Family Communicator
Issue 23 February 7, 2025
School News
Next week is our last full week before vacation. Our students to continue to work hard day in and day out. This month our students are focusing the character trait of Kindness. The students are working their hardest on showing this throughout their day. Students will be chosen at the end of the month and celebrated at school.
Our school is looking to host a cultural night towards to the end of April or at the beginning of May. We have included information below and a survey in case you might be interested in participating or volunteering. Please also see the responses we have received to date.
We are still seeking volunteers for our Parent Teacher Organization. We are hopeful to get parents to volunteer on helping out with different night events that we would like to host this school year. Please feel to reach out to Mr. Haines if you might be interested. He can be reached at jhaines@lowell.k12.ma.us
Upcoming Important Dates
2/14 Last Day Before Winter Vacation
2/15-2/23 Winter Vacation-No School
2/24 School Re-Opens
2/24 School Site Council Meeting 7:00 P.M
3/5 Early Release 12:50 No Afterschool Program
3/27 Parent Teacher Conferences
4/1 and 4/2 3rd Grade ELA MCAS
4/8 and 4/9 4th Grade ELA MCAS
5/2-Walkathon Rain Date
5/28 Arts Day and Evening (6:00-7:00)
6/5-Field Day
6/10-Field Day Rain Date
6/11 Fourth Grade Graduation
Washington School Cultural Night
Dear Families,
The Washington School is looking to host a Cultural Night for our students and families. The night will be held either at the end of April or beginning of May. The goal is to have students share something of cultural significance. We are looking for students to share food, clothing, books, a traditional dance, an art project, a poster or a short video about your culture. You would choose one or two things to share. We are thinking the event would be approximately an hour and a half long, from 6-7:30. We would be looking for volunteers to help plan and set up and break down the event. Should you have any interest, please complete the attached survey. We would like to thank you in advance for your consideration.
Warm Regards,
Mr. Haines
Lowell Public Schools Budget Survey
Please feel free to complete the district budget survey.
School Nurse
If your child takes any medications or has medical concerns it is important that you get in touch with our school nurse. Her name is Anna McClintick. If you have any medications to drop off they must be dropped off by an adult and cannot be sent in with your child.
After School Program
Our Afterschool Program will begin again on Monday, January 6.
No Afterschool Program on Wednesday, March 5, due to the Early Release.
No More Sign Ups are taking place at this time. The program will run until 4:40. Please be on time to pick up your children.
Operation Nourish
Merrimack Valley Food Bank's Operation Nourish has resumed. Bags of food will be available for students to take home every other Friday throughout the school year. Bags will be left at each classroom to be distributed.
Should you need assistance please reach out to our Social Worker, Krista Kubick. Her email is kkubick@lowell.k12.ma.us. and her phone number is 978-710-8853.
Attendance Matters
Some absences are unavoidable due to health problems or other circumstances. But when students miss too much school— regardless of the reason – it can cause them to fall behind academically. If your child is absent, please call the school (978-937-7635) or text our school social worker (978-710-8853) to let us know the reason for the absence.
We want your child to be successful at school! Please review the attached handout regarding attendance, and reach out to us if we can help your child maintain good attendance.
Krista Kubick, LCSW
Social Worker
Washington Elementary School
795 Wilder Street
Lowell, MA 01851
School: 978-937-7635
Cell (Voice/Text): 978-710-8853
Student Handbook 2024-2025
Special Education Newsletter
Washington School Staff
Mrs. Ames - Clerk
Cate Hugo - Literacy Specialist
Krista Kubick - Social Worker
Anna McClintick - Nurse
Jeff Haines - Principal
Special Education
Mrs. Montville
Ms. Parrington
Mr. Donovan
Allied Arts Team
Mrs. McCoy - Math
Mrs. Katz - Music
Mrs. Plunkett - English Language Learners
Mrs. Corea - English Language Learners
English Language Learners
General Information
How can I update my contact information (phone number/email/address)?
Go online to the Family Resource Webpage (https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/UpdateContactInfo) and fill out the “contact us” form. Families who don’t have access to the internet can fill out the form in person at the Family Resource Center. If an address change is related to economic factors or housing instability (family moves in with relatives, eviction, hotel/motel, fire or unsheltered, please contact the McKinney Vento Office located at the Family Resource Center in person (151 Merrimack Street), by phone (978-674-4321) or go to the webpage at https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/HomelessAssistance.
How do I update my emergency contacts?
If you were in the school last year we will send a verification sheet out. if you are new we will send home an emergency form to fill out on the first day of school.
What should I do if my child needs a Chromebook or if my child’s Chromebook needs repairs?
Families should contact their school to coordinate the issuing of a new Chromebook or to schedule repairs. After the school year begins, the district will resume its “tech tent” services and will inform families via email, text, and phone once the services resume.
How do I register my child for the new school year?
All school registrations are completed online using a computer or laptop. You can access the online application by going to https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/SchoolRegistration. If you only have a mobile device and don’t have access to a computer or laptop, you can register in person at the Family Resource Center (151 Merrimack Street). Please call the Family Resource Center if you have any questions (978-674-4321).
What should I do if I need to register my child(ren) and I don’t speak English?
The Lowell Public Schools is committed to providing translation and interpretation services for families who require assistance in a language other than English. The online registration application and website is translated in Spanish and Portuguese and can be accessed by going to https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/SchoolRegistration. For all other languages, please call Vannak Khin at (978) 328-6782 to arrange services. In-person language interpretation support for registration can be accessed by visiting the Lowell Public Schools at 151 Merrimack Street. Families can also call the Family Resource Center at (978) 674-4321 to make an appointment with a Bilingual Family Liaison.
How old does my child need to be to enroll in preschool or kindergarten?
A child must turn 4 years old on or before September 1, 2021, in order to apply for preschool and 5 by September 1 to apply for kindergarten. A family can apply for preschool by going to https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/PreschoolRegistration to fill out an online application or https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/KindergartenRegistration for kindergarten. For registration questions, please call (978) 674-4321.
How do I apply for a transfer for my child to change schools in the new year?
Per the 2021-22 School Assignment Policy, all students have the option to request one school transfer per year. Families can apply online by going to https://www.lowell.k12.ma.us/SchoolTransfer or can come to the Family Resource Center in-person to complete the application. Transfers are assigned on a space availability basis.