Hosford Middle School
September 9th
Dear Families,
Welcome to our first full week of school! The weather will be cooler and wet. We do go outside for recess in the rain, so please send your child with a raincoat.
Please note that Tuesday, September 10th, students will begin school at 9:30 am instead of 9:15 am. The school buses will arrive to pick up 15 minutes later than their normal pick-up time in the morning. Dismissal time is the same, 4:00 p.m.
Thank you to our fabulous PTSA!! On last minute notice, they purchased 10 big bags of ice, and brought coolers and fans to help us navigate the heat. We ran around with carts and delivered ice to students and teachers on Thursday, and so many people were grateful. If you have time and energy to give, please consider joining our PTSA. It really does make a difference!
Thank you,
Jill Liddle, Proud Principal
What's Included This Week?
- Important Dates
- Parent Resource
- Picture Day Volunteers Needed
- Donations need for Cleveland Tenacity Rummage Sale
- Belmont Library Art Opportunity
- Chromebooks, Binders, Folders & More - Hosford Gets Organized!
- After School Activities
- Strut Your Kidney Fundraiser
- Support Group for Families, Caregivers and Advocates
- Personal Electronics - Off and Away All Day
- What happens when students report staff misconduct?
- Join the Hosford Community Loop
- ID Badges for Students
- Parent/Family To Do List
- Fall Sports
- Donations
- Bus Routes
Important Dates
September 10th 9:30 am Start Time (instead of 9:15 am)
September 17th School Pictures
September 25th Early Release for Students 1:45 pm
September 25th Back to School Night 6 pm - 8 pm
September 26th Mid-Term
October 11th No School
Parent Resource
Donate your gently used items!
Belmont Library
Chromebooks, Binders, Folders & More - Hosford Gets Organized
The Chromebook practices at Hosford have been evolving as we switch to Chromebook carts in the classroom.
Why did we move to Chromebook carts?
At the end of last year, middle school principals across the district advocated for Chromebook carts in the classroom instead of passing out them out for students to take home. Too many students lost their Chromebook, didn't charge it, lost the charger or just didn't care for the device. Our goal was to increase the number of students who have a working Chromebook during class. Hosford had about 18% of students without a working Chromebook on a daily basis because of damage or loss. At $515 dollars a Chromebook, this is a huge expense for our district, and impacts student access to curriculum materials.
Distribution of Chromebooks
Close to the start of the year, we learned that we would not be receiving a Chromebook cart for each classroom, but instead would be receiving enough carts to house the devices at a 1:1 ratio. This resulted in the shifting of our bell schedule. Chromebooks are passed out in 1st period. We took one minute from each class period to build in 7 minutes at the end of the day for students to return to their 1st period class and check their Chromebook back in.
This allows first period teachers to get a report of any issues. When students report an issue with a Chromebook, we are able to distribute a loaner Chromebook to the teacher for the student to use the next day while the other Chromebook is repaired. If Chromebooks are lost, it increases the likelihood of recovery since it has only been a short period of time and in the building. Students receive the same Chromebook each day, unless they are using a loaner due to malfunction or loss.
Practices to try and prevent loss/damage
We know that the $515 dollar fee to families is significant and want to set our students up to be successful in managing this expensive device. To help with that, we are prompting all students to put their binders and Chromebooks in the lockers before lunch. This will prevent accidental damage at recess or lunch, and prevent students from accidentally picking up the wrong binder at the end of recess or lunch.
Teacher Practices & Homework
Hosford does not assign homework. We know that students have activities and families to enjoy afterschool, so we work hard during the day. Students will have ample time to complete assignments during class. If students do not use their time wisely or need extended time as an accommodation, students make check out their Chromebook for night use. We are still determining this practice, so stay tuned.
Family Monitoring of Student Progress
In last year's family feedback survey, we heard that with Canvas and ParentVue, and varied use across the Hosford campus, that it was challenging to know where to look and how to tell if your child was on-track academically. To help families navigate where to look, we are developing a one page document with links that will be updated weekly to tell what students are working on and where to look to monitor student progress. This will be shared in next week's newsletter, so stay tuned!
The one page document described above will eliminate the need to follow your child in Canvas - except for Social Science classes. Our Social Science teachers post grades in Canvas, and post mid-term and end of quarter grades in ParentVue. If you'd like to follow your child's social science class, You will need to create a Canvas account using a student pairing code. Accounts can be created by going to https://lms.pps.net/ Please review this guide to learn more.
Binders and Folders
We heard from families and observed that students need more support organizing themselves as learners. Hosford has invested in their support by purchasing sturdy multicolored folders for each student, and 100 zipper binders for students who do not have one. Each subject area will be using the same color folder across grade levels and prompting students to use the folders for important papers. We will also do folder clean-outs during class. The zipper binders will allow students to zip up their pencils, pens, folders and Chromebooks and travel into class ready to go! The binders have not been delivered yet, but we expect them any day now. If your child needs one, we will make sure they get one.
After School Programs
Thank you to Chris Tyler for organizing After School Programming for our students. Please click the link below to review and read about how to sign up.
Strut Your Kidney Fundraiser for Kids
This is not a Hosford event, but one that is close to our Hosford community. Please consider supporting.
Off and Away All Day
Cell phones, ear buds, headphones and smart watches are off and away all day. Please talk with your child at home so they can prepare for this.
If your child has listening to music as an accommodation on a 504 plan or Individual Education Plan, we have wired headphones that they will wear to access that accommodation. If your child needs noise cancelling headphones, we will have options for this as well.
What happens when students reports staff misconduct?
I've had a few questions about what happens when students make reports regarding staff misconduct. Here is an general description of our process.
Anytime a student shares concerns regarding written, verbal or physical incidents involving staff, they are asked to complete an incident report. This incident reports asks the student to tell what happened, where, when, and to include any possible witnesses or bystanders.
An investigation begins and additional statements are collected from witnesses or bystanders, and the student's family. In some cases where witnesses are not identified, a series of questions will be developed in collaboration with our Human Resources department to ask a sampling of students.
These incident reports and interview notes are then processed with Hosford's Senior Partner in the Employee & Labor Relations department. It is sometimes determined that we need to include our Title IX Program Manager for further investigation.
We meet with the educator to share the concerns and information gathered, and conduct an interview with the educator. After all the information is gathered and processed, a determination is made as to if there will be disciplinary action or what next steps need to be taken.
Through this process, student safety is the highest priority. If you have any additional questions or thoughts, please reach out to me. I am happy to talk through.
ID Badges - Need to Wear
Students are expected to wear their school issued ID throughout the day at school. We failed at implementing this school wide last year and will begin again this year. This is a district expectation as a result of the Safety and Security Task Force that Superintendent Guerrero organized. You can read more by clicking here - Pg. 23.
Since new students will not have ID badges until after school pictures, we will have student make badges to wear in the meantime so that they can be used to the practice of wearing them.
Remind will be the PPS communication platform. You may click here to read more and download the app.
Parent/Family To Dos:
1. Complete yearly verification in ParentVue.
4. Review the FAQ's for Caregivers.
6. Review the school supplies list.
7. Prompt your child to practice a combination lock. All student will need to use their locker this year.
8. Complete Walking Field Trip Google Form.
Sports are run through your child's feeder high school. Click the green PIL Middle School Sports button above to navigate to the web page.
Fall Sports: Football, Cross Country and Volleyball (Mid August Start)