Tierra Bonita Tribune
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Tierra Bonita Tribune - Volume 1, Issue 6 - September 13, 2024
Next week kicks off 'Start with Hello' week. Our Counseling Team will be out at recesses with fun activities each day to promote positive social relationships and building friend groups. See below for more details. On Tuesday, our students get to experience visiting Visual and Performing Arts rotations again! Then, on Wednesday our 1st Grade families are invited to have lunch with their students. In the evening, our PTA is holding their first association meeting of the year at 7:00PM via Zoom. Come learn about all the fun planned for this year.
Lastly, this week marked the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on our country. Principal Friedenberg marked the occasion with a morning announcement encouraging students to honor the solemn occasion by standing a little straighter when saying the pledge, and to keep in mind the lives that were lost or injured in the tragedy, those who gave their lives defending the cause of freedom in Afghanistan and Iraq, and those around the world currently fighting to preserve freedom in their own countries. The announcement ended with the quote by Thomas Jefferson, "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." We at Tierra Bonita honor and salute those who have or are currently serving in our Armed Forces, Fire & Rescue, and Law Enforcement. Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
'Start with Hello' Week
Start With Hello Week is coming up next week, and it's the perfect opportunity to foster connection and inclusivity in our communities! Start with Hello initiative is based in the Sandy Hook Promise. It is a non-profit organization founded by family members who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on December 14, 2012. Next week will be dedicated to encouraging students to create a culture of inclusion and connectedness within their schools.
School Site Council Elections Next Week
We now have a full slate of parents interested in serving on School Site Council. Please take a moment to fill out the ballot by September 18th. This is the essential final step before we can begin. You'll find the ballot linked here: 2024 School Site Council Ballot.
Bubble Run 2024!
We’re bursting with excitement! This year's Tierra Bonita jog-a-thon in support of the Tierra Bonita Educational Foundation is a BUBBLE Fun Run on the morning of Thursday, September 26. Students will run through millions of bubbles to raise funds for our school’s foundation to support Science, Technology, Art, Reading and wellnesS (STARS) programs. Music will be pumping and their hearts will be racing as they enjoy time with their classmates for a great cause.
1. Simply use the below link and enter your child’s first name to find your student’s individual online pledge page:
2. You do not need to log in or change anything.
3. Donate and share your student’s page with family and friends, near and far! No amount is too small! We are aiming for 100% participation! Get started today! Right now we are at 25% participation. Let's get to 33% by Monday! Remember, every student who participates with even a single donation is entered into a raffle to win Mr. Friedenberg's parking spot for their family for a whole week!
Every child will get a printed Race Shirt and your business logo can be on those shirts! It's an easy and valuable way to earn money and get recognized in our community!
Click here to learn more about sponsorship opportunities or email Tbjogathon@gmail.com for more information.
IMPORTANT: All students MUST have a completed a waiver by Wednesday, September 18 in order to participate in the Bubble Fun Run. Please read and fill out one waiver per student using this link: Bubble Fun Run Waiver
Have you signed up to become a PTA member yet this year? If not, please consider joining today! There are 4 meetings held each year, with the first one scheduled for Wednesday, September 18th at 7PM via Zoom.
Membership is only $10. Please join by clicking: Tierra Bonita Elementary PTA (jointotem.com)
If you have any questions, please reach out to VP of Membership, Carrie McClellan, at tbpta.membership@gmail.com
Come Join the Boo Crew!
Boogie Bash is one of the highlights of Tierra Bonita’s social calendar, and this year it will be held on Saturday, October 26th!
We are looking for volunteers to join the Boo Crew to help make this year's Boogie Bash a fun and successful event for our school community!
Open opportunities include:
Dance party coordinator
Donations Coordinator
Entrance Decor
Sponsor Coordination
Day of Set-up Lead
Clean up Lead
PTA Food (co-chair)
Classroom Pumpkins (co-chair)
Kick-off meeting will be held on Monday, September 23rd at 6:30pm via Zoom.
Please contact us at tbesboogiebash@gmail.com for more information or to be added to the kick-off meeting.
Yours spookily,
Mary Dwyer & Denyse Griffith
(Boogie Bash Co-Chairs)
Updated Volunteering Information
We are thrilled with the level of support and interest from our families willing and able to help out as volunteers! THANK YOU! Please see the following updates regarding the process:
- Please connect with the classroom teacher to inquire about volunteering. As of right now, we are waiting for teachers to determine their field trips and chaperones.
