Room 101 Topeka, KS 66612
Contact Us:
THSCampusCare@KUMC.edu 785-295-3256
Link to clinic video: Campus Care Clinic (updated)
Dillon's Shopper Card
Do you have a Dillon's Shopper Card? Help our school as you shop for groceries. When using your Dillons card, designate McClure Elementary as your community rewards benefactor and your donations will go to directly support our school. Sign in to your Dillon’s account or create an account to enroll. Once signed in, you can enroll or update your Community Rewards under your account settings.
McClure Elementary
Email: cartzer@tps501.org
Website: https://mcclure.topekapublicschools.net/
Location: 2529 Southwest Chelsea Drive, Topeka, KS, USA
Phone: 785.438.4340
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TPS501McClure