August 11, 2023
Nederland Middle-Senior High School Community,
The teachers are back and working very hard to be prepared for the students next week. We have been learning and strategizing all week and setting the course for a terrific school year.
6th and 9th Graders on Wednesday 8/16
Entering 6th graders and entering 9th graders (freshmen) will attend orientation on Wednesday, starting at 8:30 a.m. (drop-off by 8:15). All students will be starting school Thursday (a “Blue” Day: periods 1,3,5,7). The buses will be running on Wednesday..
Goals for The Year
The start of the school year is an important time. It allows all students and teachers to reestablish relationships and set new goals and expectations about the learning experiences students will have throughout the year. This year we will work to reestablish common classroom expectations related to behavior, school work and learning norms. Our primary focus this year is academic learning, belonging and engagement. It is our goal to provide exceptional student experiences and outcomes at Nederland Middle-Senior High School in 2023-24 and beyond.
Parking and Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Junior and Senior students will park in the front of the school on the left side of the parking lot facing Eldora Road (some spots will be provided on the right side). Teachers will park in the front on the right side facing the school. There is overflow parking in the back lot behind the field on the left side only.
Parent morning drop-off will take place in the main lot entrance. Cars will be directed to the left side of the driveway in front of the school. Buses will park on the right side and parents will enter the west (Eldora side entrance) and proceed to the front drive and use the left lane which will be coned off for drop-off. Pick up starts at the front west entrance and cars will be directed to the back lot by the press box. Cars will queue up single file on the right side of the back lot and students will enter cars on the right side, away from traffic.
I am looking forward to seeing our returning and new students and their families. Our partnership will be critical to the success of each student. All of the teachers and staff are wound up and raring to go. See everyone next week.
Upcoming Events
- First day for 6th and 9th Grade, August 16 @ 8:30am
- First day for grades 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, August 17 @ 8:30am
- Back to School Night, August 21 @ 5:00pm
- School Picture Day, August 24
Attention High School Students & Families:
Don't delay, register for Fall Sports today! The sooner you register, the sooner you will be on coaches email lists. Here are your next steps for registration.
HS Mountain Biking
Practice: Begins Friday, August 4, 2023
Schedule: Here is the Mountain Biking Race Schedule
Registration: Please do not register at the Nederland Athletics Website. Instead, please
register at Colorado HS Mountain Bike League with team code “Nederland”.
Fees: Please see the bottom of the Mountain Biking Race Schedule
Questions: Contact Coach Alison Powers with sports’ specific questions.
HS Cross Country
Practice: Begins Monday, August 7, 2023
Schedule: Here is is the Cross Country Race Schedule
Registration: Register at the Nederland Athletics Website. Click the “red button” and create an account if you have not already. You will fill out all forms electronically, including uploading your current sports physical (365 days old or less for the season).
Fees: Fee is $200 and must be paid prior to the first practice. Athletic fees are paid electronically at BVSD RevTrak. Fee waivers are available to those who may need financial assistance and may be requested through Athletic Assistant Janet Turnburke.
Questions: Contact Coach Gavin Coombs with sports’ specific questions.
HS Girls’ Volleyball
Practice: Begins Monday, August 7, 2023
Schedule: Here is the Girls’ Volleyball Game Schedule
Registration: Register at the Nederland Athletics Website. Click the “red button” and create an account if you have not already. You will fill out all forms electronically, including uploading your current sports physical (365 days old or less for the season).
Fees: Fee is $200 and must be paid prior to the first practice. Athletic fees are paid electronically at BVSD RevTrak. Fee waivers are available to those who may need financial assistance and may be requested through Athletic Assistant Janet Turnburke.
Questions: Contact Coach Nicole Zotti with any sports’ specific questions.
HS Boys’ Soccer
Practice: Begins Monday, August 7, 2023
Schedule: Here is the Boys’ Soccer Game Schedule
Registration: Register at the Nederland Athletics Website. Click the “red button” and create an account if you have not already. You will fill out all forms electronically, including uploading your current sports physical (365 days old or less for the season).
Fees: Fee is $200 and must be paid prior to the first practice. Athletic fees are paid electronically at BVSD RevTrak. Fee waivers are available to those who may need financial assistance and may be requested through Athletic Assistant Janet Turnburke.
