
Principal's Message-January 13, 2025
Happy New Year and welcome back! We are looking forward to a busy month! Please be aware of all of our upcoming events. In the front lobby, you may have noticed that we have a rack with coats in a variety of sizes. If you are in need, please feel free to take a coat for a family member. If you need a size that is not currently available, please let me know and I will see what I can do to help you find one that will meet your needs.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to see me or contact me! I am happy to help in any way I can.
In partnership,
Valerie Stewart
Here is what's buzzin'!
Upcoming Events
January 13th-80's Day-Celebrating the 80th day of school
January 15th-Home and School Pizza Lunch
January 20th-Martin Luther King Day-No School
January 22nd-Half Day-12:05 dismissal
January 22nd-Positive Solutions for Families Workshop
January 29th-Trip Around the World Day
January 31st-Head Start Nutrition Workshop
From Around the Hive
Attendance Matters!
Regular attendance is expected of all students in order to attain academic, social and emotional success. Aside from all this, we love to see your child each day! If you have received attendance/tardiness letters and need assistance, please let your child's classroom teacher know.
As a district, we are working to identify factors that effect regular school attendance and tardiness. Please complete the following attendance survey! https://forms.office.com/r/njWvghBqFZ
All parents are required to re-register their children by July 1, 2025. Each child in your family must be individually re-registered. Please use the following link to re-register your child today. If you need any assistance, please let us know and we will be happy to help.