The Cub Corner
January 27, 2023
Mrs. Lori Massey
Mrs. Stacy Murphy
A Message from the Principals
Hello Millbridge Families,
We can't believe it is almost February. This school year is flying by! We had some wonderful things happening at our school recently. This week we celebrated our Respectful Cubs. Next month we are recognizing the character trait caring. Please continue to talk to your children about ways to be a caring friend.
We also had our therapy dog, Roxie visit our school. The students were very excited about her visit. We are looking forward to our February activities and celebrations as we get closer to the 100th day of school and Valentine's Day.
As always, we appreciate your support. We are one school and one community, coming together to learn. Your voice is always valued and welcome.
Educationally yours,
Mrs. Massey and Mrs. Murphy
Preschool Lottery
Please click to view the flyer in Portuguese or Turkish.
Therapy Dog and Handler
Roxie, the Therapy Dog, will be visiting Millbridge every Thursday beginning Feb. 2nd. There will be a rotating schedule for teachers to bring their students to visit with Roxy in a designated room. Any parent that has declined participating in the program, those students will not be visiting Roxy.
Delran Elementary PTO Skate Party - February 16th
Spring Conferences
Student Absences
Please be advised that according to our board policy, students need a doctor's note for an absence to be excused. Below you will find the exceptions which can also be found in our board policy.
Exceptions will be made for excused absences which include: (1) illness as certified by a physician within five days; (2) student’s required attendance in court inclusive of documentation; (3) excused religious observances; (4) Take Your Child to Work day; and (5) necessary and unavoidable medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled at a time other than the school day. Absences due to vacation are unexcused and are discouraged.
Snack at School
Important Information: Breakfast and Lunch
Each year, we have countless items ranging from winter coats to backpacks that are lost. We strongly encourage parents to LABEL EVERYTHING with your child’s name, teacher and bus letter. Lost and found items are kept in the gym and put out periodically throughout the year.
Become an Observer in Canvas
If you have not already done so, please be sure to become an observer for your child(ren) in Canvas. The information below is from the district's webpage and will help you become a co-observer. If you have multiple children, you will be able to see everything for them in one place. Teachers will be providing a weekly overview for parents and notes for the week in Canvas.
To enable co-enrollment (observer) in Canvas K-12 your student will need to generate a pairing code and you will need to link the account. A parent may pair (link) to multiple children in the same parent (observer) account.
You will need to set up the pairing through a web browser like Chrome.You cannot enable pairing or observing through the parent app.
Co-enrollment means you can view grades, upcoming assignments and due dates, missing work, and teacher communication.
Teachers can send individual, group, and course-wide messages to students and parents.
Once you're co-enrolled, you'll want to set-up your notification preferences. Click here for instructions on setting up your notification preferences.
Watch the following video by our tech staff for more information.
Dates to Know
February 16 - Single Session, PM Preschool
February 20 - Presidents' Day - No School
Delran Education Foundation
Parent Resources
Contact Information
Location: 282 Conrow Road, Delran, NJ, United States
Phone: (856) 461-2900