Questions: Contact Coach Alberto Gonzalez with sports’ specific questions.
If you have sports’ specific questions, please contact the Coach for that sport. If you have questions about fees or registration, please contact Athletic Assistant Janet Turnburke. Thank you for your continued involvement in Nederland Athletics. We’re looking forward to a great year!
Welcome back Panther family! We are so excited to welcome you next week. The team is working hard to be ready to go on the first day. You should hear about special events for 6th grade and 9th grade, occurring on Wednesday. All students return on Thursday. It’s going to be a great year as we will turn our focus to learning about learning styles, and ways that we can stay organized and focused.
Schedules are posted to Infinite Campus. Click here for instructions to get to the IC portal. If you have questions about your schedule, email Ms. Jill. If you need an appointment use this link. https://calendly.com/jill-pries-school-counseling/30min
Schedule change requests must be made through the course change form.
Upcoming College Fairs:
Colleges That Change Lives College Fair: Wednesday, August 16, 7:00 - 9:00 @ Colorado Convention Center. Hear from up to 40 private liberal arts colleges. https://ctcl.org/denver-august-2023/
Monarch High School, Superior. Wednesday October 04, 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Public and Private Colleges. Monarch hosts an in-person college fair offering contacts with out-of-state college representatives. More information here: https://www.strivescan.com/greaterdenver/
NACAC College Fair (National Association for College Admissions) Denver Coliseum Colorado Convention Center Sunday November 5, 1:00 - 4:00 https://www.nacacattend.org/23Denver
Faith Based Private Colleges: FCHS Arvada. Wednesday, September 20, 6:00 - 8:00 FCHS hosts an in-person college fair for faith based universities. Students should preregister if interested in attending: https://gotocollegefairs.swoogo.com/registration
Looking forward to a bright year!
------ NMSHS SCHOOL NEWS ------
💡 Reminders
Parking Procedures - Student Drop-off/Pick-up Before and After School
Our student parking for Juniors and Seniors is in the front of the school in the parking spaces facing Eldora Rd.; our staff parking is in the spaces facing the school. There is overflow parking behind the field on the left side only for students and staff.
Morning drop off is in the left lane of the drive through in front of the school. The right lane is reserved for buses only, until after the buses have left around 8:20 am. Drop off works best when students quickly exit the vehicle and parents continue to drive through to the exit.
Afternoon pick up: If you arrive to pick up your student after school before buses depart around 3:55pm, please pull straight through the west side drive to the back parking lot behind the field and pull into the right hand lane. You can wait for your student to meet you there.
Students being picked up by a parent/guardian in the back parking lot, may exit the building through the west doors that you use to get to the soccer field. You do not need to exit through the front door.
After all the buses have departed around 3:55, you may pick up your student in the circle drive in front of the school. Please do not use either lane of this drive until after 3:55 or the buses are gone.
We will have school personnel stationed in the back parking lot to ensure student safety.
Please always use caution in the school parking lots. Students - do not cross in front of buses or cars except in crosswalks. Parents and student drivers - watch for students at all times, especially when backing out of parking spaces.
----- AROUND THE SCHOOL ------
Welcome New Teachers and Staff!
Dusty Newberg - High School Social Studies
- I've been teaching for 18 years.
- I have a Social Studies background with degrees in Criminal Justice, Sociology, and Law.
- I live in mid-Gilpin with my husband and the youngest of our two boys (ages 20 and 27).
- I've always loved reading, writing, and learning.
- I love to travel and spend time outside.
- I'm obsessed with downhill skiing and spend all of my free time doing that in the winter. In the summer, I enjoy backpacking, glamping, hiking, mountain biking, paddle boarding, summiting 14ers, and so many other things.
I can't wait to meet my students, and I'm looking forward to a great year!
Judie Sievers - Middle School Social Studies/Art
- Grew up in rural Ohio and graduated from Kent State University
- Biking, skiing, and camping with my family is my happy place
- Served in Moldova and China in the Peace Corps
- Am excited to begin a new chapter in Ned with my son as he starts Kindergarten at Nederland Elementary this year
Kristy Campbell - High School Science
- I was born in Virginia and moved to Colorado in 2000. I have family in Virginia and Tennessee.