- Teachers will submit a Volunteer Request Form to the office after they have chosen their classroom volunteers that will be assisting in the classroom on a regular and ongoing basis and/or to chaperone on a field trip(s).
- The office will contact the prospective volunteer to come into the office to complete volunteer paperwork.
- Please be prepared to provide the following items to the office:
1. Proof of Identification/Driver’s License
2. Current TB test (once every four years)
The clearance time may be lengthy, so please be patient. The office will notify you when you are cleared to start working in the classroom.
Classroom Contact Info Request
Welcome back! The Classroom Contact Info Request was sent home in the PTA Back to School envelopes however you may also click the link. Please provide contact information if you would like to receive important emails from your class Room Parent for classroom activities, volunteer opportunities, PTA events, and Foundation events. The information you provide will only be shared with your teacher and their Room Parent(s). If you do not provide your contact information, you will NOT receive important Room Parent communications. Please email tbesroomparentcoordinator@gmail.com with any questions. Thank you in advance!
Monica Aminpour & Beth Jubenville
Book Fair Coming Soon! October 7th-11th
If you are interested in volunteering, sign up here:
Come sing with us! Chorus is a no-cost, PTA-sponsored program open to all students in grades 2 through 5. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday after school starting September 24th to be part of Tierra Bonita's terrific Chorus!
Practice Schedule:
Tuesdays from 2:05pm – 2:55pm
Thursdays from 12:30pm – 1:30pm
Chorus will run from Tuesday September 24th - Thursday December 12th. We'll perform a school assembly the morning of Tuesday, December 10th and a concert the evening of Wednesday, December 11th. We also get to sing to welcome Santa at Christmas in the Park at Old Poway Park on Dec 13th or 14th (optional). Check out the sign up link for more information. Sign up here by September 20th: https://forms.gle/i1ia6nMhpXkTwUTz9
The National PTA Reflections program encourages students of all ages to unleash creative talents, be inspired, express themselves imaginatively with artwork, experience the fun and joy of making art, tap into critical-thinking skills, and receive positive recognition for their original works of art.
For the 2024-2025 school year, the Reflections theme is “Accepting Imperfection”
All Tierra Bonita students are invited to participate and submit original artwork in one of the six areas: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, or Visual Arts. Entry forms will be sent home with students this week. You may send in your child’s completed entry to their teacher, or you may submit it electronically at this link: TBES Reflections 2024-25 Online Entry. Please review the rules and instructions carefully before submitting.
The deadline for entries is Friday, September 27th, 2024.
Thank you for encouraging your child to participate! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions not covered by the entry form or the category rules.
Leslie Fisher
PTA Reflections Chair
Birthday Shout-Outs are back!
Celebrate your child’s birthday for the whole school week on our digital marquee! For a $25 suggested donation, we will display a birthday shoutout starting on the Friday before the birthday week. Requests must be received a week in advance of the display week. Order your child’s birthday shout out on Cheddar Up.
Join us for this month's TBEF Family dine-out on Tuesday, September 17 at Round Table in Poway. 20% of all food and beverage sales will go to TBEF when you mention TBES.
Mark your calendar and let’s eat for funds!
Highlights from the Week
Starting the Day with Smiles
Bus Safety Evacuation Demonstration
Student Leader Gathering Consensus for Updated Bear Trap Rules
Calendar at a Glance
16 - Start with 'Hello' Week
17 - VAPA Day
17 - TBEF Dine-out at Round Table Pizza
18 - Eat Lunch with Your 1st Grader
18 - PTA Board Meeting - 6:30PM - Association Meeting - 7PM (zoom linked)
19 - Time banking - School Dismissed at 12:25PM (1st-5th grade)
26 - Time banking - School Dismissed at 12:25PM (1st-5th grade)
26 - Fun Run
27 - Friday Flag
30 - Non-Student Day - Professional Growth Day
1 - First Day of All Day Kindergarten
2 - Eat lunch with your 2nd grader
2 - TBEF Board Meeting @ 7PM
3 - Time banking - School Dismissed at 12:25PM (Kinder-5th grade)
7 - Book Fair
10 - Time banking - School Dismissed at 12:25PM (Kinder-5th grade)
16 - PTA Board Meeting @ 7PM
17 - Time banking - School Dismissed at 12:25PM (Kinder-5th grade)
24 - Time banking - School Dismissed at 12:25PM (Kinder-5th grade)
25 - Friday Flag
26 - (Saturday) BOOGIE BASH @ 5PM
31 - Time banking - School Dismissed at 12:25PM (Kinder-5th grade)
*Times/Dates for events and meetings are subject to change
School Events Calendar
Subscribe to our school events calendar today! Save yourself a trip to our school website for calendar updates and click the following link on your mobile device or computer to add a TBES Calendar. This is the main calendar for PTA, Foundation, and PUSD Board meetings; school events like the fun run, picture day, and Back to School Night; and more!
