Clear Creek High School Updates
November 17, 2023
November Teacher & Staff Member of the Month Nominations
Each month CCHS nominates a teacher and staff member of the month. Please use the links or QR codes below to help us acknowledge the great work that our teachers and staff do each day!
Staff Member of the Month
Click Here or scan the QR code to vote for the CCHS staff member of the month for November (ex: custodian, counselor, administrative assistant, etc.). Voting closes 11/26.
Teacher of the Month
Click Here or scan the QR code to vote for the CCHS teacher of the month for November. Voting closes 11/26
Creek Fest Sponsored by PTSA
CCHS PTSA would like to welcome the Wildcat Faculty back from Thanksgiving break with a hot lunch. Click here to review what items are needed and to make a donation. You do not need to be a PTSA member to participate.
All items need to be provided to the school on Monday Nov 27 between 7:30 and 10:30am. We do ask that items be ready to service and brought in something that will allow it to stay warm/hot if needed.
If you have any questions please contact us at or by phone at 409-457-6688.
Scan to Donate Food/Items
Scan for Monetary Donations
Counseling Center Updates
The fall AP Exam order has closed. Any student wanting to purchase a year-long or fall semester only AP exam will need to bring complete payment to the Counseling Center (exact cash or personal check made out to CCHS only). Each exam will now have an additional $40 late fee. For questions, please email Mrs. Gailey at
Class of 2024! Your next major deadline for college applications is right around the corner. Please make sure you are aware of your institutions application deadline(s). December 1, 2023, is a big one for some. Please keep in mind that Counselors and Registrars will not be available starting at 3:00 pm on Fri, November 17 through 7:00 am Mon, November 27.
23-24 Student Clubs List **updated**
Semester Exam Information
Semester Exams are December 18th-21st. The schedule is attached below and available on Canvas. Exams will not be given early. If a student is going to miss an exam, they need to make arrangements to make up the exam when we return from winter break on January 9th. Exam exemption criteria is also attached.
Reminders about Semester Exam Week:
- Buses will run @ 2:35 PM on December 18th - 20th.
- Students who choose to remain on campus for study review sessions in the afternoon MUST report to a classroom and remain there for the entire period. NO ROAMING HALLWAYS!
- Lunch served on December 18th - 20th. No lunch served on December 21st.
- Early Release – December 21st - buses will run at 11:30.
CCHS Fundraisers
Cheer Clinic
Saturday, December 9th
Off Shore Fishing Raffle
Drawing on
Dec 12, 2023
Order Deadline
Nov 28, 2023
Attendance Reminders
Here are a few reminders from our attendance office including ways that you can assist us in ensuring that your student's attendance is accurate.
- Please provide student’s full name as it appears in Skyward on all absence notes.
- Notes for students absences must be received within 3 days of the student's return to campus. They may be submitted via Parent Portal in Skyward, a handwritten note may be dropped off at the attendance office or emailed to CCHSATTENDANCE@CCISD.NET.
- Students should deliver excuse notes to the attendance office at the beginning of the day, during lunch, or after school.
- We prefer a handwritten note be provided to the attendance office at the beginning of the day if your child needs to be released from school early.
- Absence requests may be submitted via the Parent Portal in Skyward with a minimum of 2 hours advance notice.
- Handwritten notes with a copy of your driver’s license may be attached to an email and sent to CCHSATTENDANCE@CCISD.NET to request student release with a minimum of 2 hours advance notice.
- If students leave campus without checking out through the attendance office, or return and do not check in through the attendance office, absences will be unexcused.