- I joined the Peace Corps and taught science in West Africa from 2007-2009.
- I have taught science (biology, physical science, environmental science) at Fairview High School in Boulder for the past 14 years.
- I am passionate about sustainability and have tried my hand in many sustainability projects including dairy goats, aquaponics, gardening, and more.
- I love music and spend most of my free time with friends that also love music, sometimes playing music, but often attending live shows and festivals.
- I live in Coal Creek Canyon and love my community there.
Alana Bremers - Middle School Math
- Top graduate in an intensive master's program for education from UNC
- Educational research at CU Boulder (5 years) and Johns Hopkins (2 years)
- 6 years teaching foreign language acquisition
- Spent 7 years as an Eldora ski coach and children’s specialist
- Substitute teacher at NES and NMSHS, building positive relationships within the local school system
- Passionate about reading, skiing, canoeing, hiking, my dogs and most of all my family
Mac Dvorak - Mental Health Advocate/Wellness Room
Graduated from Hampshire College in 2019 with a B.A. in Critical Youth Studies
Held a variety of jobs focused on supporting youth including:
Coordinating and facilitating SEL programs for 65 K-12 schools during the height of the pandemic
Received $80k from Clif Bar to develop outdoor education curriculum for eating disorder prevention, positive body image and self-esteem for girls
Instructing 5-21 day backpacking and canoepacking trips with Outward Bound for middle/high school students in Philadelphia public school system
Program coordinator for ATOD use prevention organization, focused on grades 5-12
Therapeutic Support Specialist in residential and outpatient mental health treatment centers for clients ages 12-18
My specialties include working with LGBTQ+ students, trauma response, experiential education and incorporating youth voice in systems and programs that impact them
My hobbies include anything outdoors, crafts of all sorts, nerdy board games and podcasts, and training my cat (yes, cat!)
Welcome back teachers!
Teachers study too 👩🏫
Teachers are back in the building and getting ready to start the new school year!
------ COMMUNITY ------
Teens, Inc.
Nederland Community Library
----- BVSD News -----
Yes, school meals are now free! Other important cost savings available for families who qualify and complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Thanks to Colorado voters, school meals will be free for all BVSD students beginning in the 2023-24 school year.
Even though lunch is now free, it is still very important that families complete the free and reduced meal application, as it waives and reduces fees district-wide for families, can impact transportation for some families, and impacts important funding for individual schools.
It also qualifies families for a 50% reduction in Lifelong Learning tuition, and waived tuition for BVSD Online classes (excluding the $50 registration fee). Child Care families will continue to apply for financial assistance through the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP).
Visit the Free and Reduced Price Meals webpage for information on applying for free or reduced meals or contact your school directly.
Families are also encouraged to visit the BVSD Help Center August 10-12 and 14-15 for assistance with free and reduced lunch applications, and additional enrollment support. Read more at BVSD.org.
Join NMSHS's carpool network
Are you interested in having your children carpool, walk, bike, or ride the RTD bus to and from school with students from other families in your school? Now is the time to join your school’s secure SchoolPool network.
WayToGo - SchoolPool, which is a program of the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), is once again providing BVSD with its own Transportation Network. It’s free and there is no obligation to participate. Instructions on how to register for SchoolPool are listed below.
Click on your school’s link to get started: Nederland Middle and High School https://mywaytogo.org/s/mtnpantherson130
Using this secure website, you can register to find and contact interested families from your school. You can register with your home address or with a nearby intersection. WayToGo’s primary goal is to reduce traffic congestion and pollution, so rest assured your information will only be shared with other families at your school who have signed up. It will not be shared with third parties.
For more information on SchoolPool, please click on this link or email SafeRoutes@bvsd.org.
BVSD Transportation Services
Nederland Middle Senior High School
Bell Times: 8:30 am-3:45 pm; 9:30 am-3:45 pm Wednesdays
Front Office: 720-561-4900
Attendance line: 720-561-4902
Transportation: 720-561-6241
Email: nmshs.contact@bvsd.org
Website: neh.bvsd.org
Location: 597 County Rd. 130, Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: 720-561-4900