Clackamas C-TEC
Professional Technical Education Consortium
September 2024 Newsletter
In an effort to better communicate with our CTE teachers, I will be sending you monthly emails following our Clackamas Career Technical Education Consortium steering committee meetings that occur on the second Tuesday of each month.
Consortium Goals for 2023 - 2025
Explore and advance work-based learning
Develop messaging to students and families about CTE pathways
Increase the Retention Rate of Participants (0.5cr or more) to Concentrators (2cr) from 36% to 46% in Four Years
Reduce teacher turnover
Schools, Programs, and Teachers Develop Meaningful Connections between secondary and post-secondary and with Industry Partners
Manufacturing Day
Manufacturing Day - Save the Date - October 4th
This year’s MFG Day has expanded beyond Manufacturing and the Holden Industrial Technology Center! Your student group will also find hands-on opportunities to experience the Trades at additional locations across the CCC campus. The MFG Day & Taste of the Trades event will provide your students the opportunity to:
- Engage in Hands-On Experience: Check out CCC’s state-of-the-art equipment, shops and labs at the CCC Oregon City campus.
- Explore Career Pathways: Learn about CCC's career and technical education (CTE) programs that can fast-track students into high demand, living wage jobs.
- Connect with Industry Professionals: Grab some swag and engage with industry professionals at the business/employer tabling area.
MFG Day & Taste of the Trades 2024 will also include opportunities for student groups to tour a local manufacturer or other trade-related business.
Important change: unfortunately, we are NOT able to offer free lunches to participants this year.
Clackamas Connect Career Hub
In collaboration with Clackamas Community College, Clackamas Workforce Partnership, The South-Metro STEM Hub, and C-TEC, your college & career counselors or whoever in your school helps connect students to Career-Connected Learning opportunities will have access to our new regional database - Clackamas Connect Career Hub.
This database will give access to partners in the region who desire to provide opportunities to our students, along with specific opportunities such as field trips and work-based learning, and list of industry partners willing to participate in CTE program advisory committees.
New CTE Teacher Mentor
Clackamas will have a CTE-specific mentor for new teachers this school year. I'm very excited about this, as it's been a need for our region.
Our mentor will be provided professional development through the Multnomah-Clackamas Regional Educator Network before working with new CTE teachers. Our mentor will provide 75 hours of support (30 in person/zoom) per mentee. In addition, mentees will qualify for credit from Western Oregon for completing the required hours through either ED 638 or ED805. This is optional, as they may not need this credit. However, I have contacted ODE to see if either of these courses will be able to replace one of the six classes that our new CTE teachers are required to take. I'll get back to you with their decision once it is made. Robert Christner has been selected as our mentor. Robert just retired this past school year after 30 years in public education - the last 20 as the automotive teacher at Sabin-Schellenberg Professional Technical Center.
Robert will help new teachers navigate the processes required to be successful educators. In addition, Robert knows how to develop high-functioning advisory committees, provide relevant work-based learning opportunities to students, and run a Career Technical Student Organization.
Robert will have a limited caseload of 10 teachers. We are looking for teachers in their first or second year. If you would like Robert to work with you, please let me know ASAP.
Personal Finance Education as Graduation Requirement
Starting with the class of 2027, 1/2 credit of Personal Finance Education (PFE) will be a graduation requirement. Provided that all Personal Financial Education standards are taught through the lens of careers in accordance with the requirements for a high-quality program of study, courses within an approved CTE program in the Business, Management & Administration or Finance Career Clusters may be enhanced by integrating content standards for PFE while maintaining all CTE Program of Study requirements. So for those with Business or Finance programs, Personal Finance courses that are embedded within your program will meet the graduation requirement.
Secondary Career Pathways Grant
Final grant allocations will be announced on November 15th and those with funds will begin the application process to determine how those funds will be spent. All funds will need to be spent by June 30, 2025.
Advanced College Credit (ACC) Teacher Meeting
Based on the survey results from last spring, the majority of instructors prefer the annual meeting be held via zoom.
The first hour of our meeting will be ACC updates. The second hour will be departmental specific breakout rooms with CCC faculty– a formal agenda will be sent out as we get closer to the 26th.
As a reminder, stipends will be available for attending this meeting, and attending the meeting does count as a required interaction for Dual Credit and Sponsored Dual Credit instructors per state of Oregon Dual Credit and Sponsored Dual Credit guidelines.
Questions, please email ashlee.hodgkinson@clackamas.edu
Professional Learning Community Calendar - Save the Date
ODE will be leading statewide professional learning community meetings in a variety of areas this school year. Below
10/10/24 Biotechnology PLC 3:30 - 4:30 PM PST
10/17/24 HS Cluster Meet-Up at NCHSE (HS, EMT, & Biotech) NCHSE Conference - https://healthscienceconsortium.org/conferences/ 3:00 PM MST, NCHSE Conference
10/22/24 Health Sciences PLC 3:30 - 4:30 PM PST
10/22/24 Digital Media/Productions 3:45 - 4:30 PM PST
10/30/24 Fine/Performing Arts 3:45 - 4:30 PM PST
ODE is publishing this information in a Smartsheet found at: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=b3762e3d3bbb43be8ea35e91b953ef93
Program of Study Renewal Meetings for 2024-25
The following programs will be going through renewals this year. Each program is required to renew every four years, or sooner if the program is in start-up and needs to become a full program. Please make a note of these meetings on your calendar.
- Cosmetology: April 8, 2025
- Finance/Accounting: April 15, 2025
- Health Sciences & Biomedical: April 15, 2025
- Agriculture: various dates with Reynold Gardner
This CTE Program of Study Renewal Process document will spell out what will need to go into the application for submission to ODE. Please take a look at it early so you are prepared in the spring.
Thank you for all you do for the students of Clackamas County. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have.
Best Wishes,
Bill Blevins
Mobile) 503-342-7671
Regional Coordinator of Career and Technical Education
Clackamas Education Service District
13455 SE 97th Avenue, Clackamas, OR 97015