TBES School Events Calendar Invite Link (click here)
**Update** When you first load the calendar on your device, it will show all events dating back to 2009. Close your calendar app after subscribing. Then reopen it and you'll be taken to the correct date.
Resources and Information
Click the image above for a slide deck with our student-created school-wide expectations.
Volunteering at TBES
Level 1 Volunteer
- Working directly with students under the direct supervision of staff in a regular and ongoing basis. Will not be left alone with students.
- Examples: Room Parent, School Garden, Library
- Requirements: All new and returning Level 1 Volunteers must reapply with the following- Lv 1 Application, Code of Conduct, Code of Confidentiality, TB Clearance (within the last four years), Gov. issued ID.
Level 2 Volunteer
- Working in isolation with students; will have significant unsupervised contact with students. Assisting in the classroom or in other school activities on a frequent basis. Need is determined by the Principal.
- Examples: Safety Patrol Coordinator, Field Trip Chaperone (if field trip involves groups splitting off from the class without direct teacher supervision - ie Zoo, Sea World, Pumpkin Patch).
- Requirements: All Level 1 Volunteer Application requirements plus Fingerprints (DOJ/FBI). Fingerprinting costs $20. If you submitted fingerprints to PUSD for volunteering in the past, you may not need to resubmit.
For more specific information and a helpful FAQ, please download the flyer linked below.
Before School Supervision & Early Pickup
The playground will be open to students in the morning beginning at 7:35 AM. Supervision is not available before 7:35 AM. Therefore, students may not arrive at school before this time unless they are joining us for breakfast starting at 7:10 AM.
Once students arrive on campus, they may not leave unless a parent or other authorized person comes to the office to sign them out. To ensure the safety of our students, you will be required to show identification when you pick up your child.
Drop Off & Pick Up
Morning Drop-Off
To drop off your student/s please make sure and pull all the way forward in the traffic circle. This is very important to keep traffic from backing up on the street. If you are getting out of the car to drop off your child to get them out of a car seat or to assist them out of the car please park on the street. DO NOT get out of your vehicle in the traffic circle at arrival. It is also very important that you release your child from the passenger side of the vehicle and not on the driver’s side. Please make sure to arrange your child’s car seat to accommodate this safety measure.
On the first day of school, families will be allowed onto the playground and will be able to be with their child until they are picked up by their teacher at their classroom number. Grades TK-3 students may be escorted by family members to their classrooms. The side gate and front gate will be open only on the first day of school at 7:35 AM.
After the first day of school, Students must be dropped off at the front gate or at the traffic circle and will be lining up on the playground to be picked up by the teacher. Our campus is a closed campus and parents and guardians are not allowed on campus unless they are cleared school volunteers. Gates will open at 7:35 AM and will be closed at 7:45 AM. Students arriving after 7:45 am will need to go through the office to pick up a tardy slip.
Dismissal - Please see the map.
All teachers will line up students on the grassy hill between Twin Peaks Middle School and TBES to be picked up. Please give yourself plenty of time to pick up your student/s and please be patient. Dismissal can run from 10-15 minutes. The process for dismissal is the same as arrival. Please drive all the way forward to the end of the traffic circle. Please try and come as close to dismissal as possible. You will need to park if you are on the street to not hold up traffic on the street. This will prompt law enforcement to come to our campus and they may ticket drivers.
Extended Student Services (ESS)
PUSD/Tierra Bonita provides an ESS program, which is a fee-based before and after school childcare program. ESS is open from dismissal to 6:00 P.M. We do not currently offer a morning program. All students planning to participate in ESS must be registered through the PUSD ESS department. Please access the ESS webpage for enrollment instructions and fees.